Category Archives: Q. Akabir

Remedy for missing the daily wird

Maulana Qamaruz Zaman Allahabadi (Allah preserve and protect him) narrates,

‘The disciples use to report that they are not being consistent with the daily recitations (wird). These were usually three tasbihaat (3 formulas to be recited 100 times each). They asked for a remedy.

Shaikh Wasiullah Allahabadi (Allah have mercy on him) replied how will you do something more (as a remedy) when you are not even doing the very basic things instructed to you.’

Ramadan bayan 16/07/2015

Disputations are nafsani



Shaykh Sayf ad-Dīn father of Shaykh ‛Abd al-Ḥaqq Muḥaddith Dihlawī (Allah have mercy on them) said,

‘The (polemic) wars which take place on academic issues (differed upon) are solely for the pacification of the self (nafs). They are futile. They result in mutual enmity and hostility. There must be an exchange of views with love and kindness on academic issues (differed upon) . This is because: ‘It is a matter of love. When there is no love, no work can be accomplished.’

From: Shaykh ‛Abd al-Ḥaqq Muḥaddith Dihlawī: By Mawlānā Muḥammad Qamruz ZamānʾIlāhābādī Translated by Mawlānā Mahomed Mahomedy

Tasawwuf: Beware of pretenders and astray


Shaykh Aḥmed al-Zarrūq (Allah have mercy on him) (d.899/1493) said,

There are many pretenders on this path because of its strangeness, and there is a lack of understanding because of its subtleties. There is a great deal of rejection of its followers because of its purity.

People giving advice have cautioned against pursuing the path due to the numerous errors therein.

Religious leaders compiled works to refute its followers because of what heretics have done to it and because of erroneous things attributed to people on the path.

Even ibn ‘Arabī al-Ḥātimī (God have mercy on him!) said, “Beware of this path, for most of those who deviate from it are of it. It is but a path of doom and a path of this world. He who actualized his knowledge, action, and spiritual state will gain the glory of eternity. He who abandons realization in the Path will be doomed and will come to an end.”

We ask God for well-being through His grace and generosity!

“The Principles of Sufism (Qawā‘id al-Taṣawwuf): An Annotated Translation with Introduction.” p. 203

Wahadat al wujud:Trying to understand it


Sultan Aurangzeb Alamgir firmly asked Shaikh Mohammadi that you are a murid of Shaikh Muhib-Allah Allahabi (Allah have mercy on them) so provide an explanation of his treatise (al Taswiya) being in accordance to the Shariah. And if you are not able do so then you should repent from being his disciple and burn this treatise. 

Shaikh Mohammadi (Allah have mercy on him) replied, 

I do not need to repent from being his murid.

The (spiritual) station from where the respected Shaikh wrote this is beyond my reach. When I will achieve that station I will comply with your request and write an explanation.

And if you have decided to burn it anyway then the fire in the royal kitchen exceeds that in my humble house.

Sultan did not further pursue this issue.’

Maasir al Umara, v3, p606-7, Aqwal e Salaf, v5, p200

Piri – muridi: The reality of Tasawwuf Part 1


Shah Wasiullah Allahabadi writes in the preface of ‘Tarbiyet us Salik‘ of Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on them) ,

‘The task of being a Shaykh is a lofty responsibility.

This is, because calling people towards Allah is the Prophetic job and the Shaykh is delegated to do it. Therefore, there can not be any doubt in its immense significance.

It is for this reason the quote of pious predecessors is famous,
الشيخ فى قومه كاالنبى فى أمته

A Shaykh in a community is like a Prophet in his Ummah.

Respected (poet) Hafiz Shirazi (Allah have mercy on him) pointed towards this in,

na har

(Not anyone with a glowing face knows how to flirt

Not anyone who makes a mirror act like Alexander

There are thousands of points thinner than a hair in this way

Not anyone who shaves his head can be a qalander)

ٖFrom the essentials of performing this task are two things that differentiate between a righteous and charlatan Shaykh.

First is his expertise in recognizing the aptitude and specific characteristics of the seeker’s temperament.

Secondly, his technique of instruction and training (the seekers accordingly) is at its most perfect level.

The greatness of the (Sufi) Masters is determined by their exceptional level of instruction and training. And this is the cause of their popularity in the (religious) elite.

In an era the Shaykh who is superior to all the contemporary Shuyukh in this field is known as ‘Qutub ul Irshad‘. Like Leader of the group Junaid al Baghdadi and Shaykh Ghuas e azam (Abdul Qadit al Jilani, may Allah sanctify their secret) etc. etc..

To be contd.

 Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 1, page 2

Tasawwuf: Types

Shaikh Wahba al Zuhayli (Allah have mercy on him) a senior Syrian scholar and one of the best friends of sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) recently passed away. May Allah forgive him, raise his status manifolds in hereafter and give sabr e jameel to all his admirers. Amin!

Shaikh Zuhayli (Allah have mercy on him) clarified:

“There are two types of Sufism: praiseworthy Sufism and blameworthy Sufism.

