Category Archives: Z. Mustahebbat

Passing on the reward to Akabir


A spiritual aspirant wrote his occassional routine of distributing food to the needy and forwarding its reward (esal e thawab) to the senior Sufis of the tariqa.

Hakim al-Umma Hadhrat Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) replied,

“This is a reward earning act. However, in doing so the intention should not be to gain spiritual benefit (faiz) from the blessed souls of these pious individuals.”

Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 1, page 436

Most likely this is because it is against sincerity (ikhlas). It is just like giving a gift to someone with the intention that he will repay in kind or more.

Spiritual progress


Qazi Thanullah Panipati (Allah have mercy on him) writes in ‘Irshad ut-Talibeen‘,

‘Prior to annihilation of nafs (blame-worthy moral traits) excessive prayers (nawafil) and recitation of Holy Quran do not lead to proximity of Allah (i.e. spiritual progress) .’

Majmua talifat Muslih al- Ummat ra, volume 3, page 27

Durrah al-arus, Dhahban


Spiritual involvement

Shaykh al-Arab wal-Ajam Hadhrat Haji Imdadullah mohajir Makki (Allah have mercy on him) instructs a seeker,

‘After fulfilling the faraidh (absolutely essential), wajibat (highly recommended) and Sunna one should occupy his time in spiritual works of rectifying the condition of his heart (remembrance and contemplation) and not spend it in offering extra (nafil) salah or recitation of litanies. Instead he should consider the rectification of his heart to be a perpetual must (fardh) and never be negligent in it.’

Dhiya al-Qulub via Taleemud-deen, page 45

Remembrance of Allah

Qutub e ‘alam Shaykh al-mashaikh Mawlana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi (Allah have mercy on him) wrote,

‘The remembrance of Allah (dhikr) is such a thing that if done consistently even with (non-volitional) unawareness, random thoughts, stress of worldly involvements merely with the movement of tongue then also it is beneficial and illuminates the qalb (heart).’

Madhmoon e dhikr, Majmua’ Talefat e Muslih al-Ummat ra, volume 3, page 6


On the way to Makkah e mukarramah sayyidi wa sanadi Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) inquired,

‘What do you do at site? Few individuals have written to me about it.’

The procedure for posting extracts of the sayings of the pious elders (akabir) was  explained.

Sayyidi wa sanadi was satisfied and did not question further.

May Allah make this beneficial for my own islah (reformation). Amin!

Supplication:مخ العبادة

Standing at the Mount Marwa at the completion of Sa’i and Umrah sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) made supplication for very long duration.

One was,

‘O Allah!

Make our stay in Haramain (Holy Makkah & Blessed Medinah) beneficial for us.

Allow us to use our time wisely in deeds that bring proximity to You.

Facilitate these for us.


Umrah,  Wednesday, 02nd March 2011, after esha.

Tarbiyah:The way to shakehand

An ancient murid greeted sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) in his usual way.

Standing in matawaf behind the rukun-e-yamani Shaykh took him to a side in private and inquired very politely that what was the reason he always used one hand for handshake. Was it a habit or he considered it to be a more meritorious?

Then very gently he instructed that the way the Blessed Companions (Allah be pleased with them) shook hand was with both the hands.

Moreover, it is grossly improper etiquette to  shake hand with someone you consider to be your superior using one hand alone.

The ancient murid confided to us the whole incident adding that this opened his eyes to be particular about each and every activity he did. To be meticulous about proper etiquette (adab) and following of Sunna.

Also, he acknowledged being extremely happy on this one-to-one attention and guidance by the respected Shaykh.

A blessing indeed.’

Makkah e mukaramah, Tuesday 8th March 2011, after esha.

Sufi litanies

An individual inquired regarding the litanies and supplication that pious Sufi Shuyukh compiled, for example hizb al-bahr. That is, in presence of excellent, comprehensive and unparalleled litanies and supplications from Quran and Hadith what was the reason to do so.

Sitting in matawaf behind rukun-e-yamani surrounded by several Indian, Pakistani and local pilgrims, sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘There is no doubt that the supplications  from Quran and Hadith are superior and most effective then others. However, supplication can be done in other ways also. We do them in our dua everyday. Moreover, some of these were  Divinely inspired (ilqa)  to the pious Shuyukh. This is the case of hizb al-bahr.’

Makkah e mukaramah, 4th March 2011, after esha


Sitting in matawaf behind rukn-e-yamani an individual inquired,

‘What is the site in Haram sharif where chances of supplication being accepted are the greatest?’

