

A brother inquired about the need of ‘ijazah‘ (permission) to recite from ‘Hisn-haseen’ (a collection of Sunna azkar).

As per the teachings of sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) following reply was given.

There is some detail to this ‘ijazah’ issue.

For the azkar mentioned in Quran and hadith no specific permission is required. The mentioning of it by Allah and His messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) is enough ijazah for all to recite.

However, if a person has a Shaykh who is doing his spiritual tarbiyah then it is essential etiquette (adab) to get his permission for all recitations one is going to include in his daily routine. This brings blessings (barakah) in this recitation.

The reasons for this barakah are,
1. There may be some other higher priority things pending (like completing his many years of qaza salah, earning a halal living, etc.) and the Shaykh will redirect his focus on these essential things.
2. Breaking the habit of doing whatever comes to mind
3. Developing the Sunna habit of consultation.
4. Keeping the Shaykh informed of one’s condition. For advanced murid this calling may be a sign of spiritual progress
5. Informing the Shaykh will also enforce persistence in daily recitation. That is, after getting the permission it is extremely bad to not do it. Also Shaykh will inquire about the previous recitations if in future another similar request is made.

It is a misconception that the barakah of ‘ijazah’ is somewhat similar to a nur or an electric current that passes on from the Shaykh to whom the ijazah is given. It is assumed that without this the recitation will be invalid or less effective or even spiritually or mentally detrimental. This is incorrect.

May Allah guide us all. Amin!

(P.S. All this discussion is in regards to awrad and azkar and do not apply to a’maliyat)


1. Ijaza for masnoon azkar

2.  Ijaza for Sufi dhikr