Hakeemul Ummat Hazrat Moulana Shah Ashraf Ali Thanvi ra writes in Qasdus Sabil ila Mawla al-Jalil;
It is essential that individuals traversing the sulook avoid all those things that disturb the tranquility of qalb (mind/heart). This is because the serenity of qalb is a big treasure.
There are many such things. For example:
- To destroy one’s health by self negligence.
- To strife for scrumptious food unnecessarily.
- To indulge all the time in beautification of one’s body and clothes
- To be either greedy and stingy, or spendthrift
- To develop (unusually close) friendship or enmity with someone.
Tas-heel Qasdus Sabil, page 30 & 31, by Hazrat Mawlana Shah Lutufe Rasool sahib ra