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve him) replied,

‘It is multazem. The wall of the kaba’ between hajr-e-aswad and its door.’

Makkah e mukaramah, Friday 4th March 2011, after esha.

Checklist: Am I progressing in my Deen?

‘Join XYZ-Jamat or PQRS-Tariqa!’

A common advice we all often get. Directly or indirectly by our well-wishers. Most of us are offended and become defensive. We retaliate with our own suggestions. A few become confused. A smaller number becomes disillusioned by these rivalries and schisms.  May Allah save us all from these disasters. Amin!

The sincerity of these well-wishers can not be questioned at all.

However, it should be a wake up alarm to us. Following questions must pop-up in our mind. Why did this person suggest this to me in particular? Am I following  correctly and progressing in my religious effort? Or there is something that made this person feel that I need to improve?

Thinking on these lines this lowly writer came up with a random quick checklist for myself. InshaAllah, it will be beneficial for others.

The Checklist:

I need to have explicit answers to the following statements from the time I joined this specific group, jamat, tariqa or started on my own to be more religious ,

1. I thoroughly studied the fiqh of everyday worship and apply it meticulously.

2. Made record of my missed salah, fasts, zikah, hajj and financial dues. I am trying to compensate for them.

3. I have improved my tajweed.

4. My actions on Sunna has increased. That is, appearance, manners, actions and supplications for different occasions like waking up, eating, sleeping, wearing clothes, etc.

5. My salah is more organized, on time, in congregation (if masjid is close by) with better concentration.

6. I deal with humility when interacting with my family members (especially parents and spouse) and others.

7. I can better control my anger.

8. My school/college/work performance has increased or at least not deteriorated.

9. My involvement in useless (TV, Internet, news, magazines, novels, etc.) has decreased substantially.

10. I am worried about causing discomfort and harm to others and try my best to avoid it.

11. The sins I used to commit previously have decreased substantially in frequency and intensity.

12. My day is better organized with time allocations for recitation of Holy Quran, dhikr and religious reading.

13. I do not look down upon fellow Muslims.

If answers to most (>11) of the above questions is affirmative then we need to be thankful to Allah and continue on our path to perform even better.

However, if this is not the case then there are two possibilities.

Firstly, either we are not following the teachings of that group, jamat or tariqa correctly.

Or if we are doing all the things as per instruction then that group, jamat or tariqa is invalid. At least this is true for us, maybe secondary to our circumstances and environment. It is only in this case that we need to pay heed to the advice of that well-wisher and look into the XYZ & PQRS option.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaykh Mawlana Mohammad Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) said,

‘In a Prophetic tradition (hadith) it is narrated that; the person whose two days are the same is in big loss.

This means that his today was spent in the same manner as yesterday and no progress occurred.

That is,  progress in being more religious, in spiritual evolution, increase in worship and improvement in obedience, following of Sunna and abundance in Allah’s remembrance.’

Die & death


‘O Ahmad! act (virtuously) before you die, and

annihilate yourself (i.e. your sinful and blame worthy desires and actions) before your death.’


Mulhemat of Shaykh Jamaluddin Ahmad Hansvi (Allah have mercy on him), page 46.

Picture is of the Manuscript Library in Tareem Hadramout, Yemen. 2011

Sunnah of Friday

Sunnah of the Day

The Path of Sunnah is the Path to Jannah

Sunnahs of Jumuah

1.        To take a bath.

2.        To wear nice and clean clothes.

3.        To proceed early to the Masjid.

4.        To go to the Masjid on foot.

5.        To try to sit as close as possible to the Imaam.

6.        If the Saffs (rows) are already filled, one should not jump over the shoulders of the musallies in order to get to the front.

7.        One should not do any futile action eg. one should not fiddle with one’s clothes or fingers.

8.        To listen to the Khutba attentively.

9.        The person who recites Surah Kahaf on Friday will be bestowed with a Noor( Spiritual light) from under the Arsh (The Throne of Allah Ta’ala) which will extend from the earth till the sky and will benefit him in the darkness of the Day of Qiyaamah. All his (minor) sins which he had committed from the previous Jumu’ah up to this Jumu’ah will be forgiven.

10.     Rasulullah (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) is reported to have said, “Recite Durood upon me in abundance on the day of Jumua’h since they are presented to me.”

11.     On the day of Jumua’h it is Sunnat to apply oil to the hair and to use it or any other sweet smelling fragrance.