Category Archives: A. Reality of Tasawwuf

The nature, definition, goals and principles of Tasawwuf

Repentance: The first step!







A sincere reader wrote,

Assalam o alaikum…

My name is XYZ…. I’m a student of college… Basically I am from Town C.

I stumbled upon your site. Thanks for such an outstanding work for us. May Allah bless you and give you what you want in this life and after death.

I think I should come to the main point, Sir, I am only a Muslim by name. I do not say my prayers regularly, don’t recite Kitab ul Allah, although I’m a hafiz. But i think I forgot most of it. I cut my beard. And many things I am not able to say in front of you.

Sir! I’m very much worried about my emaan. I have been lost in this life. Totally forgot my mission in this life for which I have been sent.

Please tell me what can I do now to save my emaan?  How can i come back to a life of Muslim?How can i do what I’m suppose to do…?
Can you please tell me

The reply sent,

Respected brother Hafiz XYZ sahib

as salamu alaykum wrwb

Jazak Allah

It is great to know about you.

Your email is reflective that, masha-Allah, you have importance and azmet of Deen in your heart. May Allah increase it more with ‘afiyet. Amin!

Please, be reminded that we are all humans. Weak in determination and lazy in action. It is in our nature to slip and fall down. However, it is abnormal to slip and not stand up, rub off the dirt, clean our-self and start walking again.

Please, do the same.

At the first opportunity take a bath (ghusul0, wear clean clothes, put some perfume (‘itr) and pray two rakat of salat e tauba. After salam raise hands and make heartfelt dua.

Tell Allah swt everything.

Tell Him that the disobedient slave has returned back to Your mercy.

Please, protect me and save me from my nafs and shaytan.

I am weak.

I repent from all that has been done.

I make firm determination that I will not do it again.

But what am I and what is my determination?

Ya Allah! only Your mercy will save me from committing sins again.

O Merciful have mercy on me. I have no other place to take refuge.

Like this pour out your heart. Take your time doing this.

After this, please, try your best to follow the basics of Islam on-wards. Especially, the 5 daily prayers on time.

Insha Allah gradually other things will be included. But do not rush now.

Remember, old bad habits die with difficulty. So do not expect miracles. There will be a struggle with nafs and shaytan. You have to have determination, high spirits and faith in Allah. Please, keep in contact with this lowly writer whatever your condition is on weekly basis. Insha Allah we will travel together on this path to Allah’s pleasure.

Avoid bad company. This includes friends, internet, books and magazines, etc.

Take care.

Do not worry a lot. Allah is most merciful.

Insha Allah, you will be successful.

muhtaj e dua


(Edited for posting)

Listening to lectures & Islah: Clearing a misconception

The current technology has facilitated the sharing of information. Spiritual discourses of Shuyukh can be heard live online or saved for later use very easily.

However, islah (self betterment/reformation) does not happen just by passive listening to these lectures.

Islah requires active effort.

These lectures provide the general guidelines. Application of these in one’s daily life requires consultation with a spiritual mentor (Shaykh).

After attending a series of lectures on arrogance a seeker wrote that he for sure has arrogance and has started its treatment.  Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) replied,

‘Based on what you made this diagnosis? Write in detail the incident and behavior that made you suspicious of this.’

(Islahi khatoot)

This shows the indispensability of a Shaykh for islah. He makes the diagnosis and prescribes a treatment plan.

Moreover, individuals listen to many different Shuyukhs’ lectures. This indeed increases their information. However, it has to be acknowledged that every Shaykh has a different style in approach and application of Deen. This may sometimes appear conflicting and result in confusion.

It is for these reasons it is  recommended that a seeker of islah limits himself to the lectures of his/her Shaykh. This is especially so in the initial phase. Later he may ask for permission to listen to someone in particular.

Islah is not about having vast knowledge and information is. It is about application of the essential knowledge and information actively in our morals and daily life.

May Allah facilitate this for us. Amin!

