Eid mubarak


Our master the Prophet (Allah’s blessing and peace be on him) said;

“On the day of eid (when people gather to offer eid prayers) Allah speaks to the Angels,

‘Have these people fulfilled the obligation (of fasting) and are now gathered for prayers?

I swear by My pride, magnificence, majesty, mercy and elevated status that

I will fulfill their prayers (and supplications).

Tell them to return, I have forgiven them all and furthermore

I have replaced their sins with virtuous deeds.’

Hence they return completely forgiven.”

(Mishkat/Bahaiqi:Hayat al-Muslimeen)

An unimaginable joy!

2 thoughts on “Eid mubarak

  1. Pingback: Eid Mubarak! « ekhlas

  2. ibrahimmorshed

    Asalamoalikum Warahmatullah

    Eid Mubarak to you ‘Abd. May Allah (SWT) Bless you for your efforts. Ameen.

    Ibrahim Morshed

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