Category Archives: E. States


Real patience:safety from grief


Shaikh Mohammad Kaleem (Allah preserve him) a senior khalifa of Arif billah Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi (Allah have mercy on him) said to a brother who lost his twenty three year old son suddenly,

‘It is only in Islamic teaching that we find a definite contentment from grief and loss. It is very effective and well tested.

At the times of grief and loss we recite

أنا لله و أنا اليه راجعون

“We certainly belong to Allah, and to Him we are bound to return.” (2:156)
However, it is a pity that we do it without contemplating on its meaning.
In fact the reality revealed in this verses is so immense that contemplating on its meaning will remove all grief. In it Allah conveys , that in relationships this (lost one) maybe your mother, wife, father or son, etc., however, all these relationships are temporal (majazi) and temporary. They have been created for effective functioning of the society in this world. Whereas, in this verse Allah makes it explicitly clear that nothing in this universe belongs to anyone. It all belongs to Allah alone.
Why is it so?
It is because Allah is the creator. They are all created. He created them from nothing. He is their sustainer. They all belong to Him. They can not comprehend the rationality behind His commands and magnanimity of His decrees. They have been instructed with these temporal relationships of being a father, mother, wife, etc. In reality they all belong to Allah and He alone owns them. Hence,
He has full right to deal in their affairs as He desires. No one can question or forbid Him.
Moreover, it is His mercy that He has informed us in advance that we are going to be afflicted with grief and loss either in financial issues or in status or with death of a dear one. And in these circumstance if we observe the patience that is required, that is, the proclamation of His Divinity and acknowledgement that every thing belongs to Him alone, then we will be rewarded with a compensation that is beyond our imagination. Moreover, we will receive His special mercy, salutations and be from the perfectly guided individuals. An immense reward indeed for patience.
How can a person grieve when he acknowledges that everything belongs to Allah alone, He has full right to do whatsoever and He does so with absolute wisdom.’
Shaikh Mohammad Kaleem sahib db’s residence. Darul Uloom Karachi, Sunday, noon, 18th December 2012.




Way to islah

Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) instructed,

‘Pray two rakah salah with intention of making repentance and then supplicate as follows;

O Allah! I am Your obstinate disobedient servant.

I want to become obedient but nothing happens with my desires. However, everything is possible only with You.

I want to reform myself but I lack the determination to do so. Only You can reform me.

O Allah! I am extremely inapt, severely corrupt and very sinful. I am failing. Please, help me!

I have a weak determination to resist temptations of sinful activities. Please, give me the power to do so.

I do not have anything for salvation. Please, provide me with the means of salvation from Your hidden treasures.’

For ten or twelve minutes  make repentance arduously. Then say;

‘O Allah! Kindly forgive all the sins that I have committed till now. Though I do not say that I will not commit them again. I am aware that I will do them again. However, I will ask for forgiveness again.’

In this manner daily ask for forgiveness, acknowledge your weakness, supplicate for betterment (islah) and verbally recount your ineptness, corruption and evilness. In short, debase yourself explicitly in front of Allah daily for ten minutes.

O brothers! Neither take the medicine nor abstain from the harmful, only use small quantity of this elixir daily prior to sleep.

In few days you will observe that from Divine sources your determination will become strong without facing humility and hardships. Overall, things will happen from Divine which you can not even imagine now.’

Waaz: Milat e Ibrahim, Volume 31, page 390, quoted from Majalis e Hazrat Eshrat ra, page 13-4


Signs of love of Allah

Hakim al-Umma Shaikh Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘The signs of genuine (perfect/kamil) love of Allah are,

1. Facilitation of obedience of Allah

2. Excessive remembrance of Allah

In absence of either of these two signs, the claim of loving Allah is a pretension.’

Waaz Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah preseve him)

The calamity of our era!

Shaykh Mawlana Dr Hafiz Tanvir Ahmad Khan (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘The biggest calamity of our era is not to consider an evil to be evil, a sinful thing to be sinful, and impermissible (haram) activity to be impermissible.

This lowly individual remembers till today these words of Shaykh Mawlana Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi (Allah have mercy on him);

‘Alas. You will watch television, movies, and operate VCR. You are not going to abandon these activities. Moreover, you will continue all the other abominable practices.

