Category Archives: Z. Mustahebbat

Value time

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) said,

‘These days most of us are preoccupied by the past events or future apprehensions. In doing so we neglect the present.’

An individual inquired,

‘In our era due to technological advances every day chores are done relatively quickly. Hence we have extra time available to us. This usually results in preoccupation with useless involvements including those you mention. How can we utilize time more effectively?’

Sayyidi wa sanadi replied,

‘I repeatedly tell the people the same and ask them what are they doing with the time they save by using these new technologies.

An individual has to develop the importance of value of time.

Once this importance is developed then it will be impossible for him to waste a single second. Moreover, Allah will give barakah in his time and he will be able to do more work effectively in the same amount of time.’

Makkah Towers, 3rd January 2012, After esha

Forceful islah of the household members

Many people try to coerce their family members to reform (islah). Use of verbal,  physical or emotional pressure may be involved in this effort.

The golden words of Mufti Rasheed Ahmad Ludhyanawi (Allah have mercy on him) must be remembered that this is not permissible to do so for post-pubertal individuals, like adult sons, daughters, sons & daughters-in law, etc.

If done without wisdom it backfires and leads to alienation from religion, misunderstandings  and souring of relationships. (May Allah save us all. Amin!)

It is best to make excessive supplications (dua) in this regards and ask Allah for guidance. Then only one should advice them gently in a heartfelt manner at an appropriate time in privacy. Until then one should be involved in his own islah.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) repeatedly tells us,

‘A truthful advice in not a club to strike another individual as one desires.

Sometimes one has to wait for years to say the right thing with the right intention in the right manner for it to be effective.’

Allah give us the tawfeeq. Amin!

Permeation of dhikr

Shaikh Dr Hafeezullah Sukkharwi/Madni (Allah have mercy on him) wrote to a senior seeker (most likely a colleague),

Pas anfas is a spiritual exercise (shugal). It is recommended for the novice (mubtadi) or intermediate (mutawaset) seeker until the remembrance of Allah (dhikr) is deeply established within him. Once the dhikr has permeated and established then there is no need for these spiritual exercises.

All praise is for Allah. The dhikr has permeated within you. In my lowly opinion there is no need for you to indulge in these exercises.

The permeation and establishment of remembrance (dhikr) means that with slightest effort and concentration the heart turns towards Allah and becomes involved  (in His remembrance or following of His commandments).

Hakim al-Umma Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) has given an example to illustrate this. That is, a teacher who has been teaching for a period of time develops such an expertise in that subject that whenever he is teaching it all the matters related to it are within his mind and grasp. However, this is not the case when he is teaching another subject.

Moreover, Hakim al-Umma (Allah have mercy on him) said that even this permeation and establishment (of dikr) is also a state (haal). The real goal (maqam) of this permeation and establishment of dhikr is to act appropriately when the time of action comes.

Allah praise is for Allah. You are blessed with all these treasures. Continue at your pace on the path Hakim al-Umma and Shaikh Mufti (Mohammad Hassan) (Allah have mercy on them) have placed you. It is thoroughly adequate and beneficial.

In how many things can we emulate others (Sufi orders & their techniques)?

Every flower has a different color and unique smell.

Moreover, the paths to the relationship with Allah are as numerous as the number of breaths of all the creatures.’

Gulistan e dil, page 16

آوڈیو کتاب : شریعت و طریقت


شریعت و طریقت

حضرت حکیم الامت مولانا اشرف علی تھانوی قدس اللہ سرہ



A spiritual aspirant wrote about the realities (haqaiq) of Tasawwuf that dawned on him after staying in the company of Hakim al-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi(Allah have mercy on him).

Hakim al-Ummah approved of them calling it absolute (‘ain)  gnosis (irfan) and added some explanation to each of them (written here in bold).

‘1. The foremost thing is the remembrance (dhikr) of Allah. It is to be in all conditions with involvement of heart and tongue.
This seems limited to the level of superficial thinking and self conversation.  It has to be accompanied with (active) contemplation (fikr). Though in your vocabulary you may consider this to be a branch of remembrance. In Holy Quran contemplating ones (yatafakaron) are mentioned after (yatadhakaron) those who remember Allah.

2. Being honest and cognizant of Allah (taqwa) is all matters.
Both in external (dhahir) and internal (batin) matters. As it says in the Prophetic tradition that taqwa is here pointing towards his chest.

