Following is a list of most of the blameworthy morals that need to removed in islah/tazkiyah.
1. Ignorance/جھل
2. Heedlessness/ غفلت
3. Anger/غضب
4. Rancor/حقد
5. Resentful envy/حسد
6. Miserliness/بخل
7. Pride & boastfulness /فخرو افتخار
8. Arrogance/ کبر
9. Conceit/ عجب
10. Illusion/غرور
11. Ostentation/ریا
12. Love of prestige/ حب جاہ
13. Love of power/ حب ریاست
14. Love of material things/ حب مال
15. Disruption of social bonds/ قطع رحمی
16. Prying into privacy of others
17. Long hopes/طول امل
18. Greed/ حرص
19. Bad demeanor/ سُوخُلق
20. Disasters of speech/ آفات لسان: دروغ، کثرت کلام، غیبت، مزاح، نمیمہ
21. Lust/ شہوت
22. Spend-thriftiness/ اسراف
The Degrees of the Soul, p5 + Shariat wa Tariqat