The conditions these days have deteriorated to the extent that  it has become impossible to stop people from indulging in these activities.

Now our lamentation is that, for the sake of Allah, at least consider these things to be impermissible and sinful.

Do not boast about being involved in them. These days people take pride in them and boastfully tell others that we have television, VCR, video camera, etc.

Take heed! Consider these acts sinful.

Indulge in them with the understanding that they are sinful. Otherwise, it is feared that one may be be deprived of faith (eman).

Shamet e Aamal, page 8

A heartfelt letter

assalam wa alaikum

I had been to Allahabad from Monday till Friday.
After maghrib majlis i zikr i was in the company of  Hazrat Shaikh Qamaruz Zaman Allahabadi (damat barkatuhum).  He gave sanad i hadith سند حدیث to Moulana Idrees Varethi sahib. Then I took permission from him to get my luggage from mehman khana which was just across the road so that I can leave at 7.30 P M as my train was at 8.00 PM.
By the time I came back I saw him writing something on a page. Dr Syed Mehmood Quari saheb, his khalifa was sitting by the side and smiled to me.  Later he handed that letter to Dr. sahib and asked him to give it to me.
Dr sahib told me that Hazrat Mawlana Qamaruz Zaman (damat barkatuhum) has given me (ijaza of) mujaz i suhbat, مجاز صحبت.
I  got shocked and started crying like a child.  I embraced his legs. I told him that I am unfit for this and I might bring disrepute to silsila. Hazrat Shaikh db said that this thought (of giving me ijaza) suddenly came to his mind, he never thought about this in past and he has to give it.
I told him I am a beggar asking for few paisas and he has given me a treasure which I am  unworthy of. He said you will get more (spiritual) progress (tarqi) of your batin and you will cure batini diseases (that afflict the soul) also. Then he embraced me.
I am writing this to you because you are the person responsible* for all this, Allah reward you for this in unmeasurable ways.
I am yet to overcome my feelings
Please pray for me that i should not be source of badnami بدنامی to our akabir.
talib i dua
Dr N Imdad Ali
Associate Professor Urology
Bellary, Karnataka, India
*This is also extreme humility of this sincere online friend. In his search for a Shaikh he contacted this site via email in September 2009 and was directed to Shaikh Mawlana Qamaruz Zaman Allahabdi (Allah preserve him). He attributes this blessing mistakenly to the job of a lowly usher.  The bestowals from Allah, like these, are usually from the heartfelt supplications of one’s parents, teachers and those he/she helped when they were in need.

ذکر و لطائف کی تفصیل


حضرت حکیم الامت مولانا اشرف علی تھانوی قدس اللہ سرہ نے فرمایا

چونکہ تصور (ذکر) کے دراجات مختلف ھیں اس لئے تقریب و تسھیل فی الجملہ و تعین دراجات کے واسطے میں ایک تمثیل میں پانچ درجے بیان کرتا ھوں

1۔ محبوب موجود و حاضر نہ ھو بلکہ غائب و غیر موجود ھو اس کو یاد کیا جاۓ ۔

2۔ وہ شخص سامنے موجود ھو لیکن مسافتہ بعیدہ پر جس سے خدوخال اچھی طرح نظر نہ آسکیں اس کا تصور کیا جاۓ۔

3۔ وہ شخص سامنے مسافت قریبہ پر موجود ھو جس سے خدوخال اچھی طرح نظر آسکیں اس کا تصور کیا جاۓ۔

4۔ وہ شخص بالکل قریب موجود ھو، اس کے تصور و دیدار میں اسقدر محویت ھو جاۓ کہ فرط عشق و محبت سے اپنی بھی خبر نہ رھے

5۔ وہ محویت یھاں تک ترقی کرے کہ بیخبری کی بھی خبر نہ رھے۔

–                           – – – – –

اب ھم ان دراجات کے اصطلاحی اور منقول نام بتلاتے ہیں۔

1۔ درجہ اول کا نام ذکر ھے کیونکہ اس میں محض یاد ھے۔

2۔ درجہ ثانی کا نام حضور ھے کیونکہ اس میں متصور و مرئی سامنے حاضر ھوتا ہے۔

3۔ درجہ ثالث کا نام مکاشفہ ھے کیونکہ مرئی کے غابت قرب کی وجہ سے حضور تام اور خال وخط کا کامل انکشاف ھوتا ھے۔

