Category Archives: E. States


Teaching by example


Scrupulousness in matters of religion

The following simple incident demonstrates how a Shaykh teaches the disciples with his actions. May Allah give us the sight to see these and a determination to implement them in our daily life. Amin!

After performing the Umrah sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mawlana Mohammad Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) proceeded to the barbers shop to cut hairs, as it is necessary (wajib) to come out of state of ihram.

To the female companions he specifically instructed to make sure that they cut their hairs within the boundaries of Haram sharif and not on returning back to Jeddah.

Sitting in front of the barber Shaykh asked a lowly murid to check his hairs and make sure that it was greater in length to an interphalangeal space (minimum length when trimming hair is permissible instead of shaving the head completely).

Having made sure about the hair length, Shaykh instructed the barber on how much hair has to be trimmed in order to come out of state of ihram. He did so gently, in very simple language and demonstrated this to him using his fingers.

Friday, 23 Jamadi al-awal 1429/27 June 2008, Misfila, Makkah e mukarramah.

صاحب نسبت ہونے کی علامات


حضرت علامہ ظفر احمد عثمانی صاحب(خلیفہ حضرت مولانا خلیل احمد سہارنپوری و حکیم الامت مولانا اشرف علی تھانوی رحمۃ اللہ علیہم اجمعین) نے فرمایا،

 صاحب نسبت ہونے کی علامات یہ ہے کہ

 حق تعالی ہی کو ہر چیز کا فاعل مشاہدہ کرے،

 مخلوق کے فعل سے نظر بالکل اٹھ جاوے۔

 کسی فعل میں مخلوق کو خدا کا شریک نہ پاۓ اور

 یہ مضمون محض درجہ اعتقاد میں نہ ہو بلکہ ہر وقت وجدانا” اس کا مشاہدہ ہوتا ہو۔

وما هم بضارين به من احد الا باذن الله و ان يردك بخير فلا راد لفضله 

جس کا اثر یہ ہوگا کہ مخلوق سے خوف و طمع بالکل معدوم ہو جاوے گا (عقلا”)

 نیز جب کسی سے حق تعالی کو تعلق ہوگا اور وہ فانی و واصل ہوگا تو اس کے لئے یہ بھی لازم ہوگا کہ اس شخص کا ارادہ اور خواہش بالکل فنا ہو جاۓ کہ اپنے واسطے کوئی حالت تجویز کرے۔ جس حالت میں حق تعالی شانہ کہیں اس پر راضی رہے۔ 

کبر و عجب و حب جاہ وغیرہ سےبالکل بری ہو۔ اگر تکبر و عجب باقی ہے تو سمجھ لو کہ تم صاحب نسبت اور واصل و فانی نہیں ہو بلکہ تم کو صرف طریق کا علم ہوگیا ہے اور تم محض صاحب مناسبت ہو۔

 رسالہ انکشاف الحقیقہ عن استخلاف الطریقہ،  مقالات عثمانی، جلد 2 ص389-390 

A heart warming anecdote (بشارت)


Few years back a very pious Sindhi student from dowra hadith confided to Hadhrat Mufti Abdur Rauf Sukkharwi that when sayyidi wa sanadi Mawlana Mohammad Taqi Usmani ((may Allah preserve them) is teaching us Sahih e Bukhari I see (in kashaf) that our Master the blessed Messenger of Allah Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is sitting beside him.

Narrated by a pious (sahib e nisbet) in ‏Masjid al-Haram, Makkah e mukarramah.

The tricks of Shaytaan


1. The first thing Shaytaan does is, he takes out the importance of obedience out of us and puts the importance of the  worldly issues (dunya) within us.

2. The second thing he does is to makes us delay and procrastinate the good actions for now. Like praying in congregation at the appropriate time, abandon following of Sunnah till old age,  not acquiring company of pious, and not making immediate repentance (taubah) etc.

3. The third thing he does is that he makes us rush through all good deeds. That may lead to abandoning the essential (wajibat), Prophetic practice (sunna) and desired (mustahibat) components required.

4. The fourth level of his trickery is that he puts ostentation (riyaa’) in the actions being done.

5. The fifth level trickery is that he puts vanity (‘ujb) in us. That is self admiration for the actions already accomplished.

6. The sixth level of Shaytaan’s trickery is that he injects us with the poison of doing things for fame (hubb e jah). That is for the approval and admiration of other people.

7. The seventh level of his trickery is to maximize our self admiration to a level that we start looking down on others.  This is arrogance (kibr) – the mother of all spiritual maladies (umm al-amradh).

May Allah save us from these deceptions of Shaytaan.  Amin!

Adapted from An-Noor

Imperative characteristics


The three imperative characteristics the Shuyukh of Ashrafiya spiritual path (tareeq) try to cultivate in their disciples (murid) are,

1. Absolute following of the Shariah in all situations and under all circumstances

2. Always trying to rectify the lower-self (islah e nafs)

3. A profound conviction that this worldly life is transient and the real and permanent destination is the here-after.

Malfozat e ‘asr e hazera, page 11

Signs of annihilation


Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Buzaydi (may Allah have mercy on him) said,

“There are three signs that indicate that a person is of those who are annihilated  in the Divine Entity (fani fil-Allah).

