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- نسخہ ولایت
- دورہ دیوبند
- رمضان کے بعد
- سیدی و سندی مدظلہ كےاصلاحی بیانات رمضان المبادك ١٤٣١
- آوڈیو کتاب : شریعت و طریقت
- امید
- ایک اہم اصول
- جامع دعا
- حضرت شیخ مدظلہ
- خطرات کے اسباب اورعلاج
- دن رات ملاقات
- سالک
- صحبت شیخ
- صحبت کی تاثیر اور اس کے آداب
- غیرسودی بینكاری
- فقيروں كا بهيس
- محبت
- نصیحت
- وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكَ
- پندار
- ‘مدح مصطفی
- آداب خلوت
- آرزو
- آرزو کیا ہے؟
- آسان ترجمہ قرآن
- آلہی، آلہی ، آلہی، آلہ
- آمین
- آمین
- آہوں کی نعمت
- أميد
- أنا لله و أنا اليه راجعون
- إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
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- اتباع سنت
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- احوال انتہاۓ سلوک
- اردو اشرفیہ
- اردو ترجمہ قرآن کی تکمیل
- اس وبا میں کرنے کے کام
- اسلام کی فریاد
- اسلامی بینکاری
- اسم ذات
- اسوه رسول اكرم صلى الله عليه وسلم
- اسوہ رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
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- اصلاحی ملفوظات
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- اصول فقہ
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- اعتراف محبت
- اعتراف محبت
- اعلان
- الإحسان
- الا ھو
- التجا
- التجاء بحضرت خیرالوری صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- السلام
- الصلوہ والسلام علیک یا رسول اللہ
- الفت و سکون ؟
- القول العزیز رح
- الله جلا جلاله
- الله! الله
- اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ الْعَظِيمِ
- اللہ
- اللہ اللہ
- اللہ تعالی
- اللہ تعالی جل شانه
- اللہ تعالی جل شانہ
- اللہ تعالی جل شانہ
- اللہ تعالی سے ملنے کا طریقہ
- اللہ جل جلالہ
- اللہ جل شانہ
- اللہ کی محبت دل میں پیدا کرنے کا راستہ
- المعراج السالكين: قصه بيعت
- الموت تحفة المومن
- الوداع
- الہامی دعا
- الہی
- ام الامراض : تکبر
- امتحان محبت
- ان کی یاد
- انا لله و انا اليه راجعون
- انا لله و انا اليه راجعون
- انسان کی خوبی: خطا
- اوروں سے سلوک
- اوروں سےسلوک
- اپنے دین کی حفاظت مقدم ہے
- اپنے دین کی حفاظت مقدم ہے
- اکابر دیوبند کی خصوصیت: تواضع،فنائیت اور للہیت
- اھم اصول
- اھم بیان
- اھم رھنما اصول
- اہم نحصیت
- اہم نصیحت
- اہم کام
- اے خیال دوست
- اے خیال دوست
- اے غائب از نظر
- اے میرے اللہ میری سن
- بابا فرید گنج شکر رحمہ اللہ
- باتیں کرو
- بار امانت
- باز آ باز آ
- بحق سرور عالم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
- بدعت
- بسیار سفر باید
- بعد خلافت
- بنا كر فقيروں كا بهيس
- بندگی غلامی
- بندہ عشق شدی
- بندہ پیر
- بندہ پیر
- بيخبر
- بھار
- بیان
- بیان بنگلہ دیش
- بیان: صحبت صالح
- تحریر حكیم الامت رحمة اللہ علیہ
- تحفہ رمضان: حضرت حکیم الامت رح
- تربيت السالك Tarbiyat us Salik
- تسلیم و رضا
- تسھیل تربيت السالك Tarbiyat us Salik (simplified)
- تشنگی شوق
- تشنگی شوق
- تشنگی شوق
- تصوف : محبت الھی کا چشمہ
- تقوی پیداکرنے کا طریقہ
- تلك خیالات تربی بھا اطفال الطریقہ
- تلوین
- تمغہ ایمان
- تمنا
- تمنا
- تمھاری یاد
- توبہ
- توجہ الی اللہ
- توحید
- توحید افعالی
- تھانوی مزاج
- جاے بزرگاں بجاے بزرگاں
- جدہ وعظ
- جذب عشق محمدی صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- جذب فرید
