باتیں کرو

چپکے چپکے یونہی ان سے باتیں کرو

کہہ دو دکهڑے سبهی، ان سے باتیں کرو

کوئی ہمدم نہیں کچھ مگر غم نہیں

دوست تو ہیں وہی ان سے باتیں کرو

شور و ہنگامے میں مانگ لو خامشی

خامشی میں کبھی ان سے باتیں کرو


کیا ہیں کرتوت تیرے انهیں ہیں خبر

بے خبر! بے خطر ان سے باتیں کرو

ہاں سنا ڈالو دل کی حکایت انهیں

بے زباں چشم تر ان سے باتیں کرو

کار دنیا میں مشغولیت گو رہے

دل ہی دل میں مگر ان سے باتیں کرو

سب توجہ کا مرکز رہے انکی ذات

خود کو بھی بهول کر ان سے باتیں کرو


سوچتے سوچتے  بیت جائیگی عمر

سوچتے سوچتے ان سے باتیں کرو

ہر گھڑی اک تعلق سا قائم رہے

چلتے پھرتے ہوئے ان سے باتیں کرو

وہ تمھارے ہی ہیں اجنبی تو نہیں

راز سے ناز سے ان سے باتیں کرو

یوں تو ہے جلوہ یار پیش نظر

 جب بھی موقع ملے ان سے باتیں کرو


محفلوں میں خیال انکا ہر دم رہے

خلوتوں میں ذرا ان سے ان سے باتیں کرو

تم بھکاری بنو ان سے مانگا کرو

بنکے منگتے سدا ان سے باتیں کرو


رات کی خامشی جب ہو چھائی ہوئی

سر بہ خم زیر لب ان سے باتیں کرو

دم بدم ہر گهڑی، ہر جگہ ہر کہیں

صبح دم، وقت شب ان سے باتیں کرو

 فیض مرشد سے اشعار کہہ تو گئے

بات تو تب هے جب ان سے باتیں کرو


انکی باتیں کرو محفلوں میں فرید…

اور تنہائی میں  ان سے باتیں کرو

ہو نہ پائے فرشتوں کو جس کی خبر

دل کی پہنائی میں ان سے باتیں کرو


خواجہ تاش

مکرم و محترم جناب فرید صدیقی صاحب

Piri – muridi: The reality of Tasawwuf Part 1


Shah Wasiullah Allahabadi writes in the preface of ‘Tarbiyet us Salik‘ of Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on them) ,

‘The task of being a Shaykh is a lofty responsibility.

This is, because calling people towards Allah is the Prophetic job and the Shaykh is delegated to do it. Therefore, there can not be any doubt in its immense significance.

It is for this reason the quote of pious predecessors is famous,
الشيخ فى قومه كاالنبى فى أمته

A Shaykh in a community is like a Prophet in his Ummah.

Respected (poet) Hafiz Shirazi (Allah have mercy on him) pointed towards this in,

na har

(Not anyone with a glowing face knows how to flirt

Not anyone who makes a mirror act like Alexander

There are thousands of points thinner than a hair in this way

Not anyone who shaves his head can be a qalander)

ٖFrom the essentials of performing this task are two things that differentiate between a righteous and charlatan Shaykh.

First is his expertise in recognizing the aptitude and specific characteristics of the seeker’s temperament.

Secondly, his technique of instruction and training (the seekers accordingly) is at its most perfect level.

The greatness of the (Sufi) Masters is determined by their exceptional level of instruction and training. And this is the cause of their popularity in the (religious) elite.

In an era the Shaykh who is superior to all the contemporary Shuyukh in this field is known as ‘Qutub ul Irshad‘. Like Leader of the group Junaid al Baghdadi and Shaykh Ghuas e azam (Abdul Qadit al Jilani, may Allah sanctify their secret) etc. etc..

To be contd.