First, there is complete shunning of this world. inwardly and outwardly.

Second, there is quietude in humiliation by choice.

Third, there is withstanding of all people’s harm with a good disposition of the soul.”

The Adab of Perfect Seeker, page 88.

Sama’ is not qawwali


Shaykh Dawud khalifa of Shaykh Mohammad Sadiq khalifa of Shah Nizamuddin (d.1035H) (may Allah have mercy on them) said,

“None of our pious predecessors (mashayikh) indulged in spiritual auditon (sama’ ) accompanied with instrumental music. They did not  even tolerate the clapping of hands in it.”

Iqtibas al-Anwar,  page 836. An ancient classic hagiography of Sufis of India. Originally in Persian tranlated into Urdu by Capt. Wahid Baksh ra. 

جگہ جی لگانے کی دنیا نہیں ہے


جہاں میں کہیں شورِ ماتم بپا ہے
کہیں فقر و فاقہ سے آہ و بکا
کہیں شکوہ جور و مکر و دغا ہے
غرض ہر طرف سےیہی بس صدا ہے
جگہ جی لگانے کی دنیا نہیں ہے
یہ عبرت کی جا ہے تماشہ نہیں ہے

حضرت خواجہ عزیز الحسن مجزوب رحمتہ اللہ

حقیقت اجازت بیعت

حکیم الامت مجدد الملت حضرت مولانا شاہ اشرف علی تھانوی رحمہ اللہ فرماتے تھے کہ، 

اس اجازت کی نظیر ایسی ہے جیسے علوم درسیہ میں جو سند دی جاتی ہے۔اس کا یہ مطلب نہیں ہوتا کہ ابھی اسی وقت اس (طالبعلم) کو علوم میں کمال کا درجہ حاصل ہوگیا۔ بلکہ محض اس ظن غالب پر دی جاتی ہے کہ اس کو ان علوم سے ایسی مناسبت ہوگئی ہے کہ اگر وہ برابر درس و مطالعہ میں مصروف و مشغول رہے تو قوّی امید ہے کہ رفتہ رفتہ اس کو کمال کا درجہ بھی حاصل ہو جاۓ گا۔ پھر اگر وہ اپنی غفلت اور ناقدری سے خود ہی اپنی اس مناسبت اور استعداد کو ضائع کرے تو اس کا الزام سند دینے والوں پر ہرگز نہیں بلکہ خود اسی پر ہے۔ 

اسی طرح جو کسی کو بیعت کی اجازت دی جاتی ہے اس کا یہ مطلب نہیں ہوتا کہ فی الحال ہی اس کو ان اوصاف میں کمال کا درجہ حاصل ہوگیا ہے۔ بلکہ محض اس ظن غالب پر اجازت دی جاتی ہے کہ فی الحال تو ان اوصاف کا درجہ ضروریہ حاصل ہوگیا ہے اور اگر وہ برابر ان کی تکمیل کی فکر و کوشش میں رہا تو قوّی امید ہے کہ رفتہ رفتہ اس کو آئندہ ان اوصاف میں کمال کا درجہ بھی حاصل ہوجاۓ گا۔

(اشرف السوانح: مآثر حکیم الامت رح، ص 187)

 یاداشت: یکم جمادی الثانیہ 1423ھ/ 11 اگست 2002ع

Adherence to the Sunnah and the Mashayikh Chisht

Some people brand the chishtiyya as being ahl-e-bid`ah (innovators in deen). In relation to this Hakimul-Ummah, Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahimahullah) comments:

“The reality of the matter is that the chistiyya have been very staunch adherents to the blessed sunnah. One of the incidents which demonstrates this fact is the incident of Hazrat Kabirul-Auliya Jalalud-Deen Panipati (rahimahullah). When Hazrat Jalalud-Deen became sick, he was bed-ridden and even sitting up was extremely difficult for him.

In this state, when his medicine was brought for him to take, he sat straight up (in spite of the hardship) and told his khadims to bring him down to the ground from the bed. The khuddam had no choice but to fulfil the Shaikh’s orders and they laid him down to the floor. Sitting on the floor, he took his medicine and then remarked: “As far as my knowledge is concerned, it is not established from the sunnah that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) partook of any food, or medicine, on a bed.”

SubhanAllah, in spite of the fact, that this is permissible (for a sick and excused person) he still underwent extreme difficulty in order to fulfil the sunnah, and even abstain from doing such an act which has the possibility of not being a sunnah.

Can such personalities (who abstain from even the possibility of opposing the sunnah) be branded as innovators in deen? Unfortunately, the reality of the matter nowadays is that it has become the habit of people, that anyone who is not in accordance to “our” specific style and methodology, then he must be a bid`ati… This is absolutely wrong.”

(Malfuzat Hakimul-Ummah; 9:216)

Source: at-Talib

Repugnance from sins!

A day before his death in the blessed Medinah, Arif billah Hadhrat Dr. Hafeezullah (may Allah have mercy on him) instructed his son,

“An individual’s aversion for sin should be similar to his innate repugnance to filth.”

Magazine, Ilm o amal, 2006