- جس دل پہ خدا كی رحمت ھو
- جسے کوئی نسبت خاص ہو
- جل جلاله
- جل شانه
- جمال ھم نشین
- جملہ اوراق و کتب
- جگہ جی لگانے کی دنیا نہیں ہے
- حاصل تصوف
- حاصل تصوف
- حاصل طریق
- حاصل و منتہاۓ طریق
- حاضرى بحضور سروركائنات
- حاضری بارگاہ نبوی صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم
- حاضری حرم شریف
- حال
- حال
- حال دل
- حال زار
- حاْضری
- حج ١٤٣٥
- حجاب
- حزب البحر
- حساب دل
- حسرت شرح تمنا
- حضرت تھانوی قدس سرہ کا انداز تربیت اور تقوی کا حصول
- حضرت تھانوی قدس سرہ کے مزار پر
- حضرت حاجی صاحب رح کی وصیت
- حضرت شیخ مدظلہم العالی
- حضرت مولانا شاہ عبدالغنی پھولپوری رحمۃ اللہ علیہ
- حضرت والد رحمۃ اللہ علیہ کی وفات پر
- حضور
- حضور
- حضوری
- حق محبت
- حقوق والدین
- حقيقت عشق
- حقیقت اجازت بیعت
- حقیقت تصوف
- حقیقت حال
- حقیقت حال
- حقیقت میراث
- حقیقتِ زندگی
- حكیم الامت رحمةاللہ علیہ
- حکیم الامت رحمۃ اللہ علیہ
- حکیم الامت رحمۃ اللہ علیہ کا معذرت نامہ
- حیرانگی عاشق
- حیرت عشق
- خاص حق کے ولی
- خالق سے محبت
- خانقاہ / زاویہ
- خبث نفس
- ختم خواجگان چشت
- خصوصى هدايت
- خلاصہ تصوف
- خلوت
- خلوت
- خود بینی و خود رائی
- داستان حسرت
- درجہ عظمت شیخ
- درد
- درد الفت کا مزا
- درد دل
- درد دل
- درد دل
- درد دل
- درود
- درود تنجينا
- درود شريف
- درود شريف
- درود شریف
- درود شریف
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا
- دعا تو دل کی پکار ہے
- دعا مسنونه نصف شعبان
- دعا مسنونه نصف شعبان
- دعا مسنونه نصف شعبان
- دعاۓ امام ربانى مجدد الف ثانى رحمة الله عليه
- دعاۓ عاشق رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم مولانا قاسم نانوتوی رح
- دل
- دولت سکون عشق
- دين أور شوق
- دید و حضوری
- دین اتباع کا نام ہے
- دین اور دنیوی مصالح
- دین و دنیا
- ذكر
- ذكر
- ذكر و فكر
- ذکر
- ذکر الہی
- ذکر قلبی
- ذکر قلبی
- ذکر و فکر
- ذکر و لطائف کی تفصیل
- راضی برضا
- رحمہ اللہ علیہ
- رزق
- رضا
- رضا
- رضا بالقضاء
- رضاے یار
- رمضان 1428 کے بیانات
- رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٢ بیان :١
- رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٢ بیان :٢
- رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٥
- رمضان کے بیانات
- رمی جمار
- روحانی شاعری
- روضہ اقدس سرور کائنات صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- روضہ اقدس پر
- روضہ اقدس پر
- روۓ زیبا تیرا
- ریا
- زبان خلق کو نقارہ خدا سمجھو
- زيارة الرسول الاكرم صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم
- ساقی
- ساقیا ! دے شراب ایسی
- سالک
- سالک نہیں ہالک
- سالک کا سفر
- سالگرہ کی حقیقت
- سانحات غم
- سر دوستاں سلامت
- سر كار دو عالم صلى الله عليه و اله وسلم
- سرکار دوعالم حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم
- سفر حيات كا أصول
- سفر حیات
- سلام
- سمجھ لیجےِ گا تو سمجھایے گا
- سیدی و سندی متعنا اللہ بفیوضہ و برکاتہ
- سیدی و سندی مفتی محمد تقی عثمانی مدظلھم العالی
- سیرت النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
- شان الحبيب صلى الله عليه واله وسلم
- شہید کربلا ۱
- شہید کربلا-۲
- شہید کربلا-۳
- شہید کربلا-۴
- شہید کربلا-۵
- شہید کربلا-۶
- شیخ سے استفاضہ کے لیۓلازمی
- صاحب نسبت ہونے کی علامات
- صحبت
- صحبت اہل اللہ
- صدق
- صدق فرید