 Tarbiyet us Salik, volume 1, page 2

Exaggeration: غلو


Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) was obviously upset. He scolded the compiler of a book: Islahi waqiyat, (extracts from his discourses) sternly,

‘I reviewed your book. There is gross exaggeration in honorifics (used with the name of sayyidi), like mujadid al millat, shaikhul Islam and other titles.  This is inappropriate and unacceptable. Remove them all in the next edition.’

Outside Bab Fatima radhiAllah anha, Masjid Darul Uloom Karachi, 23 Shawwal 1436/9 August 2015

Baiyah: Types & instruction


Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve and protect him) accepted a seeker’s request for baiyah. This individual has a islahi relationship with one of the mojazeen of sayyidi for the previous few and was proceeding for Hajj this year.

Prior to the ceremony sayyidi wa sanadi clarified,

‘There are two types of baiyah. First is that in which an individual pledges to do his islah (under the supervision of this specific Shaykh). It is baiyah as sulook. The other is for barakah and blessing (of being included into the Sufi silsila/order). It is baiyah tabarruk. This is the one we are doing.’

After the spiritual ceremony sayyidi instructed,

‘Continue with the recitations (ma’moolat) as recommended by your mentor. However, it must be clear that the main task is rectification of morals (islah ikhlaq). Read about them and ask your mentor whenever there is a suspicion.’

Baiyet e Kaiser,  Study, Residence, Darul uloom Karachi, 23 Shawwal 1436/9 August 2015

Tasawwuf: Types

Shaikh Wahba al Zuhayli (Allah have mercy on him) a senior Syrian scholar and one of the best friends of sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) recently passed away. May Allah forgive him, raise his status manifolds in hereafter and give sabr e jameel to all his admirers. Amin!

Shaikh Zuhayli (Allah have mercy on him) clarified:

“There are two types of Sufism: praiseworthy Sufism and blameworthy Sufism.

The praised is that which is in agreement with the Qur’an and sunnah. It means the healing of the soul and excellence in directing oneself to God as well as connecting with God which cannot happen without litanies based in the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet Muhammad.

The blamed is that which is in excess of this with its formalities and exaggerations such as the drum and the horn – which fall under deviant innovations. This is what (classical) Islamic legal scholars such as al-Qurtubi stated and it is also my position.

With deep regret, drums and horns have entered into our mosques during mawlid ceremonies, and this is what many scholars had called deviant and without sound foundation (in Islamic law), and this is my position. I love the people of Sufism who are moderate, those who are committed to the Qur’an and sunnah; and I hate (the Sufism) of heretical innovations and that which is alien to Islam, this is my methodology.”

Fatwa on Sufism via Wikipedia

Repentance: The first step!







A sincere reader wrote,

Assalam o alaikum…

My name is XYZ…. I’m a student of college… Basically I am from Town C.

I stumbled upon your site. Thanks for such an outstanding work for us. May Allah bless you and give you what you want in this life and after death.

I think I should come to the main point, Sir, I am only a Muslim by name. I do not say my prayers regularly, don’t recite Kitab ul Allah, although I’m a hafiz. But i think I forgot most of it. I cut my beard. And many things I am not able to say in front of you.

Sir! I’m very much worried about my emaan. I have been lost in this life. Totally forgot my mission in this life for which I have been sent.

Please tell me what can I do now to save my emaan?  How can i come back to a life of Muslim?How can i do what I’m suppose to do…?
Can you please tell me

The reply sent,

Respected brother Hafiz XYZ sahib

as salamu alaykum wrwb

Jazak Allah

It is great to know about you.

Your email is reflective that, masha-Allah, you have importance and azmet of Deen in your heart. May Allah increase it more with ‘afiyet. Amin!

Please, be reminded that we are all humans. Weak in determination and lazy in action. It is in our nature to slip and fall down. However, it is abnormal to slip and not stand up, rub off the dirt, clean our-self and start walking again.

Please, do the same.