4۔ درجہ رابع کا نام شھود و مشاھدہ ھے کیونکہ اصطاحا” شھود و مشاھدہ حضور اتم و اکمل کو کھتے ہیں اور اس درجہ میں حضور اتم و اکمل سے غایت شیفتگی و فریفتگی و وفور ولولہ ھوتا ھے۔ نیز اس کا نام فناء بھی ھے کیونکہ محوبت کی وجہ سے اپنی ھستی کا علم نھیں ھوتا۔

5۔ درجہ خامسہ کا نام معائنہ ھے کیونکہ معائنہ سے مراد وہ حضور و معائنہ ھے جو شھود اصطلاحی سے زائد ھو۔ اس درجہ میں  معائنہ شھود اصطلاحی سے زائد ھوتا ھے کیونکہ لا علمی سے بھی لا علمی ھوتی ھے۔ اسی وجہ سے اس کا نام فناءالفناء بھی ھے۔

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

1۔ لطیفہ قلب کا فعل ذکر ھے۔

2۔ لطیفہ روح کا فعل حضور ۔

3۔ لطیفہ سر کا فعل مکاشفہ  ۔

4۔ لطیف خفی کا فعل شھود و مشاھدہ و فناء۔۔

5۔ لطیفہ اخفی’ کا فعل  معائنہ و فناءالفناء  ھے۔

بعض حضرات مشائخ کی راۓ ھے کہ ذکر کی بطرز معھود و مخصوص اس قدر مشق کی جاۓ کہ یہ لطائف خمسہ علیحدہ ذاکر ھو جائیں یعنی یہ سب افعال صادر ھونے لگیں۔

بعض حضرات کی راۓ یہ ھے کہ صرف قلب سے ذکر کی مشق کی جاۓ جس سے ان سب افعال کا صدور ھونے لگے اور اس کی باکل ضرورت نھیں کہ یہ بتابا جاۓ کہ یہ فعل کس لطیفہ کا ھے۔ بہ حضرات لطائف کی طرف توجہ تفصیلی کو حجاب سمجھتے ھیں۔ حدیث شریف میں بھی ایسے امور میں صرف قلب ھی کہ ذکر وارد ھوا ھے۔

اور چونکہ مشغولین بالطائف کے نزدیک بھی ان لطائف خمسہ میں باھم اتصال ھے۔ اس لئے صرف ذکر قلب سے بھی بقیہ لطائف میں آثار و افعال مذکورہ سرایت کرتے جاتے ھیں، کیونکہ یہ لطائف مرایا متعاکسہ کی طرح ھیں۔

بوادر النوادر، صفحہ 565-6

A supplication

O my Lord!

By Your stature and esteemed respect!

I did not indulge in sin to rebel against You!

When I was disobeying I was neither unaware of Your position (as our Lord), nor did I deny Your retribution,  nor did I consider Your watching me to be something minor.

However, my nafs incited and assisted me in indulging in these wretched acts.

The veil of Your concealment (as Sattar) made me pretentious.

I disobeyed You because of my ignorance. I disobeyed You by my actions.

Now who is going to save me from Your punishment?

If You excise the lifeline (of mercy and forgiveness) to me then what am I to grab (for my salvation)?

al-Murshid al Amin page 493-4

Time management

Arif-billah Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘Time management is part of the Shariah.

The manner in which Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to divide his time is explicitly reported in a tradition quoted in (the book) Shamail e Tirmizi.

That is, when at home Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to divide his time into three parts. The first one was for worship of Allah. The second for his wives (and other household members). The third for his special Companions.’

Shu’b al Eman via Isha al Muslimeen, page 411

Hajj: which category?

The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) once said,

“Near the time of Qiyamah the rich people from my Ummah will perform Hajj for the sake of travel and holiday (like having a holiday in Hijaaz instead of one in London or Paris).

The middle class will perform Hajj for commercial purposes, thereby transporting goods from here to there while bringing commercial goods from there to here.

The scholars will perform Hajj for the sake of show and fame; (to outdo and surpass so and so scholar, or any rival shaykh who had performed Hajj a certain number of times).

The poor will perform Hajj for the purpose of begging.” (Kanzul Ummaal)

Virtues of Hajj, page 7