- صدقے احمد صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- صل ياربّ
- صلوة بئر
- صلى الله عليه واله وسلم
- صلى على النبى
- صلي الله عليه و اله وسلم
- صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- ضابطہ حیات
- ضرورت صحبت اھل اللہ
- طاعت کا اثر
- طریق عاشقی
- طریق ہی منزل ھے
- طریقت میں حسن وجمال حبیب
- طریقت کی سند بیوی سے لو
- طریقہ اسم ذات جل جلالہ
- طلب
- طلب شراب محبت
- طلب صادق کیا ہے؟
- ظاہر باطن کا تالہ
- عارف باللہ کی شاعری
- عاشق
- عاشقوں کا کام
- عاشقوں کی منزل
- عاشقی
- عاشقی
- عاشقی چیست
- عبدیت/Servitude-1
- عبدیت/Servitude-2
- عرس
- عشاق مدينه
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق
- عشق محمد صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- عشق محمدصلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم (Rp)
- علامات محبت
- علم غير نافع
- علوم تصوف و تزکیہ کی تفصیل
- علوم مکاشفہ
- عمرہ
- عید الفطر بیان
- عید الفطر مبارک
- عید مبارک
- عید مبارک
- عیدالفطر ۱۴۳۶
- غرق دریائیم
- غم
- غم کے داغ
- فا بلغ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
- فراق طیبہ
- فرياد
- فریاد زائر مدینہ منورہ
- فضائل و کمالات نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
- فنا
- فنا
- فنا
- فنا
- فنائیت
- فیض شیخ
- فیضِ شیخ
- قبض
- قبض : Spiritual Constriction
- قرب الهي
- قطع راہ عشق
- قلب کا جاری ہونا
- قلم
- قَالَ لَنَا حَبِيْبُنَا
- قیام بہ خدمت شیخ مدظلہم العالی
- كام
- كاميابي كي كنجي
- كامیابی كا گر
- كعبة المشرفه
- لا تقنطو
- لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله
- لبیک یا عبدی
- لطفِ شُما
- لغزش
- لوح مزار :نصیحت
- لوگ آسان سمجھتے ہیں مسلماں ہونا
- ليبك اللهم ليبك
- ماضی و مستقبل کی فکر
- مایوس سالک کے لیۓ ھدایت
- مبكية العابدين
- متقی بننا
- محبت
- محبت
- محبت
- محبت
- محبت
- محبت
- محبت
- محبت اور تمنا
- محبت اور من مانی
- محبت رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی حقیقت
- محبت سرور کائنات صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- محتاج
- محرم راز
- محو محبت
- مدینہ منورہ
- مدینہ منورہ
- مذاق عشق
- مراتب فنا
- مراقبه
- مراقبه موت
- مراقبہ
- مراقبہ اتحاد/Muraqaba of Union
- مراقبہ موت
- مراقبہ موت
- مرثیہ
- مرضی جاناناں
- مرضی مولا از ہمہ اولی
- مرگ مومن
- مزار حضرت گنگوھی رحمة اللہ علیہ
- مزار حكیم الامت رحمة اللہ علیہ
- مستحبات كا درجه /Status of Mustehebbat in Sulook
- مسجد/گھر/دفتر: عبادت گاہ
- مسلمانان پاکستان کے نام ایک دردناک پیغام
- مسلمانوں کا اس وقت مرض
- مسنون دعا
- مشکلات لا الہ
- مع العافية
- معطر روح ومنور چشم
- معطر روح ومنور چشم
- مقام عبرت
- مقصود
- مناجات
- مناجات
- مناجات
- مناجات مقبول :آن لائن
- منزل مقصود
- منقبت
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- مواعظ اشرفیہ
- موبائیل فون کا استعمال
- موت کی یاد
- موجودہ بینکنگ نظام اوراسلام
- مولائى ادركنى
- مولانا نعمانی رح كا مكتوب تسلی
- ميزاب رحمت
- مکتب عشق
- مکتب عشق
- میری الفت کا فسوں
- میری بیعت
- میری توبہ
- میرے مولا میری مدد کر
- میکدہ
- میں نے تمہیں دیکھا ہے
- ناصح
- نسبت
- نسبت کی حقیقت
- نسخه سعادت
- نسخہ
- نسخہ کیمیا
- نصاب تصوف
- نصاب تصوف
- نصیحت
- نظم
- نعت
- نعت
- نعت سرور کائنات صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم
