Time management


 – Go to sleep right after Isha salaat and wake up in tahajjud. Complete all your reading and writing tasks at that time. That has been the routine of our akaabireen.

– Never attend any gatherings after 9 pm. If there is a gathering at your place, make sure its ends before 9!

– He further said that nowadays most of the gatherings are not segregated so one can easily apologise the host beforehand for not being able to attend it. Secondly, one could very well visit earlier, give a present and politely inform the host why they needed to leave.

The biggest ‘calamity’ that has befallen the urbanites is this day and age is that they have stopped sleeping early, and the misfortune (be-barkati) this produces in one’s life, and time, is clearly evident in our messed up daily routines.’

musaafir-e dasht