Category Archives: Z. Mustahebbat

Daily recitations: way to progress 

We have to remind ourself that consistency of daily ma’molaat (wird) is the way to spiritual progress.

Being lax in performing them usually results in deterioration. 

At any given moment there is either increase or decrease in one’s spirituality. There is no steady or stationary state that one may become content with. No just hanging around!

The pious masters of the path have said that death is better for a salik who is not progressing.

Memento mori

Remember (that you have) to die!

Reciting the above supplication 25 times daily (obviously with understanding and contemplating on the meanings) will make one die as a shaheed (martyr). Insha Allah

Ahkam e maiyet  by ‘Arif-billah Dr. Abdul Hayy ‘Arifi (Allah have mercy on him)

Salikeen are encouraged to include it into their daily recitations (wird). Moreover, it will also fulfill the Prophetic injunction to remember death excessively.  A panacea to our worldly engrossment.

Dhikullah: various forms


A seeker wrote,

All praise is for Allah. I am (regularly) reciting the five tasbihat instructed by you after Fajr salah. I want to do some dhikr  (remembrance of Allah) also.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) replied,

‘Those tasbihat are also (a form of) dhikr.

However, if you have time available (in your daily schedule) then start dowazdah tasbih in low audible voice. If you are not aware of its method then (come and) learn it verbally.’

Islahi Khatoot

Quran: daily recitation 

A seeker wrote in his monthly islahi correspondence,

The daily routine for  recitation  of one juz of Quran can not be completed (these days). Only half or three quarters is read. Moreover, when this is also not possible I recite Surah al Ikhlas hundred times.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) replied,

‘This is also sufficient. All praise is for Allah that the daily routine is being carried out with consistency.’

Islahi Khatoot

Dhikr in salah

A seeker wrote,

In salah that are offered silently (in congregation) previously I used to recite Surah al Fatiha  in my mind to maintain concentration. However, now I do not find this interesting and want to do the dhikr Allah Allah in my mind. Is this appropriate?

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) replied,


Contemplating about Surah al Fatiha is more appropriate.

However, (it is okay) if the dhikr Allah Allah flows out (in your mind) without your control (ikhteyar).’

Islahi Khatoot



A seeker wrote,

I excessively desire  to be in your company (suhba) as much as possible.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) replied,

‘After asr (salah) when I am in Karachi call and visit me whenever you want. If this is not possible than attending the weekly gathering (majlis) and (regular) correspondece are sufficient (alternative for excessive suhba).’

Islahi khatoot

Baiyah: The appropriate time



A spiritual seeker who had a regular islahi relationship for the previous five years wrote,

A thought that is repeatedly coming is to humbly request you for baiyah. Although, seeing my condition I feel ashamed to make such a request.

I apologize if this is (audacious) self-prescription) [khud raiy] or disrespectful (bay-adab) request. Whatever, you decide in this matter will insha-Allah best for me.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘All praise is for Allah (alhumdulillah).

Now that the reality of baiyah has been clearly understood there is no reservation (in doing so). On your visit over the Eid ul Adha meet me in private and set an appointment. Insha-Allah we will act on this Sunna also. This is provided that you have not  already taken baiyah with respected (Arif-billah Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi,) Allah have mercy on him.  However, if you did, then there is no need (to repeat it).’

Islahi Khutoot



A seeker who is a medical student spent few days of his winter break with another senior seeker. After returning home he reported the following observations,

1. Time for going to mosque should be fixed and strictly followed. All preparations and wudhu should be done in advance.

2. Tongue should always be busy in remembrance (zikr) of Allah.

3. Studies have priority over all that is nafil e.g. reading religious books etc.

4. One should be good at whatever he does. Principles should be followed and one should be organized.

5. What we have to take from the Akabir and Mashaeikh is their ‘Deeni Mizaaj‘.

6. Reading the biographies of Akabir is very beneficial in getting this mizzaj e.g. Ashraf us Sawaneh

7. One should be a ‘Banda‘ (slave) of Allah SWT,. Be thankful to Allah on whatever one achieves and does not expect perfection.


May Allah make it beneficial for all of us. Amin!

English translation of Urdu books


Following email was received,
Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu
I believe you are a student of Mufti Taqi Usmaani. If so, could you please pass on to him this important message from me.

I am writing to inform you of a major error in the translation of the hadeeth in Mufti Taqi Usmaani’s book Easy Good Deeds on pg 35.