- نعت
- نعمت كبری
- نفس
- نقش قدم نبی کے ہیں جنت کے راستے
- نمی دانم کجا رفتم
- نيل الشفا بنعل المصطفى صلى الله عليه و اله وسلم
- نگاہ فیض
- نگاہ یار
- نہایت اھم مضمون
- هر تمنا
- همنشنى با خدا
- وادی عشق
- والدین کے حقوق اورایصال ثواب
- وحدہ لا شریک لہ
- وداع و وصل
- ورد میرا رات دن
- وصال
- وصول
- وضاحت
- وعظ: تفكر أور الله كى معرفت
- وعظ: محرم الحرام کی فضیلت اور بدعات
- وعظ:محرم اور عاشورہ کی حقیقت
- وفا سے توبہ
- وقت کی قدر
- وقوف عرفہ
- وَذَرُواْ ظَاهِرَ الإِثْمِ وَبَاطِنَهُ
- وہ
- وہ خود ہیں اپنے طالب دیدار کے لیۓ
- وہ ذرا سی بات
- ياالله
- پاكستان كے حالات كے بارے میں خصوصی بیان
- پشیمانم، پشیمانم، پشیمانم، یا رسول اللہ
- پیر بھائی
- پیمان وفا
- کافر عشق
- کامیابی
- کرم سے تیرے
- کسی کی یاد میں دیوانہ
- کفران نعمت
- کل سلوک
- کلید کامیابی
- کہاں سے لاؤں؟
- کیا دوسری شادی کرنا سنت ہے؟
- کیا کیا تو کرنا چاہیۓ
- کیفیات
- کینہ کفر/آئین ما
- گناہ
- گناہ
- گناہ آئینہ عفو و رحمت
- گنج عیوب
- ھدایت براے سفر زندگی
- ھماری یہ درگاہ
- ہدایات براۓ رمضان
- ہم ان کے بلا شک ہیں وہ بلاشبہ ہمارے
- ہمارا ہونا
- ہمارے اکابر اور ہم
- ہو فنا ذات میں
- ہوش
- یا الہی
- یا الہی بحق مصطفی صلى الله عليه وسلم
- یا الہی! ہم ہمت ہیں ہارے
- یا رسول اللہ
- یا سیدی و سندی مدظلہم العالی
- یا سیدی یا مرشدی
- یاالہی
- یاد دہانی
- یاد ماضی فکر مستقبل و حال ضائع
- یاروں کا حق
- یک دم با خدا بودن
- یکسوئی کے اقسام
- یہ رشتہ محبت
- یہ گناہ صغیرہ ہے یا کبیرہ ؟
1 (1)
2 (1)
9 (1)
A (179)
- A reminder
- ‘Abd
- ‘Abd: Admin information
- ‘Abdiyet: Dhikr e qalbi
- ‘Ashura incident
- A beneficial talk!
- A blessed state
- A cardinal defect in translation
- A check list for selecting a Shaikh
- A clarification
- A comprehensive supplication
- A Curriculum of Study for every Muslim
- A disobedient Muslim
- A dream for guidance!
- A form of Zikir: Fikir
- A good dream
- A good state
- A great opportunity: Hadhrat Hakim sahib db
- A great site!
- A heart warming anecdote (بشارت)
- A heartfelt letter
- A point to ponder upon!
- A prayer
- A pure or partial hypocrite!
- A quiz!
- A Ramadan routine
- A refreshing dream
- A request
- A seeker
- A sign of Allah’s friendship!
- A Solution at the Time of Financial Crisis
- A Special Dua
- A supplication
- A tip to improve salah!
- A unique way of self reform
- Abandon innovation but don’t quarrel with innovator
- Abandoning the Sunna in Hajj
- Abdiyet
- Abstaining from sinful
- Abstaining from Sins
- Abstinence from sins
- Absurd Hajj
- Abundant remembrance of Allah
- Acceptance of deeds: The sign
- Acceptance of dua
- Acceptance of supplication
- Accommodate & Adjust
- Accompanying the Pious
- Accountability
- Achievement and its awareness
- Achieving Khushoo/Serenity
- Achieving real prosperity
- Acknowledge mistake and make correction
- Acknowledging one’s mistakes
- Acquiring knowledge and acting accordingly
- Acquiring Real Knowledge
- Acquiring Religious Knowledge
- Acquiring true religiosity
- Action required
- Action required:Turning to Allah SWT
- Actions are by belief
- Actions without Enthusiasm!