The praised is that which is in agreement with the Qur’an and sunnah. It means the healing of the soul and excellence in directing oneself to God as well as connecting with God which cannot happen without litanies based in the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet Muhammad.

The blamed is that which is in excess of this with its formalities and exaggerations such as the drum and the horn – which fall under deviant innovations. This is what (classical) Islamic legal scholars such as al-Qurtubi stated and it is also my position.

With deep regret, drums and horns have entered into our mosques during mawlid ceremonies, and this is what many scholars had called deviant and without sound foundation (in Islamic law), and this is my position. I love the people of Sufism who are moderate, those who are committed to the Qur’an and sunnah; and I hate (the Sufism) of heretical innovations and that which is alien to Islam, this is my methodology.”

Fatwa on Sufism via Wikipedia

Shukr: appreciate the blessings & be thankful

On the day of Eid Al Fitr 1436 Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve and protect him) instructed,

‘Appreciate the blessings of Allah and be thankful excessively.

When I contemplate on the blessings of Allah that are being bestowed on me, it feels like like a torrential rainfall. Sometimes I fear that this might be istedraj. (May Allah save us all from it.) 

Recite abundantly (with contemplation of meanings)

اللهم اجعلنا شاكرين لنعمك مثنين بها قابليها وأتمها علينا

O Lord! make us thankful for the blessings You have bestowed on us, allowing us to appreciate them, making us competent of (utilizing) them (appropriately) and making them perfect for us.

Allah will bestow more blessings and facilitate further progress.’

Residence, Dar ul Uloom Karachi, 18/7/2015

Humility: the first lesson


A sincere brother who had been murid of Arif billah Shaikh Hakeem Akhtar and is a mojaz of Shaikh Sayyid Eshrat Jameel Meer (Allah have mercy on them) requested for islahi relationship.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve and protect him) had previously instructed him to contact the senior khulafa of his shuyukh. However, he insisted.

Sayyidi was sanadi replied,

‘Even previously I was inept ( at doing islah of others), however, recently I have become more so. Please, excuse me. It is not possible for me to reply to islahi letters anymore (due to health, large volume of letters and increased commitments).’

The brother insisted mentioning his istekhara and heartfelt attraction.

Sayyidi wa sanadi instructed him,

‘Remember that in this path one has to strive (to effectively do his/her islah). (That is, taking the path is not something ceremonial.)

Let me know in writing what had been instructed to you by your previous shuyukh and how much of it you are following (consistently).

Excuse me from replying to letters. Ask verbally whatever is required.’

Office, Darul Uloom Karachi, 10 Ramadan 1436/28 June 2015

Progress: The signposts

The seeker continued,

All praise is for Allah. It is Allah’s beneficence. With your blessed company, instructions and attention I have an idea of the required standard of religiosity and awareness of Allah (taqwa) for a seeker. (Sadly) this lowly writer is devoid of an iota of it.

Allah save me from not being thankful.

Because of you the saying of Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) stays afresh in mind that (paraphrased)

We have seen real men. No cattle can fool us by claiming to be human.

I feel ashamed telling others about my relationship with you. This is because that by seeing my poor condition they may form a unbecoming opinion about you and are thus barred from benefiting from you. How insignificant am I and (all of) my opinions! Indeed, the opinion of a sick individual is also a sick- opinion.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) replied,

‘All of the above are reflective of sound understanding (of the path). Their experiential understanding and tasting is required (in this path). They, insha Allah, are signposts telling us that the path is being covered.’

Islahi Khatoot 

Cure for Praise of others


A spiritual aspirant wrote:
When some one praises me in front, I have contradictory feelings in my heart about it. I like it and at the same time I stop those praising me to not praise me. Please guide me on how I should handle this correctly. Jazaak Allah

Sayyidi wa sanadi Hazrat Moulana Mohammad Taqi Usmani sahib (Allah SWT preserve him and allow us to benefit from him abundantly. Ameen) replied:
“Spontaneous natural happiness is not detrimental.
On these occasions contemplate that, all praise is due to Allah SWT, He made them see my good state. If they were to know of my reality they would have hated me.”

Meraj us Salikeen: Islahi Khutoot #10



A seeker who is a medical student spent few days of his winter break with another senior seeker. After returning home he reported the following observations,

1. Time for going to mosque should be fixed and strictly followed. All preparations and wudhu should be done in advance.

2. Tongue should always be busy in remembrance (zikr) of Allah.

3. Studies have priority over all that is nafil e.g. reading religious books etc.

4. One should be good at whatever he does. Principles should be followed and one should be organized.

5. What we have to take from the Akabir and Mashaeikh is their ‘Deeni Mizaaj‘.

6. Reading the biographies of Akabir is very beneficial in getting this mizzaj e.g. Ashraf us Sawaneh

7. One should be a ‘Banda‘ (slave) of Allah SWT,. Be thankful to Allah on whatever one achieves and does not expect perfection.


May Allah make it beneficial for all of us. Amin!