Category Archives: A. Reality of Tasawwuf

The nature, definition, goals and principles of Tasawwuf

آوڈیو کتاب : شریعت و طریقت


شریعت و طریقت

حضرت حکیم الامت مولانا اشرف علی تھانوی قدس اللہ سرہ



Mawlana Anzar Shah son of internationally recognized scholar Shaikh Mawlana Anwar Shah Kashmiri (Allah have mercy on them) said,

‘My respected father is reported to mention this multiple times in his teaching sessions that when we came from Kashmir (to India) we found Deen at Shaikh (Mawlana Rasheed Ahmad) Gangohi’s place. Then with Shaikh al-Hind (Mawlana Mehmood al-Hasan Deobandi). Now if someone wants to see the real Deen he should visit Thana Bhawan (Hakim al-Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi) (Allah have mercy on them all).’

Halaat e Muslih al-Ummat ra, volume 3, page 335

How to recognize a pious Shaikh?

Shaikh Wasiullah Allahabadi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘The predecessor pious elders have documented that there are only two methods of recognizing a pious Shaikh.

The first is that the an individual is gifted by Allah with the ability of spiritual insight to do so.
The other method is that the individual is gifted by Allah with the ability to listen and accept the words of the knowledgeable and wise person.’

Halaat e Muslih al-Ummat ra, volume 3, page 323


A spiritual aspirant wrote about the realities (haqaiq) of Tasawwuf that dawned on him after staying in the company of Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi(Allah have mercy on him).

Hakim al-Ummah approved of them calling it absolute (‘ain)  gnosis (irfan) and added some explanation to each of them (written here in bold).

‘1. The foremost thing is the remembrance (dhikr) of Allah. It is to be in all conditions with involvement of heart and tongue.
This seems limited to the level of superficial thinking and self conversation.  It has to be accompanied with (active) contemplation (fikr). Though in your vocabulary you may consider this to be a branch of remembrance. In Holy Quran contemplating ones (yatafakaron) are mentioned after (yatadhakaron) those who remember Allah.

2. Being honest and cognizant of Allah (taqwa) is all matters.
Both in external (dhahir) and internal (batin) matters. As it says in the Prophetic tradition that taqwa is here pointing towards his chest.

3. Being vigilant in observance of the absolute essential (faraidh) with excellence.
Accompanied with the Sunna and reward-able actions. For excellence in good actions actions can not be achieved without them.

4. Avoidance of all that is sinful. That is both major and minor sins.
This also includes the external and internal actions, as Allah says ‘leave external sinful and internal also’.

They includes from the blame worthy morlas arrogance, ostentation, love of money and fame,etc.

Repent immediately if they are committed (by mistake).

However, the rights of other individuals including the financial dues are not forgiven by repentance alone (one has to recompensate for them or ask forgiveness).

Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 3 page 31


Professor Shaikh Mohammad Ashraf Sulemani (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘In general, prevalent Tasawwuf in Muslim communities is of three types;
1. Tasawwuf that is subservient to Shariah
2. Tasawwuf that is a philosophical theory
3. Tasawwuf that revolves around innovations (bida)

The real Islamic Tasawwuf is the one that is totally subservient to Shariah.’

Mard e Darvesh, page 186

Harnessing the thoughts: Focus

An individual inquired about controlling the random thoughts that pervade the mind all the time. This automatic phenomenon is perpetual and does not spare the mind free for a split of a second. These thoughts are there even while being is salah, reciting the Holy Quran and doing remembrance of Allah. What is the tip to harness them?

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘This is achieved by practice.
The thoughts have to be steered repeatedly to the right direction.

This random thinking is very natural. However, as soon as one realizes the derailment come back on to the track. One has to repeatedly refocus his attention from useless thoughts. Reminding himself of their futility.

Initially the derailments will be frequent. However, with persistence in effort to refocus one’s attention eventually one will be successful. The useless random thoughts will recede and one will be able to keep his thoughts in control.

This does not happens overnight. It takes constant practice to achieve.

The thoughts have to be steered to the remembrance of Allah, His grandiosity, His benevolence, acknowledgment and thankfulness of blessings bestowed on us.

Once achieved this may be called ta’luq ma’Allah or nisbet. It does not matter what you call it. However, it will keep you focused on remembrance of Allah at all the times.’

27 Ramadan 1432/ 28 August 2011, Darul Uloom, Karachi, Hadhrat db’s residence, drawing room, after tarawih.


During the initial period of his islah, Shaikh Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi (Allah have mercy on him) prohibitted Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) from giving any lectures, talks and speech.

If anyone pressurized him to do so he was directed to get permission from Shaikh ‘Arifi. This needed lot of courage and was a very good method to excuse.

These types of methods applied in islah are the ones that bring reformation of moral characteristics and finally lead to a firm relationship with Allah.

The awrad, dhikr and wazaif assist and facilitate this process of islah.

Intention of islah

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) said,

‘It is essential to have the intention of islah while visiting the pious to benefit spiritually.

My respected teacher Mufti Rasheed Ludhyanawi (Allah have mercy on him) one day instructed me that your father is a very pious individual (Shaikh) however to benefit from him spiritually  make an intention of islah while visiting him instead of keeping the usual son-father relationship.

All praise is for Allah. After this He gave me the tawfiq to do this and the results were amazing.’

Waaz: Sunday 25th September 2011

Encouragement for bayah


Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘Encouraging others for bayah (by a Shaikh himself) is against the way of our pious elders.

The acceptance and repudiation is from Allah. Means and effort (to acquire or remove them) do not play an active role in this regards.’

Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 3, page 27

رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٢ بیان :١

سیدی و سندی حضرت مولانا مفتی محمد تقی عثمانی صاحب مدظلھم العالی


رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٢ بیان :١

Is this islahi ta’luq?

An individual approached sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) with extreme reverence and admiration. After salutations were exchanged Shaikh inquired his purpose of visit. He replied that, ‘I have islahi ta’luq (relationship for self improvement) with you.’

Shaikh looked at him sternly and said, ” I do not recognize you at all.

What type of islahi ta’luq is this?

Is this something playful?

Whenever you feel like keeping in contact you decide to come and at other times you are absconding.

I am sorry. I can not assit in such type of relationship. Please, excuse me. Now you can go. Find someone else who agrees to this type of relationship. “

Another such scenario occurred. However, the seeker (already a murid) admitted his mistake and asked for forgiveness. After admonsihing him Shaikh instructed,

‘Attend the weekly majlis regularly. Meet me after the majlis. If you are regular and serious with this then I will consider giving you permission to restart this relationship.’

Office, Darul Uloom, Karachi after duhar, 28th Ramadan 1432/ 29August 2011