- Adab
- Adab of guest
- Adab of murshid
- Adab of parents
- Adab, Sunna & Wajib
- Adherence to the Sunnah and the Mashayikh Chisht
- Admit the wrong and ask forgiveness
- Adopt Obscurity
- Adversity form Authorities
- Advice
- Advice
- Advice
- Advice at condolence 1
- Advice at condolence 2
- Advice at condolence 3
- Advice for electoral candidate
- Advice for those proceeding for Hajj
- Advice on being over zealous
- Advice on condolence 4
- Advice on condolence 5
- Advice to a seeker
- Advice to husbands
- Advice to newly wed
- Advice to reader of Sufi works!
- Advice to scholars
- Advice to students
- Advice to students
- Advice to the bridegroom!
- Advice to the graduating scholars: Necessity of moral discipline
- Advice: sufis do not quarrel
- Advice: when in Makkah
- Advise
- Affection & devotion of people these days!
- After Ramadhan
- Agnozing parents after death!
- Air conditioning with windows open
- Akabir’s tabarrukat
- Alchemy
- Alchemy
- Alchemy!
- Alive or dead?
- Allah is great!
- Allah is our Wali
- Allah SWT is watching me
- Allah’s love
- Allah’s love?
- Allah’s marifah
- Allah’s mercy
- Allah’s mercy in His displeaure!
- Allah’s Prophets are infallible & Friends are protected
- Allah’s proximity
- Allah’s proximity explained
- Allah’s decree: Accept or be upset about it
- Allah’s love
- Alternative Shaikh
- Am I a salik?
- Ameen!
- Amr bil ma’ruf
- An Effective Method for Leaving out Sins
- An Essential Principle
- An example of love of Shaykh
- An important advice: How to be tolerant?
- An important reminder
- An Interview
- And follow
- Anger
- Anger
- Anger
- Anger at husband!
- Anger: How to control it?
- Annihilation
- Announcement
- Anouncement
- Answering criticism
- Answers to Islahi questions
- Anti-kibr therapy
- Apathetic murid
- Apostate of tariqat
- Appreciate the blessings
- Appreciate the present Shuyukh
- Appreciating the contemporary elders
- Arabic biography of Hakim al Umma
- Archetype: Our akabir
- Are any khulafa of Hakeemul Ummat ra Alive ?
- Are you insane?
- Arifbillah ra
- Arrogance
- Arrogance & Humility
- Asceticism
- Ashrafiya
- Ashrafiya precisian: The daily wird
- Ashrafiya Silsila/Sand e Tariqa
- Ashrafiya Tasawwuf
- Ashrafiya WhatsApp: Pashto daily ta’leem
- Ashura
- Ask & be afraid!
- Asking Allah
- Asking Allah swt (dua) a lot.
- Assassination attempt
- Assistance in finding a Shaikh
- Assisting the Needy
- At tahajjud
- Attitude to be Adopted for Issues Differed Upon
- Attraction towards impermissible desires
- Audible Dhikr
- Audio: Honour of the Prophet
- Audio: Nisab e Tasawwuf (Urdu)
- Audio:
- Audio: طریق قلندر
- Audio:اشرف السوانح
- Avoid causing inconvenience to others
- Avoid relationship with rulers
- Avoid wasting water during wudhu
- Avoiding useless
- Awarif al-Ma’arif
- Awliya are not infallible
- Ayat e Shifa
B (104)
- Ba’yit/Ahed
- Baba Fareed Ganjshakar: Sayings
- Backbiting
- Backbiting
- Bad Opinion about others
- Baiyah: The appropriate time
- Baiyah: Types & instruction
- Baiyet
- Baiyet with Mufti Taqi Usmani مدظلہ
- Balance in reading
- Balancing the practices of Deen
- Basis of & wisdom behind the Shariah rulings
- Bayah online
- Bayan and majlis
- Be afraid
- Be busy!
- Be careful with loans
- Be humble ……… but not ungrateful!
