Monthly Archives: November 2012

Clarification: Bayah vs suhba

Shaikh Mufti Muhammad Shuaibullah Khan (Allah preserve him)  said,

‘It must be very clear to all of us that bayah is not synonymous with keeping pious company (suhba) of a Shaikh.

Lot of people are under the false assumption that they are both the same. They make bayah and become content. They do not  make effort to improve their spiritual condition.

The knowledge and motivation for this effort to improve is derived from the pious company of the Shaikh. One has to ask for guidance and supplications from the Shaikh whenever faced with hardships or laziness in these spiritual efforts.

Moreover, it must be understood that the pious company of the Shaikh must be with the active intention of improving one’s spiritual condition. Without such intention mere pious company is not optimally beneficial in itself. ‘

Majlis: Islah e nafs ki zarurat, part 3, 2012-11-08

Allah’s Prophets are infallible & Friends are protected

Shaikh Shah Wasiullah Allahabadi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘It is prohibited to believe that friends (awliya) of Allah are infallible. Then why should one lose conviction in them if they err. They are not flawless (ma’soom).

They can commit sins. There are many wisdoms from Allah (even) in these actions.

However, they are protected for sure. So they do not persist in their wrong doing. They immediately repent asking forgiveness from the sinful actions.

This is what I understand from ‘being protected’. That is, there should be no persistence in doing the sinful activity and (immediate) repentance is facilitated for him so that he is saved from its consequences and adverse effects.’

Ifadaat al Wasiya ala Tarse’ al Jawaher al Makkiya, page 142


The calamity of our era!

Shaykh Mawlana Dr Hafiz Tanvir Ahmad Khan (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘The biggest calamity of our era is not to consider an evil to be evil, a sinful thing to be sinful, and impermissible (haram) activity to be impermissible.

This lowly individual remembers till today these words of Shaykh Mawlana Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi (Allah have mercy on him);

‘Alas. You will watch television, movies, and operate VCR. You are not going to abandon these activities. Moreover, you will continue all the other abominable practices.

The conditions these days have deteriorated to the extent that  it has become impossible to stop people from indulging in these activities.

Now our lamentation is that, for the sake of Allah, at least consider these things to be impermissible and sinful.

Do not boast about being involved in them. These days people take pride in them and boastfully tell others that we have television, VCR, video camera, etc.

Take heed! Consider these acts sinful.

Indulge in them with the understanding that they are sinful. Otherwise, it is feared that one may be be deprived of faith (eman).

Shamet e Aamal, page 8

Invaluable Prescription

Shaikh Dr Hafez Tanveer Ahmed Khan, a murid of Hakim al Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi and khalifa of Masih al Umma Mawlana Masihullah Khan (Allah have mercy on them) said,

‘I inform you of the recipe of alchemy (the mystical process that changes other metals to pure gold).

It is brief and only takes a few minutes.  Perform it at night before going to sleeping. Do it everyday.  By the Grace of Allah it will bring much benefit in one’s life.

Take account of all the days happenings quickly. Then,

  • Make repentance (taubah) for all sinful activities, major or minor. Ask Allah for transformation of heart (‘s priorities) as He (alone) has control over heart. Ask Allah to change these sinful habits into a life of piety as per the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunna of our Beloved Messenger Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).
  • Do acknowledge (Muhasabah) that all all good deeds performed throughout the day were due to Allah’s benevolence (taufeeq). Ask Allah for their acceptance and the ability to perform more sincere and virtuous deeds in future.
  • Be thankful to Allah (Shukr) for blessings such as faith (eman), being a member of the Ummah of Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace), family, physical health, etc..  Acknowledge not being worthy of any of these blessings and that they are solely the Allah’s benevolence. Ask Allah to continue showering blessings upon you and to make you amongst the thankful (shakireen) servants.

Tahajjud prayers

The reviver of Sunna Shaikh Mawlana Abrarul Haqq (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘The tahajjud salah in itself has the property to make an individual righteous, pious and a friend (wali) of Allah.’

‘There are some medicines that have the property of working both at preventing the disease (prophylaxis) and eradicating it (treatment). Similar is the case of tahajjud. It  eradicates the sinful deeds and nurtures the resistance for indulgence in sinful.’

Ma’arif al Abrar ra, page 238

Our main battle front!

‘These days the main battle front for our nafs is in dealings with spouse.

The closer the relationship more are the chances of blameworthy morals to be manifested in behavior and attitude.

One has to take extra-precautions to avoid this from happening.

As rule one has to suspect him/herself to be the culprit, lacking proper adab and try the best to behave.

We should never ever try to do islah of our spouse!

This is the job of their Shaikh.

We have to focus on our own islah all the time.


Appreciating the contemporary elders

Shaykh al-Hadith Qutub al-aqtab Mawlana Zakarriya Kandhelawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said,

“…there is one very important fact to which I wish to draw attention.

When the Elders passed away many people desired to see those special qualities which were part of their Shaykh (in those who succeeded them). But it is clear that all those who follow the Elders and are in their footsteps will be less gifted than the Shaykh, except in few cases, as Allah pleases.

Those people who do not see the qualities of the Elder in his successors and turn away from their Shaykh’s path of Tasawwuf, are only doing themselves great harm.

I began to see this very clearly since the time of Hazrat (Rasheed Ahmad) Gangohi (may Allah have mercy on him). During the era of the most prominent deputies of Hazrat, I saw many of their contemporaries, who were also attached to Hazrat through Bay’at.  They saw that some of the special qualities which Hazrat had were no longer present in these deputies so they did not approach these deputies for spiritual guidance. This caused me a great pain and sorrow because these deputies (khulafa) were near to Allah  and possessed ‘nisbet‘ (the perpetual, close and mutually favorable relationship with Allah). If indeed these people had become connected to one of these deputies (khalifa), they would have progressed greatly.


What is islah & how is it done?

As understood from the teachings of Hakim al-Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanavi (Allah have mercy on him) under Shaikh Mufti Taqi Usmani’s (Allah preserve him) guidance ,

Islah is the betterment or reformation or change of heart (dil badalna) in such a way that the commands of Shariah are followed both in external and internal acts of worship to the best of one’s ability. This is essentially accompanied with acknowledgment of one’s severe short comings in trying to do so.

The real islah is that of the actions of the heart (amal e batini) first and then the outwardly actions that are produced physically are rectified. It is usually not the other way around. This is as mention in the blessed Prophetic saying (hadith of qalb).

The initiating foundation stone of islah is a flash of Divine attraction (jazab) that is bestowed on the selected individual. Its outwardly reason maybe reading something touching, attending a pious individual or place, dua of parents, shaikh etc. In reality it is a kind gift (fadhal o karam) of Allah alone. Everyone of us has to beg for this fadhal e adheem ardently in his/her dua. If the individual is really blessed then he/she will try to safeguard the effects of this Divine attraction by reforming his/her (dhari o batini) actions. If he/she is careless then this will fade away and even might not return ever. Allah save us from this deprivation. Amin!

Tasawwuf provides a frame work for developing this islah. The components of Tasawwuf, like one-to-one mentor-ship, discipline, regular routine, wird, pious gathering and recommended readings all act as catalyst in this growth of islah. However, the real things needed to do the chemical reaction of islah are the firm determination and sincere effort of the salik him/herself.

Catalyst alone can not do the reaction.

Bayah is not essential for islah. It is highly discouraged to be hasty in selecting a Shaikh.

The special nights of Ramadan, Eid, the blessed days of Zil-Hajj, etc.  are ideal for asking for this fadhal e adheem of Allah.

Darul Uloom, Karachi