At the first opportunity take a bath (ghusul0, wear clean clothes, put some perfume (‘itr) and pray two rakat of salat e tauba. After salam raise hands and make heartfelt dua.

Tell Allah swt everything.

Tell Him that the disobedient slave has returned back to Your mercy.

Please, protect me and save me from my nafs and shaytan.

I am weak.

I repent from all that has been done.

I make firm determination that I will not do it again.

But what am I and what is my determination?

Ya Allah! only Your mercy will save me from committing sins again.

O Merciful have mercy on me. I have no other place to take refuge.

Like this pour out your heart. Take your time doing this.

After this, please, try your best to follow the basics of Islam on-wards. Especially, the 5 daily prayers on time.

Insha Allah gradually other things will be included. But do not rush now.

Remember, old bad habits die with difficulty. So do not expect miracles. There will be a struggle with nafs and shaytan. You have to have determination, high spirits and faith in Allah. Please, keep in contact with this lowly writer whatever your condition is on weekly basis. Insha Allah we will travel together on this path to Allah’s pleasure.

Avoid bad company. This includes friends, internet, books and magazines, etc.

Take care.

Do not worry a lot. Allah is most merciful.

Insha Allah, you will be successful.

muhtaj e dua


(Edited for posting)

Reading: essential for a salik

islahi majalis2

During the last ten days of Ramadan a senior scholar and a salik presented a letter informing about his daily schedule. He had come to stay for 3-4 days.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) asked him to tell it verbally as they walked towards home.

He informed in detail about his daily recitations, etc. They included reading of Dalail al Khayarat.

After he was done Sayyidi instructed,

‘Include recitation al Hizb al Adham, at least for the length of stay here.’

And what about reading books?’

He informed that he had read parts of Islahi Khutbaat.

Sayyidi instructed, ‘Start reading Islahi majalis now regularly.’

Ramadan 1436/July 2015 Darul Uloom Karachi


This high lights the importance of regular reading of text recommended by the Shaykh.

This is essential for a seeker. It increases his knowledge, provides motivation and insight into his/her own deficiencies. All of these facilitate his progress.


Listening to lectures & Islah: Clearing a misconception

The current technology has facilitated the sharing of information. Spiritual discourses of Shuyukh can be heard live online or saved for later use very easily.

However, islah (self betterment/reformation) does not happen just by passive listening to these lectures.

Islah requires active effort.

These lectures provide the general guidelines. Application of these in one’s daily life requires consultation with a spiritual mentor (Shaykh).

After attending a series of lectures on arrogance a seeker wrote that he for sure has arrogance and has started its treatment.  Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) replied,

‘Based on what you made this diagnosis? Write in detail the incident and behavior that made you suspicious of this.’

(Islahi khatoot)

This shows the indispensability of a Shaykh for islah. He makes the diagnosis and prescribes a treatment plan.

Moreover, individuals listen to many different Shuyukhs’ lectures. This indeed increases their information. However, it has to be acknowledged that every Shaykh has a different style in approach and application of Deen. This may sometimes appear conflicting and result in confusion.

It is for these reasons it is  recommended that a seeker of islah limits himself to the lectures of his/her Shaykh. This is especially so in the initial phase. Later he may ask for permission to listen to someone in particular.

Islah is not about having vast knowledge and information is. It is about application of the essential knowledge and information actively in our morals and daily life.

May Allah facilitate this for us. Amin!

Daily recitations (wird): being lazy


In the last ten days of Ramadan he salikeen were all gathered around their Sheikh in the office. It was a khanqah.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve and protect him) read aloud from a letter of a seeker,

‘He writes: I am lazy in performance of the daily recitations (wird/ma’moolat) instructed to me.’

Addressing the audience sayyidi disapprovingly asked,

‘What can be done for this?’

Ramadan 1436/July 2015, Office, Daul Uloom Karachi

It means, that a seeker who has not recognized the importance of being punctual in his/her daily spiritual work is a hopeless case. No one else can help him do what he/she is supposed to do him/her self.