- Be intelligent!
- Be merciful!
- Be mine and do as you wish
- Be thankful for being a Muslim
- Be thankful!
- Be very careful of the saintly ones
- Beard: No big deal?
- Beaware of Nafs
- Beaware of Tongue!
- Become a Human first!
- Become a Muslim
- Become blind, deaf, mute and paralyzed!
- Become intelligent!
- Becoming a murid?
- Becoming a’lim not necessary for all
- Before doing anything do this!
- Before Going to Eid Prayer
- Being attentive of Allah 2
- Being away from Sheikh’s company is deleterious
- Being busy
- Being Considerate regarding the Ease of Others
- Being excessively cautious in bayiah
- Being human
- Being lazy in Tareeq
- Being pleased with the decree of Allah!
- Being practical and wise
- Being Steadfast in Following the Rulings of Shariah
- Being steadfast on daily routine
- Being tested by disobedience!
- Being thankful for the bounties of Allah swt.
- Being thankful for the bounties of Allah swt.
- Belittling others
- Beneficial knowledge
- Beneficial knowledge
- Beneficial:Silence or speech?
- Benefit of being present at the grave and making dua
- Benefit of pious companion
- Benefit of Sheikh’s suhba & wird
- Benefiting from one Sheikh ONLY
- Benefiting from Sheikh’s Silence
- Benefits of pious company!
- Benefits of suhba
- Benefits of tahajjud
- Benefitting from Shaykh’s letter
- Beneifts of reading the sayings of the pious
- Best book for a salik preparing for Hajj
- Best wird
- Best worship
- Bestowal of nisbet
- Beware before bay’ah!
- Beware of Fraud
- Beware of imposters
- Beware of negligence
- Beware!
- Bidah
- Birth of a Daughter!
- Bismillah
- Blame worthy morals
- Blame: Handling it correctly
- Blameworthy morals lead to loss of tawfeeq
- Blameworthy morals: list
- Blameworthy morals: removal
- Blatant desire!
- Blessings and three kinds of sufis
- Blood relationships
- Book “Mamoolat e Yomiya” Most Essential!
- Book: Ashraf us Sawanih English (pdf)
- Book: Recommended reading
- Book: The Legal Status of Following a Madhab
- Book: The Ways of the Holy Prophet
- Book:A Sufi Study of Hadith
- Book:حق السماع
- Books
- Books (only) as teachers
- Breaking the chains of addiction!
- Breaking the chains of desire
- Brethren in Tasawwuf
- Bring a silent change
- Bring gifts
- Bringing children to the pious
- Brotherly advice
- Buhtan
- Building determination
- Burying the past and moving ahead
- Business Morals
- Busy life!
C (99)
- Call of the heart
- Calling onto others beside Allah for help
- Cancellation of khilafet
- Categories of Action
- Categories of love
- Caution regarding Nafs
- CC:Annoying recurrent thoughts (وساوس)
- Celebrate
- Celebrating the Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
- Challenging the aspirant
- Change
- Change for better!
- Change: Daily ta’leem time
- Changes in daily routine
- Changing Shaikh
- Changing tariqa
- Changing tariqa sequel: adab
- Cheating
- Checklist: Am I progressing in my Deen?
- Chishti dhikr
- Chishti sulook
- Chishti Zikir/Jahar & Zarb
- Chishti, Qadri, Naqshabandi & Suharwardy!
- Chisti asbaq/lessons
- Clarification about Ijaza
- Clarification regarding unveilings
- Clarification: Bayah vs suhba
- Clarification:Hizb al-Bahr
- Cleansing the heart
- Clearfying baseless assumptions
- Clearing financial matters first!
- Coercion into baiyah
- Cognizant sinner
- Collective dhikr
- Combating Immodesty on Internet
- Combining English & Urdu site
- Come leaving the arrogance, prepared for humiliation
- Committing A Sin Doesn’t Decrease Desire for It
- Committing a sin thinking
- Communication with Shaikh
- Companionship of innovator (bidati)
- Companionship to be avoided
- Companionships to avoid
- Company of Anti-Tasawwuf Individuals
- Company of awliya
- Company of Devil
- Company of ignorant sufi
- Company of pious
- Company of the Pious
- Company of the pious
- Company of the pious
- Company of the pious
- Company of the Pious 1
- Company of the Pious 2
- Company to keep!
- