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Devotional worship


After the congregational maghrib salah Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) went to the older section of the Prophet’s mosque (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him). Making sure that he was within the limits of the original mosque (near to the blessed raudha just behind the riyadh al jannah). There he prayed the awabeen salah with extreme devotion. The standing (qiyam), bowing (ruku‘) and prostrations (sujood) were exceptionally prolong. This was followed by a long dua. 

‘And remember the name of your Lord, and devote yourself to Him with exclusive devotion’Al-Muzzammil : 8

Those accompanying him were unable to keep pace with him and finished their awabeen routine early. 

In spite of being a traveler (musafer) Sayyidi completed his routine. Even with more devotion. 

It is an example for us to emulate. 

Masjid e Nabaawi, behind Riyadhul jannah, after maghrib/awaabeen, Friday 19 February 2016

Focusing the wandering mind


Shaikh Jalal ud Deen Thanesari (Allah have mercy on him d. 989 Hijri) said, 

‘The (spiritual) ailments of heart (mind) are from three sources.

1. (Useless) Self talking (hadith e nafs). It is the thinking that is both with intention and volition. 

2. The (potentially) threatening (khatra) thinking. These are the unintentional random thoughts. (If one actively gets involved in them.)

3. The focus of heart on things other-than-Allah (ghair)’

Irshad at Talibeen, page 14

The excessive mindful remembrance of Allah done as instructed by spiritual masters is to fix these issues.

A point to ponder upon!


 A sincere seeker inquired,
‘During Hajj I met two brothers whose profiles are such:
Brother A spends 40 days in Jamat almost every year and is active in the work of Tabligh.

Brother B does not have Ijazat from his Shaykh but he has had reformatory relationship (islahi Ta’lluq) for 30+ years.

I was both shocked and worried when I heard words of backbiting  (Gheebah) from both of them (in different instances).

Hazrat what can be the reason that even after being associated with a (reliable) Shaykh for 30+ years, or spending 40 days in Jamat each year the major sin of Gheebah is not eliminated? I am worried that I may be in the same situation as them in the future…’

Islahi email


Medina al munawwarah

Islah: What, Why & How?


Islah translates as betterment, repair, rectification, reformation, improvement, renovation, optimization  and restoration.

Islah e nafs is the main topic of Tasawwuf.

It is a synonym of tazkia e nafs. That is, purification of nafs.  That is, one of the four basic Prophetic tasks as stated in Al-Jum’a : 2, “He is the One who raised amidst the unlettered people a messenger from among themselves who recites to them His verses, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and the wisdom, while they were earlier in open error.”

It means improvement and purification of the moral characteristics of an individual. It includes development of good morals (fadhail), like repentance  (tawbah), patience  (sabr), gratitude (shukr), hopefulness (raja), fear of Allah (khauf), asceticism (zuhd), Oneness of Allah  (tawheed), love Allah and Prophet (muhabba), yearning (shauq), (uns), acceptance (raza), sincerity (ikhlas), felicity (sidq), contemplation (muraqaba), humility (raw ashy), accountability (muhasabah), (fikr) and riddance of bad moral characteristics (razail) like lust (shahwut), afflictions of speech  (afaat e lisan), anger (ghasb), hatred (keyna), envy (hasad), love of the worldly (hubb e dunya), stinginess (bukhul),greed (hirs), love of status (hubb e jah), showing off (riya), arrogance  (takabbur), narcissism (ujub), looking at the prohibited (bud-nazri), illicit love affairs  (dunyawi eshq).

It must be clear that these moral characteristics are the driving force for an individual’s action. If they have not been purified and rectified  following of the Shariah rules is not effectively possible. Moreover, even if one forces himself to act, the external forms of worship done remains deficient.

These unrefined morals lead one to get involved in the prohibited actions and omit the good actions.

Praying salah hastily is an example from our daily activities. It shows the lack of muhabba, shauq, uns, ikhlas, sidq, muraqaba, fikr and presence of hubb e dunya.

Seeing what is prohibited is due to presence of shahwut and lack of khauf, muraqaba, muhabba.

Discord, quarrelling and sarcasm, even within spouses is due to arrogance, envy, affliction of speech and lack of muhabba and self sacrifice.

In this same manner the reason of all sinful activities can be traced to the non purified morals.

