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Muhtaj e dua
Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) said,
Ṭarīqah is part of Sharīʿah.
My Shaykh’s Shaykh Ḥakīm al-Ummah Mawlānā Ashraf ʿAlī Thānawī (d. 1362/1943) revived taṣawwuf and purified it from many innovations that had crept into it. He also prescribed an easy solution for people nowadays who are unable to undertake the sacrifices undertaken by the saints of the past. He prescribed two easy things to keep a firm relationship with Allah Almighty. The first is making abundant Shukr (gratitude) and the second is making abundant supplications.
The first half of Sūrah al-Fātiḥah indicates upon the first whilst the second half indicates upon the second. Hold on to the maʾthūr (transmitted/Sunnah) supplications and establish a firm relationship with Allah. This is an easy prescription.”
Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) said,
“The advice is that acquiring knowledge on its own is not beneficial, it must be accompanied with action. The primary purpose is to follow the Sunnah in all areas of life.
Many non-Muslim orientalists have more knowledge than many Muslims, however, their knowledge is of little benefit.
A person who wishes to act upon the knowledge should remain in the company of scholars and pious people and always have the intention to please Allah Almighty.”
Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) is asked regarding the recitation of the Qurʾān at graves, whether it should be audible or not. The Salām should be audible and the Qurʾān should be read silently, he says.
I ask Mufti Ṣāḥib regarding conveying Salām at graves on behalf of other people. He answers that this practice is established for the Prophet ﷺ, and suggests that perhaps qiyas can be done upon this for others.
Source: Seven Days in Bukhara and Samarqand
Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) explains that the reason for Imam Bukhārī’s (Allah have mercy on him) success is not his profound knowledge alone, rather his piety and abstinence are central to this. He performed at least 14,000 rakʿat Ṣalāh whilst authoring his Ṣāḥīḥ. Acceptance is from Allah Almighty. The congregation is advised to keep this third point in mind when studying the Ṣaḥīḥ.
Source: Seven Days in Bukhara and Samarkand
Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) said, “Knowledge on its own does not benefit. My father Mufti Muḥammad Shafīʿ [Allah have mercy on him, d. 1396/1976] would say, ‘if knowledge was the criterion for a person’s virtue, then Satan was the most knowledgeable, however, his knowledge did not benefit him, because he disobeyed Allah.’
Therefore, knowledge alone is not in itself the primary objective. The primary objective is the obedience of Allah and his Messengers (i.e. acting as the knowledge states).
Source: Seven Days in Bukhara and Samarqand
A student asks regarding the lack of experiencing ḥalāwat (sweetness) when reciting the Qurʾān.
Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) advises to continue with the recitation, as experiencing sweetness is in itself not an objective, the objective is to please Allah Almighty. If sweetness is experienced then it is welcome, otherwise, it should not deter a person from continuing to recite.
Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) addressed the question of tabarruk (taking blessings from the pious or things associated with them) explaining that there are two extremes in this regard. Some people reject it altogether and suggest it is shirk. This is wrong because there are several ḥadīths that affirm tabarruk. On the other hand, some people have total reliance on tabarruk and do not perform good deeds. Citing the example of the hypocrite ʿAbdullāh ibn Ubayy ibn Salūl (d. 9/631), he emphasises that tabarruk is of no benefit to he who performs no good deeds.
Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Allah have mercy on him) once mentioned:
When a person takes someone as his Shaykh or religious guide, then in order for him to benefit from the Shaykh, he will have to fulfil three essential requirements. These three requirements are among the rights which he owes to the Shaykh and should be borne in mind at all times. These requirements are:
(Malfoozaat Hakeemul Ummat 23/77)
ECCMID2019, Amsterdam, NL
A seeker inquired regarding migrating to the blessed city of Makkah from India.
Leader of the Pious, Haji Imdadullah mohajir Makki (Allah sanctify his secret) replied,
May Allah bless this intention. However, it is sad and disheartening to see the conditions of those who have migrated here. In majority of them there is significant decrease in their capabilities and religiosity ‘here’ as compared to when they were in India. This is especially so in acts of worship and remembrance of Allah. Their only concern is to earn money and reproduce.
My dear! The first migration must be from blameworthy morals to praiseworthy morals. Like reliance on Allah, being content, accepting and submitting to the decrees of Allah, etc. These are perpetual obligations. They are essential for the physical migration to be effective. Without this migration the other is not beneficial.
So in this delicate issue this lowly writer does not recommend anything, neither do I discourage you nor do I give you permission. Most appropriate thing will be to do istekhara.
Marqumat e Imdadia, p 23-4
A close seeker arranged for a dinner without prior consultation and invited Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him).
Hakim al Umma reprimanded him for acting against the principles (for inviting a guest) by doing all the arrangements without approval. Moreover, he excused himself for the following reason.
The Shaykh said,
My household situation is (now) delicate (after the second marriage). This week it is the turn to eat at my other wife’s place. So far due to travels and invitations I have not been able to eat there even once. Today I had the intention to explain this situation to her (and try to get a approval) ,however, I was afraid that this might be attributed to neglect. As I expected, before I could say something she complained that all the travelings and eating invitations happens only during her turn.
The Shaykh added, These are the ways females (usually) act. I have made a intention to listen to whatever is said (and not reply). I do not want to respond back according to rules and regulations. I desire not to break anyone’s heart or cause them anguish.
Husn Al Aziz, vol 2, p 91-2 (paraphrased)
A Darwesh said,
‘Everyday I come closer and closer to my death.’
Nukat-e-Ehsani, p20
Please, make excessive dua for the safety and well-being (with afiyet) of sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him).
Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) instructed,
‘Neither have conviction about, nor associate with a person who appears to be a Sufi but contravenes Sharia (laws). This is irrespective of his having unveiling (kashaf) or miraculous incidents (karamat).
However, do not criticize anyone without a genuine reason.’
Ta’leem ut Talib, #9, p23
Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) instructed,
‘Following the pious elders is the safest path.
Holding self-opinions (khud–raiy) is dangerous.
Hence, in outward matters it is most appropriate for a scholar to follow the Hanafi fiqh. A common person should follow a Hanafi scholar.
And in internal (batini) matters follow a perfect Shaykh. Do not do anything new worldly or religious without his permission. However, if a scholar or Sufi-Shaykh instructs explicitly contrary to Sharia then do not follow him .’
Ta’leem ut Talib, #6, p23