Daily recitations: way to progress 

We have to remind ourself that consistency of daily ma’molaat (wird) is the way to spiritual progress.

Being lax in performing them usually results in deterioration. 

At any given moment there is either increase or decrease in one’s spirituality. There is no steady or stationary state that one may become content with. No just hanging around!

The pious masters of the path have said that death is better for a salik who is not progressing.

Shariah, Tariqa & Haqiqa: a similitude 

Allama Shibli Nomani (Allah have mercy on him) mentioned the following while describing the Tasawwuf practiced by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi (Allah sanctify his secret),

Studying medicine is like acquiring the Shariah. It enables an individual to know the normal and diseased.

With this knowledge an individual suspects himself to be diseased and approaches a Master (Shaykh). He makes a diagnosis and prescribes a treatment. Following this treatment regimen is Tariqa.

After successful treatment a healthy state is achieved. This is Haqiqa.

Paraphrased from Sawanih Maulana Rum rehmatullah aleh

Hocapasa, Istanbul,  Turkey

Achievement and its awareness


A seeker wrote,

As per your instruction I do not look towards the states (kaifiyat) and results (summerat) (of spiritual works being carried out). However, I desire that I achieve an iota of piety (taqwa) and a strong perpetual connection with Allah (nisbet).

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) replied,

“Do you desire these achievements or the awareness of having achieved these?

The first desire is appropriate, whereas, the latter inappropriate (for a sincere seeker).’

Islahi Khatoot

Progress: The signposts

The seeker continued,

All praise is for Allah. It is Allah’s beneficence. With your blessed company, instructions and attention I have an idea of the required standard of religiosity and awareness of Allah (taqwa) for a seeker. (Sadly) this lowly writer is devoid of an iota of it.

Allah save me from not being thankful.

Because of you the saying of Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) stays afresh in mind that (paraphrased)

We have seen real men. No cattle can fool us by claiming to be human.

I feel ashamed telling others about my relationship with you. This is because that by seeing my poor condition they may form a unbecoming opinion about you and are thus barred from benefiting from you. How insignificant am I and (all of) my opinions! Indeed, the opinion of a sick individual is also a sick- opinion.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) replied,

‘All of the above are reflective of sound understanding (of the path). Their experiential understanding and tasting is required (in this path). They, insha Allah, are signposts telling us that the path is being covered.’

Islahi Khatoot 

Morals: assessing the achievement 

A seeker wrote.

(It seems as though that) awareness of Allah (taqwa) and sincerity (ikhlas) have not brushed past me.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect him) replied,

‘If another individual said this to you would you be offended? Answer truthfully!’

In the next letter seeker wrote,

I am not sure how to answer this vividly. However, I know that if I feel offended it will proof without doubt that awareness of Allah (taqwa) and sincerity (ikhlas) have not touched me.

Sayyidi wa sanadi replied,

‘All praise is for Allah! 

I am pleased by this response. 

May Allah further increase (your) knowledge and understanding. Amin!’


Islahi Khatoot 

Sheikh’s love, reverence and spiritual congeniality 

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect him) wrote in reply to a seeker’s question,

‘The greater the spontaneous (t’abai) love and reverence of Sheikh the better and most beneficial it is. However, they are not the absolute criteria.

The logical (aqli) love and reverence plus spontaneous spiritual congeniality (munasbet) are the essential criteria (to benefit spiritually from the Sheikh).

That is, intellectually one should have firm conviction that for my reformation (islah) my Sheikh is the most appropriate.

The spontaneous spiritual congeniality (munasbet) means that instructions given by the Sheikh are usually easily accepted by mind (qalb) and thoughts of objections do not arise. Except on rare occasions.

If the logical love and reverence, and spontaneous spiritual congeniality are lacking then spiritual benefit is in fact impossible. In this case the seeker must look at other places (for a new Sheikh) where he feels the  logical love and reverence, and spontaneous spiritual congeniality. He should inform his initial Sheikh and establish a contact with the new Sheikh. There is no disrespect (bayadabi) in doing so.