Recital of “Bismillah” when starting any work

is a sign of Muslims. Our blessed and exalted Prophet has said – Arabic

The translation of the Arabic writes:

‘Every important work not began with Bumillah remains imperfect and half clone”.

I find many grammatical mistakes in the Islamic books and think it is time our respected scholars take some time to check the final publications for errors before putting them on the market. It degrades the work that they are trying to do and incorrect translations like the above are blasphemous to say the least. I think it would be better to have fewer books of better quality rather than thousands containing any errors. I lack trust in them and am reluctant to give them to my students and non-Muslims.
Could you please reply to this email to acknowledge my message. Jazakallahu khairan.
Sr K A
Melbourne, Australia

The reply sent was,


As salamu alaykum wrwb


I totally agree with you.

Please, keep in mind that most of these translations are being done by publishers. They are not familiar with English language and are hiring substandard translation services.

Books that are primarily written in English may be free from such mistakes. However English is not Mufti sahib’s mother tongue.

Some British and American publishers are trying to come up with better editions of these works.

I would like to ask your permission to publish your email on the website. This is to increase the awareness and importance of this issue.

Take care.

In need of your dua


This should encourage our Scholars who know Urdu to edit such works (fi sabillillah) and come up with reliable editions that are appealing to the contemporary readers.

Books by akabir have their own barakah.

If one assigns 20 minutes daily for such task within a year many good works will be ready for publication. Moreover, it will become perpetual charity (sadqa e jariya) from them.

Wa ma tawfiqi ila billah

Condolence: Prophet’s letter (Allah’s blessings & peace be upon him)


“In the name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful.

From Muhammad, Allah’s Messenger to Mu’az- Ibn-Jabal.

May the peace of Allah be on you.
l praise Allah before you,the One besides whom there is none worthy of worship.

After praising and glorifying Allah, (I say the following.) May Allah give you great reward and may He guide you to exercise patient endurance. And may He (also) guide us and you to be grateful to Him.

Surely, our souls, wealth and families are wonderful gifts from Allah. He has loaned them to us so that we may take benefit from them for a set period; and he takes them away after completion of that period.

Thus, gratitude becomes binding on us when He gives, and patience becomes obligatory when He takes away.

Your son was also from among the wonderful gifts (of Allah) and a loan (from Him). Allah enabled you to enjoy him in a way that was both enviable (to others) and pleasing (to you); and now, in return for great reward, mercy and forgiveness He has taken him away from you. Provided that you exercise patience. So do exercise patience and do not let your bewailing and complaining destroy your reward, for you will be sorry (if this happens).

Know that bewailing and complaining neither brings back anything nor does it repel grief and sorrow.

And whatever is to happen is set to happen. And it has occurred.

Peace be upon you.’

Tirmidhi, Quoted from Uswa-e-Rasool-e Akram sallalaho alehey wa sallaho wasalam, page 602

Keeping track of time & company


Khawaja Mohammed Ma’soom Sirhindi (Allah have mercy on him) instructed a senior disciple,

‘Be vigilant in keeping track of your time. Spend it in actions that are important. Do not waste it.

Save yourself from excessive mingling with other people. This is because (excessive mingling without a need) ruins the beauty of ‘nisbet e batin’.

Excessive interactions with people without a righteous intention becomes a source of disconnection with Allah.

There is saying of a pious predecessor,
‘Abstain from the bad company and keep good company to the extent that it does not disconnect you from Allah.’

Maktubaat Hazrat Khawaja Mohammed Ma’soom Sirhindi rehmatullah, talkhees wa tar juma, Maktub 13, page 23-4

Hakim al Umma’s ‘amama


‘In winter most of the time he wears a turban (‘amama). In summer it is only at the time of leading the prayers that he wears it. An ‘amama for this purpose is kept hanging in the mosque.

The type of turban he wears is with silk embroidery and is usually white mulmul (cotton) or stripped (doriya).’

Ma’amoolat e Ashrafi, page 11

Recite durood


Arifbillah Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘While reciting the blessed salutation (durood) keep this intention refreshed in your mind that Allah bestowed this method (durood) so we can develop a relationship with the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace). Allah Himself is its medium. This is a huge blessing for which we must be excessively thankful.

Reciting durood with this intention will develop the love of Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) (in us). Moreover, Allah will love us. This is because Allah loves this action and He has commanded us to do so.’

Al Balagh Arifi ra number, page 540