Category Archives: Z. Mustahebbat

Advice for those proceeding for Hajj

A scholar requested for advice in regards to his Hajj journey.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) said,

‘Make sure that time is not wasted. Utilize it effectively in tawaf, tilawet (recitation of Holy Quran) and adhkar.

These are only few days as mentioned in the Holy Quran

Usually people waste time in socializing with friends etc. (This should be avoided.)’

Masjid Darul Uloom, Karachi 28 July 2018, after zohar


A 17 year old A-Level student wrote,

Assalamualaikum wrwb.


At this present time what are my duties as a salik and what do you expect from me so that i can try my best and dont disappoint you?


The following answer was given by his mentor,

Wa alaykum as salaam wrwb.


MashaAllah. This thought (fikr) is reflective of your yearning (talab) (to gain Allah’s pleasure). May Allah increase it more with afiyet. Ameen.

It is essential

1. To fulfill the daily essential (faraiz), highly recommended (wajibaat) and Sunna actions

2. Abstain from all that is sinful

3. Fulfill your duties as a son and a student

All of the above to the best of your abilities.

Structured daily routine, heartfelt supplications (dua) and some basic daily recitation & readings (mamoolaat) facilitate all of the above.

Take care.

Muhtaj e dua

‘ abd

The soul of worship

Summary of Ramadan 1439 Last 10 days Discourses:

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) said,

Whatever actions we perform, such as prayers, fasting, Hajj, Zakah etc. are like a body. However there is a soul behind these actions without which these actions become useless in the Hereafter. The soul of all actions depends on three things:

1) Eeman, i.e. belief. This means that a person must be a Muslim for any action to be acceptable in the Court of Allah. Alhamdulillah Allah has given us Eeman. We must continue to ask Allah to protect and strengthen this Eeman.

Shaikh mentioned the following duas taught by the Prophet (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) related to this:

a) اللهم إني أسألك إيمانا يباشر قلبي

“O Allah! I ask you for Eeman which settles deep in my heart.”

b) اللهم اني أسالك إيماناً لا يرتد

“O Allah! I beg you for the Eeman which will not be shaken.”

c) اللهم اني أسالك إيماناً دائما

“O Allah! I beg you for perpetual Eeman.”

2) Ikhlas, i.e. sincerity. Normally Satan does not openly incite us to do an action just to show to others, as it is unlikely for a normal practicing Muslim to fall into this trap. However Satan attacks a person’s Ikhlas by telling him “What would people say if you don’t do this action”. As a result, the person may do some action to avoid being criticized by people, hence tainting the Ikhlas.

Shaikh mentioned that the reward of a single action can be increased if multiple intentions are made for it. For example, the following intentions can be made for eating or drinking:

a) I will make Shukr (gratitude) of Allah after eating/drinking.

b) I will be following the Sunnah of  the Prophet (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him), as he would eat food when it was brought in front of him.

c) I will use the energy I get from this food in fulfilling the commandments of Allah.

Similarly several intentions can be combined in many daily actions. Since it is normally difficult to remember to make all these intentions each time before doing each action, an easy way of achieving this is to make all these intentions at the beginning of the day. Inshallah all these intentions will be rewarded in this way as well.

Beyond this, Shaikh explained that sometimes a person’s intention can be better than his action. He quoted a Hadith the gist of which is:
“A person will be brought on the Day of Judgment and angels will present his book of deeds. One by one all his good deeds will be rejected as they were not done for the sake of Allah. After all the deeds will be rejected, Allah will command the angels to write so and so good deeds in his record. The angels will remark that he had not performed those good deeds. At this Allah will say that he had made an intention to do them.”

Further, Shaikh explained the following Hadith regarding the benefits of good intentions and the dangers of bad intentions:

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘The likeness of this nation is that of four people: A man to whom Allah gives wealth and knowledge, so he acts according to his knowledge with regard to his wealth, spending it as it should be spent; a man to whom Allah gives knowledge, but he does not give him wealth, so he says: “If I had been given (wealth) like this one, I would have done what (the first man) did.” The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘They will be equal in reward. And a man to whom Allah gives wealth but does not give knowledge, so he squanders his wealth and spends it in inappropriate ways; and a man to whom Allah gives neither knowledge nor wealth, and he says: “If I had (wealth) like this one, I would do what (the third man) did.” The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘They are equal in their burden (of sin).’”

3) Sidq, which is a comprehensive word which includes the meanings that the actions must be in accordance with Sunnah. Shaikh gave examples that Wudu done with wastage of water would not have complete Sidq as wasting water during Wudu is prohibited even if Wudu is done at a flowing river.

Ramadan 1439, malfuzaat collated by Br KaiserNizamani

Company of the pious

Sayyidi wa sanadi Shaikh Mufti Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve & protect him) said,

Companionship is a great thing.

It comes in a Prophetic saying (Hadith) the gist of which is that sitting with a pious person is like sitting in the company of one who sells (the fragrance) Musk. One will smell the good fragrance just by sitting with him, even if one does not apply any perfume. And sitting in a bad company is like sitting with a blacksmith from whom either a spark will fly onto your clothes and burn them or at least you will have to smell the repugnant smell.

