Monthly Archives: November 2012

Islahi relationship

Shaikh Mawlana Abdul Hafiz khalifa of Shah Abdul Ghani Phulpuri (Allah have mercy on them) said,

‘Many people develop an islahi (self betterment & improvement) relationship (with a Shaikh). However, few of them fulfill its rights.

The right of this relationship is to consult the Shaikh in every issue and follow his recommendations. There are very few individuals that follow the recommendations (thoroughly). One has to stay away from self opinion (khud-raiy) and self conceit (khud-beini). Otherwise, instead of proximity and pleasure (of Allah) one is distanced (further away) from Him.

This is a very clear but subtle path.

Only the individual who follows the recommendations thoroughly will progress on this path.’

Malfuzaat e Hafiziya, (pdf online) page 50-1


Instruction and own islah

The reviver of Islam Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi (Allah have mercy on him) wrote to one of his deputies (khalifa),

‘Be concerned about your own affairs (that is, your relationship with Allah), so that you leaves this world safely (with eman).

In the hereafter certificate of authorization (ijazet-nama) or (increased number of) disciples will be of no help.

Indeed! While managing your own affairs if anyone comes (asking for guidance explicitly) with sincere yearning then instruct him about the path. However, do not make the instruction about the path (tariqat) your main goal and management of your own affairs subservient to this. Doing so will be an affliction and loss for you.’

Maktoob 228, quoted via Tofah-tush-Shuyuk, page 48

Signs of love of Allah

Hakim al-Umma Shaikh Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘The signs of genuine (perfect/kamil) love of Allah are,

1. Facilitation of obedience of Allah

2. Excessive remembrance of Allah

In absence of either of these two signs, the claim of loving Allah is a pretension.’

Waaz Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah preseve him)

Being attentive of Allah 2

Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmad (Allah preserve him) said,

‘Try to keep your attention towards the recitation of the dhikr you are doing. That is, focusing on what is being recited and contemplating its meanings. At the same time being aware that my Allah is watching me and listening to my recital. I am in front of Him. Keep reminding yourself about these things continuously throughout the day.

This is a lesson for all of us.
We have to repeat it and be reminded about it.

Thanks to your visit we revised it today.’

Medinah al Munawwarah, 3 Muharram 1434/17 November 2012

Controlling sight and tongue

Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmad (Allah preserve him) said,

‘Be totally silent. Develop this habit (of keeping the heart attentive towards Allah), especially here in illuminated Medinah. Remain mute, deaf and blind here. Keep your sight focused to ground. Do not look at anything except for the essential, like way towards the door of blessed mosque.

The sight and speech should not be used without an active intention. If this control is achieved one is bestowed with many blessings from Allah. Our sight and speech are irresponsibly out of control. The sight wanders here and there without any restrictions.

Be vigilant about safeguarding the sight especially in the blessed city of Medinah. This is the least that should be done here. By the evening time there should not be a single image of non-mehram in our mind. This can only be achieved if one actively lowers his gaze. If accidentally something inappropriate is seen then turn to Allah immediately, asking for protection and removal of its bad effects.’

Madinah e munawarrah, 3rd Muharram 1434/17th November 2012, after asr

Develop an attentive heart 1

Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmad (Allah preserve him) said,

‘Keep the heart attentive towards Allah all the time.

Outwardly it appears that the pious people (ahl-Allah) are just sitting idle. That is not the case at all. There is no heedlessness (gaflah) for them. They are totally engrossed in the remembrance of Allah. Although their tongue is silent but their heart is drowned in the remembrance of Allah.

In contrast we have prayer-beads (tasbih) in our hand and repetition of dhikr formulas on our tongue but our hearts is totally inattentive and drowned in heedlessness.’

Madinah e munawarrah, 3rd Muharram 1434/17th November 2012, after asr

Serve parents

Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmad (Allah preserve him) said,

‘I instruct the youth that associated with me for their islah to take special care of their parents. That is, (in addition to be being polite and obedient) they must provide extra care and service to their parent. Like massaging the parents’ legs and feet ( a common practice to sooth tired limbs in subcontinent).

Everyone is eager to massage Shaikh’s feet while they neglect providing this service to their parents. This is absurd. The Shaikh has several people to provide this service whereas your parent’s only have you or few other individuals to do this.

I repeatedly tell them that in hierarchy of Shariah rulings the rights of parents come before those of the Shaikh.

This also reassures the parents about their son’s Shaikh. (That is, they do not feel threatened of being replaced by the Shaikh.)’

Hilton Makkah al mukaramah, 1st Muharram 1434/15th November 2012, after esha.

Islamic dress

Shaikh Haji Shakeel Ahmad (Allah preserve him) had just returned from the blessed Masjid al-Haraam after performing tawaf e wida. He greeted us with a radiant smiling face. Walking independently he appeared handsome in the black kurta and showed no signs (mashaAllah) of any illness at all.

The humility, love and kindness overflowed as the audience benefited spiritually from his words.

Haji sahib said,

‘I observed that the young men who approached me for islah started wearing the simple white  kurta and khanqahi topi. They were trying to copy their Shaikh.

I questioned them about this change. Who had instructed them to do so?

Moreover, I inquired about the opinion of their wives and other household members regarding this change.

They answered that we are labeled as bhaiya (slang for resident of UP) and mawlavi.

I took them personally to a tailor and asked him to make kurta for them in styles and colors (even mix and match) in trend these days for their age group.

Personally I always preferred to wear white clothes in accordance with the Sunna. However, to reinforce the message for young men and show them practically that it is permissible, now I also wear colored kurta.

In fact, few people in Bombay joke about Haji Shakeel’s dashing kurta(s).’

Hilton Makkah al mukaramah, 1st Muharram 1434/15th November 2012, after esha.