Moreover, it is reflective of his poor decision making in prioritizing daily actions and having a practical daily schedule.

May Allah give us the insight of recognizing the importance of the daily routine spiritual works, etc. instructed to us. Amin!

Steadfastness in them is the way towards success on this path.

Becoming a’lim not necessary for all


A foreign visitor inquired regarding admission to dars e nizami at Darul Uloom Karachi. He appeared matured beyond the youthful student days.

Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve and protect him) replied,

‘They will start in Shawwal.

How old are you?’

He replied that he was in his mid thirties.

Sayyidi added,

‘Then it will not be possible to get admission here. There are age restrictions in our admission policies.

Moreover, it is not necessary for all to do dars e nizami and become a scholar (a’lim). The essential knowledge for a Muslim is that what makes him/her follow deen correctly in everyday life. For this there is 3 years curriculum taught here. You may do that.’

Ramadan 1436/July2015, Office, Darul Uloom Karachi.

This is one of the common distractions these days. Every individual who becomes religious either wants to become a scholar, hafidh e Quran or master in Arabic language.

It must be clear that having knowledge is not synonymous with observance and following of what that knowledge commands.

The requirement from us is to follow these commands effectively. Effort is required to overcome the obstacles posed by nafs & Shaytan in doing so. This require tarbiyah/training and spiritual struggle.

When are we going to allocate time for this?


جذب فرید

 دامن کی آگ پهونک نہ دے قلب و جان کو
شوق طواف شعلہ آذردگی سلام

جو کچھ  کہ دل میں ہے وہی کرنے کا ہے خیال

بس ہو چکا تماشہ شائستگی سلام

خواجہ تاش جناب فرید صدیقی صاحب

Shukr: appreciate the blessings & be thankful

On the day of Eid Al Fitr 1436 Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve and protect him) instructed,

‘Appreciate the blessings of Allah and be thankful excessively.

When I contemplate on the blessings of Allah that are being bestowed on me, it feels like like a torrential rainfall. Sometimes I fear that this might be istedraj. (May Allah save us all from it.) 

Recite abundantly (with contemplation of meanings)

اللهم اجعلنا شاكرين لنعمك مثنين بها قابليها وأتمها علينا

O Lord! make us thankful for the blessings You have bestowed on us, allowing us to appreciate them, making us competent of (utilizing) them (appropriately) and making them perfect for us.

Allah will bestow more blessings and facilitate further progress.’

Residence, Dar ul Uloom Karachi, 18/7/2015

صدق فرید 

گفتگو میں کیے معرکے سر بہت

کچھ بهی جوہر عمل کے دکھاتا نہیں

آرزوئے محض سے نہ منزل ملے

سوئے منزل قدم اک اٹهاتا نہیں

انکی چوکھٹ پہ دل کو لیے جاتا ہے

دل کو چوکھٹ مگر یہ بناتا نہیں

سر جهکاتا ہے مسکین صورت لیے

دل مگر در پہ اک پل جهکاتا نہیں

زور بازو سے عالم مسخر ہوا

نفس سرکش مگر قابو آتا نہیں

کارگاه جہاں کے بکهیڑوں میں گم

اصل جو کام ہے یاد آتا نہیں

جناب فرید صدیقی صاحب



In the last ten days of Ramadan Darul Uloom becomes a khanqah.  

Seekers from abroad and different cities of Pakistan come to stay and be in the company of their spiritual mentors. 

The environment is spiritually charged.
Addressing the seekers gathered in his office sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammad Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) instructed,

‘Each of you staying here should write the details of your daily routine (ma’moolat) and give it to me after taraweeh salah. I will review it (make necessary changes as needed) and return it back after fajr salah.’

Office, Darul Uloom Karachi, 23 Ramadan 1436/ 11 July 2015

In reply to an old seeker sayyidi wrote,

‘Alhamdulillah all mamoolat are good May Allah accept all. Taqi’