The effect of the companionship of pious elders could be seen in my respected father. As Shaikh Sa’di RA has said:

گِلے خوش بوئے در حمّام روزے

رسید از دستِ مخدومے بہ دستم

بدو گفتم کہ مشکی یا عبیری

کہ از بوئے دل آویزِ تو مستم

بگفتا من گِلے ناچیز بُودم

و لیکن مدّتے با گُل نشستم

جمالِ ہمنشیں در من اثَر کرد

وگرنہ من ہمہ خاکم کہ ہستم

One day, in the (communal) bath,

I received a fragrant piece of mud (used as a form of soap/abrasive) from a benevolent friend

I asked it “Are you Musk or Ambergris?”

“As I’m mesmerized by your alluring fragrance”

It said “I’m a worthless piece of mud”

“But, I’ve spent a long time in the company of (fragrant) flowers”

“The beauty of the companion affects”

“Otherwise my existence is just mud”

Ramadan 1439 malfuzaat collated by Br KaiserNizamani #12


Makhdum Zayn ud Deen (Allah have mercy on him) reported that one of the pious predecessors (salaf) said,

“I am ashamed that any action I do be without an intention, even my eating, drinking, sleeping and using the toilet. ”


It is related that one of the righteous was seen in a dream after his death.

The dreamer asked him “what has Allah done with you?”

“He has forgiven me and has raised my rank.”

“By means of what?”

He replied “Here we are dealt with by generosity (jud) not by bowing (ruku’) and prostrating(sujud) (in worship), and are given on the basis of intention (niya), not by our acts of service (khidma), and are forgiven through Divine Grace (fadl), not by our deeds (fi’l).”

The Guidance for the Intelligent


Makhdum Zayn ud Deen Chishti (Allah have mercy on him) said,

One of the disciples of Abu Uthman al-Maghribi (Allah have mercy on him) complained to him

“My tongue often flows with invocation and recitation but my heart remains heedless.”

The shaykh replied,

“Give thanks to Allah for He has put one of your body parts to use in goodness, accustoming it to invocation, rather than evil or useless speech.”

The Guidance for the Intelligent

Ramadan Prep

In addition to the above mentioned dua ask Allah for all the blessings mentioned and promised for His slaves during this month as mentioned in Quran or Hadith (sayings of our beloved Prophet, Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). Tell Allah that I do not deserve them but I am in extreme need of them. Please, bestow them on me by Your kind Grace and infinite Mercy.

Once my father Cdr Shaukat Kamal (Allah have mercy on him) and I were in the presence of Shaikh Mansur Ali Khan (Allah protect & preserve him) in Jeddah when the commencement of Ramadan was announced. On hearing the news Shaikh raised his hands for dua. He made a lengthy dua asking Allah for facilitation of all the good deeds in accordance to Sunna & their acceptance, avoidance of all that is sinful and useless and being blessed with all mercy and merits of this month as mentioned in Quran & Hadith.

May Allah facilitate it for us with afiyet. Ameen.

Tazkiyah is an obligation

Acting upon one’s individual obligation include purifying one’s limbs from sins, and one’s heart from destroying traits such as arrogance, envy, ostentation, enmity, hatred and the like… Knowing the cure for ugly traits of character and then struggling to rid oneself from them is an individual obligation; it is not permissible for one to busy oneself with jurisprudence, disputes or law until one has finished this task.

The Guidance for the Intelligent

Allah’s love

The blessed companion Abū Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the Prophet, Allah bless and cherish him, said,

“Allah mighty and glorious said, ‘I am with My servant when he thinks of Me, and I am with him whenever he recollects Me.’

By Allah, He is more pleased with the repentance of His servant than any of you who is pleased to find his stray animal in the desert.

Allah said, ‘One who draws near Me by a hand span, I draw near him by an arm’s length, and one who draws near Me by an arm’s length, I draw near him by the span of open arms, and if he walks toward Me, I run to him!’”

Sahih Muslim

Time : used or wasted

It is related that on the Day of Judgments each of a man’s nights and days will appear to him in the form of twenty four compartments, representing his hours for each day. An hour which he spent in obedience to Allah will be filled with light, one in which he spent in sin will be filled with darkness, while one in which he did neither will be found empty.

His agony will be tremendous when he finds a compartment empty; had he done an act of obedience to Allah, it would have been filled with light. If he finds a receptacle dark he will be filled with such regret and agony that if were able to die he would do so, but in the hereafter there is no death.

So choose for your soul, as long as you remain in this land of choice and free will, that which will benefit it and raise its rank, because after death, the affair will no longer be in your hands. And hasten and do not procrastinate, for procrastination is evil and human life is ever subject to numerous harms and distractions.’

Guidance for the intelligent

Remembering Death

Remembrance of death is encouraged for its numerous benefits;

it inculcates short ambitions,

abstinence in the world,

contentment with a little of it,

avidness for the hereafter and

preparation for it through good actions.

Rasulullah said “Remember much the destroyer of pleasures.”

Guidance for the intelligent

مراقبہ اتحاد/Muraqaba of Union

Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) instructed a spiritual seeker to perform muraqaba e etihad. That is, to contemplate that Shaikh and I have become one.

This seeker wrote a letter and made reference to it. (It was read out in the gathering of seekers)

On a question (by one of the attendees) regarding this Hakim al Umma replied,

‘In issues related to the spiritual training I do not bind myself to didactic text. I instruct (seekers) whatever (appropriate to their state) comes to mind. Observing his (this seeker’s) congeniality (with myself) I instructed him this muraqaba.’

Husn al Aziz, volume 1, page 35-6