Monthly Archives: September 2015

Acceptance of deeds: The sign

Our master Ali ibn al-Husayn (Allah be pleased with him) said,

‘If you are aware of any of your actions, that is a proof that it has not been accepted (by Allah). For that which is accepted is elevated  and hidden from you; your not noticing it is the sign of its acceptance.’

The stumbling of those aspiring, page 136

Faqr’s wrap & weft


Shaikh Abu ‘Abd al-Rehman al-Sulami (Allah ahve mercy on him) said,

Faqr: utter need, is one of the traits of servanthood (abdiyet).

In servitude there is neither arrogance nor pride, but rather humble submission and compliance.

Faqr is a fabric, the wrap of which is contentment with Allah (qana’a) and and the weft of which is humble submission (al-tawadhu).

The stumbling of those aspiring, page 129

Impermissible request


In Ramadan sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) follows the Sunna of giving financial gifts to the deserving individuals. It is like a blowing breeze. Masha-Allah. Computerized lists of recipients are made. There are separate categories for the zakat, sadaqat and hadiya. Many individuals visit or send letters requesting aid. Inqueries are made actively to acertain zakat recipients.

This Ramadan a  letter from a student was presented. He requested for a laptop. However, he made it clear that he could not be a recipient of Zakat. 

Sayyidi wa sanadi replied,

‘Please, let me know if it is permissible for you to make such a request.’

Ramadan 1436, darul uloom Karachi office