C. Prophet’s prayers:
Third mode of dhikr is the recitation of the Prophetic prayers (iediya-e-musnoonah) for the specific occasions. They cover all the aspects of an individual’s life from waking up, going to bathroom, coming out, wudhu, entering and leaving home, walking to mosque, in the mosque, before and after praying, greeting a friend, seeing something undesirable, sneezing, before and after conjugal relations, illness & visiting the sick, weather changes & calamities, etc., etc. There is no occasion in a Muslims life which can not be made into remembrance of Allah swt by reciting them thoughtfully at that moment.
My Sheikh dbt often says that these prayers are explicit proof of our Master’s prophethood (dalail-un-Nabowat). No ordinary man could have recited such meaningful prayers at these occasions.
In our tareeq special emphasis is laid on memorizing them and reciting them contemplating their meanings.
Hazrat Sheikh Moulana Mohammad Taqi Usmani dbt has complied them in a handbook “Radiant Prayers” (Purnoor duaiy).
Also, daily recitation of a section (hizb) of “Munajat e Maqbool” is a usual practice for all mureeds. Hakeem ul ummat Hazrat Thanvi ra rearranged Mulla Ali Qari ra’s compilation of Prophet salallaho alehey wasalam’s prayers “Hizb il A’zam” into seven approximately equal length sections as “Munajat e Maqbool”. Making it convenient to be read daily.
D. The Four Marvelous Gems:
Another form of remembrance of Allah swt is to practice the four praise-worthy acts appropriately.
Arif billah Dr. Abdul Hayy Arifi ra pointed out that any given moment in a salik’s (person traversing the path) life only four states can exist. They are;
1. Either, he is happy and content from his present situation, or
2. He is unhappy and distressed by things happening against his wishes, or
3. He is guilty of a mistake or a sin committed, or
4. He is worried about anticipated future mishaps or disasters
For each of these if he develops the habit of practicing the following, he will be in a perpetual state of remembrance.
1. For first state, he thanks Allah swt for these bounties. Bearing in mind that he did not deserved them and it was only the mercy of Allah swt to grant them. And Allah swt is capable of taking them away at any time. This is thankfulness (shukkur).
2. For the second, he is patient. He understands that Allah swt knows what’s best for him and He decides accordingly. I with my limited knowledge, insight and experience can not decide this. This is Patience (sabr).
3. For the mistake, he repents. Fulfilling the three criteria for repentance. That are, he is remorseful, he leaves the sin immediately and finally he pledges never to commit it again. This is Repentance (taubah).
4. Finally for the future worries he takes refuge in Allah swt. Asking His help and protection from such calamity. This is taking refuge (istiaza).
One who develops the routine of practicing these praise worthy actions appropriately, he is in constant contact with Allah swt.
This eventually will result in the development of ta’aluq ma’Allah/love.
Mauhabat duno alam mein yehi ja kar pukar aiy
Jesey khud yar ney chaha, uosy ko yad-e-yar aiy!