The method of achieving  islah is via

1. Knowledge of these morals,

2. Consultation with a mentor to correctly diagnose their lack or presence in one’s self,

3.  Following the treatment prescribed and

4. Re-consultation to confirm effective cure or failure of therapy.

 These steps are repeated until a stable state is achieved. In this the seeker is constantly cognizant of his deficiencies and effectively strives to improve on them.

Wa ma tawfeeqi illa billah

Suhba of the pious: Lessons



A sincere seeker recently stayed in the company of Sheikh Maulana Qamaruz Zaman Allahbadi (Allah preserve him) for few days. He shared the following beneficial observations. May Allah reward him. Amin!

1. Consistency in routine

2. Engrossment in scholarly (ilmi) work

3. Up-lifting the spirits (dil-joi) of all, irrespective of their status

4.  Accepting requests of almost everyone. Once he obliged to a person’s request to sit in his car for barakah in very cold night saying how could such a sincere (mukhlis) person be refused.

5. Sometimes (engaging in) humour, (by) using pun etc.

6. Speaking less. (Using) small phrases for expression

7. No criticism (tanqeed) on any group or even the falsehood (baatil).

8. Positive statements about what is right rather than pointing out what is wrong.

9. Having meals with lots of people (wasee dastarkhwaan). Once Hazrat sat with us for lunch saying he was practicing on (the recommendation) ‘eat with the pious’ (“kulu ma saliheen“)

Makateeb-e-Adeel: A13

Tips for islah


The pious masters have said that a true seeker is not confused between the virtuous and sinful paths. However, he/she is misled by the desires of lower self (nafs).

May Allah protect us all from the deceptions of nafs. Amin!

Some steps that may be beneficial for a salik in doing a virtuous act or abstaining from a sinful one are as follows,

1. Sincere intention to please Allah by this action
2. Firm active determination of action or abstentions
3. Heartfelt supplication asking Allah for help in this endeavor
4. Mustering courage
5. Performance or abstention from that action
6. Being thankful to Allah if the task is successfully accomplished
7. Repenting immediately if one fails
8. Informing the mentor (Shaikh) of the exact details of progress or failure
9. Fulfilling the penalties as prescribed by the Shaikh
10. Actively contemplating the steps #1 to 5 daily and whenever the desires of nafs surface.
11. Asking Allah at each and every step for facilitation

Indeed facilitation is from Allah alone!

رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٥


Please, benefit from the posts previously published on the site regarding Ramadan using the search option.

May Allah facilitate for us deriving maximum benefit from these precious moments. May this be for His sake alone and in accordance with the blessed Sunna. Amin!

Muhtaj e dua

Dealing with doubts


A learned scholar complained that he had serious doubts about the belief of predestination (taqdeer). He had read extensively on this subject and spoken to top notch scholars of the field. However, his doubts had persisted. Now he wanted to ask some questions from Hakim al Ummah about these doubts.

Hakim al Ummah Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Allah have mercy on him) replied,
‘My answers to your questions may suppress your doubts for a while. However, new doubts will arise soon and bother you. Eventually this will become a pernicious cycle of questions and answers.

The way to deal with doubts is not to stop (iskat) or silence them by providing their logical answers. It is by aborting (isqat) the over inquisitive unrestrained intellectual trait raising these doubts. This is achieved by acquisition of love and awe of Allah as taught by the pious Masters of the path.’

Malfuzat, (PS. quoted in meaning, not exact wording.)



4. My legacy (wasiyyat) for myself, family members, and close associates is that every moment of one’s life should be sacrificed in pleasing Allah. One should not displease Allah for a single moment by indulging in any form of impermissible (haram) activity. If a mistake is committed, then one should please Allah by repenting, seeking forgiveness and crying in front of Allah.

5. Always remain in the company of the pious, and keep yourself under the guidance of a Sheikh with whom you have congeniality (munasbet).

6. Adopt extreme piety in financial matters. Always refer to the scholars (Muftis) in issues pertaining to the (questionable) rulings of Shariah.

Wasiyyat of Hazrat rehmatullah aleh

The objective


A seeker wrote: These days due to the illness of my wife, being busy with taking care of her and because of the the disruption of the household affairs most of the (routine virtuous) actions (wird) are missed. Only prayers (salah) is done. In this situation a thought troubles me that why did this happen to me and my routine works have been disrupted? This is adding to my distress.

Hakim al Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) replied,
‘There is no reason to be distressed.
The real objective is the reward (thawab). Allah bestows this sometimes via (voluntary virtuous) actions and on other occasions through hardships and sufferings. (Thus) the objective is achieved in both the situations.’

Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 3, page 57