Shaykh Abu Taleb Makki (Allah have mercy on him) said that I complied the Prophetic sayings related to major sins and found out that there are 17 mentioned explicitly. They include,
Four related to heart,
1. Associating partners with Allah (shirk)
2. Intention of persisting on a sin
3. Being hopeless of Allah’s mercy
4. Being heedless of Allah’s wrath
Four related to tongue,
1. Bearing false witness
2. Allegation of adultery on innocent
3. Swearing falsely
4. Doing magic
Three related to stomach,
1. Drinking alcoholic beverages
2. Consuming the wealth of orphans
3. Taking unlawful tax/rent for agricultural land
Two related to genitalia,
1. Illicit sexual relations
2. Homosexuality
Two related to hands,
1. Killing someone unjustly
2. Stealing
One related to feet,
1. Fleeing from the battlefield in jihad
One related to the whole body,
1. Being disobedient to the parents
May Allah save us from all of these by His mercy. Amin!
Adab e Shaykh wal murid, page 16