Differences of opinion within madhahib (fiqhi schools) is well established reality.
Scholars (fiqaha)have emphatically stated that that there is no proselytizing or censoring of a follower of a different fiqh for doing whatever his fiqh permits (and is impermissible or disliked in our fiqh). These are in the category of wajib and Sunna.
Moreover, differences in peripheral issues (furu) is even more common. These are all in the category of permissible.
In dealing with differences of opinion among scholars the lay individuals do not differentiate between the hierarchy of the categories involved. In addition they start assuming that the ‘other-side’ is ignorant, arrogant or morally corrupt. This is totally wrong.
The habit of forming unsubstantiated assumptions (su-e-dhan) is a spiritual illness.
We have to respect all scholars and fellow Muslims irrespective of our differences. All of them are trying their best to please Allah. They have the best intentions and are trying to the best of their capabilities. Allah will reward them all.
However, in practice we follow the pious ones we love, trust and benefit from.
For a seeker (salik) the involvement in religious polemics is spiritually devastating. It is imperative for his success on this path to consider all others to be superior to himself. And leave all that does not concern him.
May Allah give us the tawfeeq. Amin!