Act on this very important issue after understanding it thoroughly. Do not hesitate to ask again if any doubts remain.’

The seeker replied, 

All praise is for Allah, by His blessing I find logical love and reverence, and spontaneous spiritual congeniality with you in me.

Sayyidi wa sanadi replied, 

‘If at any time these do not remain then informing me without any reservations is imperative. Insha Allah I will not be even slightly upset on this.’

Islahi khatoot 

Islah: How to begin?


A seeker wrote,

I am not even aware of the method of seeking islah effectively. 

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect him) replied, 

‘Read about the praise-worthy (fadhail) and blame-worthy (razail) morals from Maasir al Hakim al Ummat or Tabligh-e-Deen (of Imam Ghazali, Allah have mercy on him).  Then do your own analysis (are they present or lacking in my character). Wherever you have suspicion ask about it. This is the effective way of seeking islah.’

Islahi khatoot 



A seeker who was in regular islahi relationship for few years wrote,

Frequently people ask me that are you a murid (disciple) of Hazrat. How should I respond?

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘What is the need to get into the discussion of lexicon and titles?

Tell them that I seek advice from him in religious matters.’

Islahi khatoot

Baiyah: The appropriate time



A spiritual seeker who had a regular islahi relationship for the previous five years wrote,

A thought that is repeatedly coming is to humbly request you for baiyah. Although, seeing my condition I feel ashamed to make such a request.

I apologize if this is (audacious) self-prescription) [khud raiy] or disrespectful (bay-adab) request. Whatever, you decide in this matter will insha-Allah best for me.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘All praise is for Allah (alhumdulillah).

Now that the reality of baiyah has been clearly understood there is no reservation (in doing so). On your visit over the Eid ul Adha meet me in private and set an appointment. Insha-Allah we will act on this Sunna also. This is provided that you have not  already taken baiyah with respected (Arif-billah Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi,) Allah have mercy on him.  However, if you did, then there is no need (to repeat it).’

Islahi Khutoot

True yearning or wishful desire


A spiritual seeker wrote,

I am not sure that if this is true yearning or wishful desire that all the time a restlessness and impatience is felt that a strong and perpetual relationship with Allah is (soon) established.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘This restlessness and impatience is insha-Allah true yearning. This is a goal in itself.’

Islahi khutoot

Bayah online


A sincere reader wrote,

I’m xyz from Malaysia,I want to bayah online and join silsila Ashrafiyya. I very love Hadrat Hakim al Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.
May Allah bless you Sheikh.

The reply sent,

Respected brother

As salamu alaykum wrwb


It will be best to establish this relationship with someone whom you can visit repeatedly and benefit from his company/ suhba.

Keep searching for someone in Malaysia.

In meantime do two things,
1. Make dua after every Esha salah in this regards. Ask Allah to facilitate getting connected to a genuine shaykh who can guide you to Him.
2. Try your best to do the faraidh & Sunnah actions and abstain from all that is impermissible.

InshaAllah you will be successful.

Take care.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any other information.

In need of your dua,

Islah: clarification needed


An individual send the following email,

Salaams,I find myself in a very dark and low position. I’ve been married for the past 17 years and have 4 children. Last year august I gave my wife a talaq and been living on my own. I have had an “affair” with another woman for the past 7 years and only came to light in the past 2 years.

My wife still want to get back together but I must leave the other woman. The other lady is pregnant and I can’t just leave her and I do love her. This is just my story in short as a lot had happened and I need advice how to go about this all. Please Islamically what am I suppose to do?
was salaam.

The reply sent,


As salamu alaykum wrwb


It is essential to know what is the purpose of contacting me. Is it the islah of the detrimental morals/ikhlaq that led you to this or it is fiqhi question regarding remarriage with your first wife?

Please, clarify this.

I’m not a mufti or a scholar. I only deal with islahi issues.

Was Salam

Muhtaj e dua