3. Being vigilant in observance of the absolute essential (faraidh) with excellence.
Accompanied with the Sunna and reward-able actions. For excellence in good actions actions can not be achieved without them.

4. Avoidance of all that is sinful. That is both major and minor sins.
This also includes the external and internal actions, as Allah says ‘leave external sinful and internal also’.

They includes from the blame worthy morlas arrogance, ostentation, love of money and fame,etc.

Repent immediately if they are committed (by mistake).

However, the rights of other individuals including the financial dues are not forgiven by repentance alone (one has to recompensate for them or ask forgiveness).

Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 3 page 31


During the initial period of his islah, Shaikh Dr Abdul Hayy Arifi (Allah have mercy on him) prohibitted Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) from giving any lectures, talks and speech.

If anyone pressurized him to do so he was directed to get permission from Shaikh ‘Arifi. This needed lot of courage and was a very good method to excuse.

These types of methods applied in islah are the ones that bring reformation of moral characteristics and finally lead to a firm relationship with Allah.

The awrad, dhikr and wazaif assist and facilitate this process of islah.

Supplicating for the philanthropist

An individual reported that he read that a pious precedent Shaikh use to recite the name of the grand Shaikh of his tariqa eleven times each day in the morning. Most likely this was in a form of supplication which the narrator accidentally omitted to mention. Since then that individual made a routine to supplicate every day mentioning the name of sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) eleven times. It was like this,

1. O Allah! Protect Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db.

2. O Allah! Give Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Usmani db a long, healthy and productive life.

3. O Allah! Give barakah in Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db’s time, work and effort.

4. O Allah! Safe guard Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db and his family, especially from terrorism.

5. O Allah! Forgive the parents of Mufti Mohammad Usmani db and raise their status in hereafter.

6. O Allah! Forgive the Shuyukh and teachers of Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db and raise their status in hereafter.

7. O Allah! Under the guidance of Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani safeguard Darul Uloom Karachi from all internal and external strifes and let it flourish abundantly.

8. O Allah! Protect and help the relatives, disciples and admirers of Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db.

9. O Allah! Give me absolute congeniality (munasbet), reverence and love of Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db both intelectually (aqli) and emotionally (taba’i).

10. O Allah! You have made Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db to be the manifestation of Your attribute ‘The Guide’ (al-Hadi) for me. Please, facilitate for me benefiting from him spiritually to the maximum.

11. O Allah! Please, lift me up to the standards of an ideal & perfect murid of Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani db.


Sayyidi wa sandi Shaikh Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘May Allah reward you for making these precious supplications routinely for this lowly person. Please, add to it that Allah facilitates with ‘afiyet the completion of my esoteric and exoteric reformation (islah).’

Islahi khutoot (qalmi)

Dover, New Hampshire

Keenness in performing good deeds

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) visited the blessed Haram in Makkah for couple of hours after ‘esha prayers. The Hajj season had started. The mataf (the area around Ka’aba) was full of enthusiastic hajjis. Performing tawaf was a challenging task. The local individuals accompanying Sayyidi were reluctant to do so. However, Sayyidi performed three tawafs with agility and enthusiasm in this short duration. He was completely absorbed in making supplications during them. It was difficult to keep pace with him.

It was indeed an example for lazy individuals like us to be keen in performing virtuous acts of worship, especially in sanctified places and times.

October 4th, 2011 Makkah al-mukarramah

North Conway, NH

رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٢ بیان :١

سیدی و سندی حضرت مولانا مفتی محمد تقی عثمانی صاحب مدظلھم العالی


رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٢ بیان :١

The real achievement: Leaving sinful!


Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) said,

‘It is relatively easier to make ‘itekaf (of the last ten days of Ramadan), offer numerous supererogatory (nafil) salah, recite the whole Quran daily, perform many Umrah and Hajj.

However, the real feat is when it comes to leaving the sinful activities. This is the real achievement and mark (of true religiosity). To have control over the sinful desires of nafs. To be steadfast at the time of temptation. Being cognizant of the commands of Allah.

On the Day of Judgment an individual will not be questioned about missing supererogatory worshipful acts but he certainly will be admonished for being involved in sinful activities. ‘

Ramadan 20th, 1432, 21 August 2011, Darul Uloom Karachi Mosque