It is very common phenomenon these days that many of us are ravenously in search of material about Tasawwuf, both audio lectures and written information. We devour whatever we find. However, this is not accompanied by initiation or substantial increase in actions (a’amaal), both physical (zahiri) and internal morals (ikhlaq e batini).
The path to progress in Tasawwuf is performance of actions (a’amaal).
Knowledge (ilm) alone is not sufficient for salvation. Acting on the knowledge with sincerity in accordance with the Sunnah in persistent manner is required.
This is not possible practically without selecting an individual spiritual mentor. Seeking advice from him in all religious matters, trying to act on it and if there is difficulty in doing so letting him know is essential for islah.
May Allah facilitate this for us. Amin!
Medinah al munawwarah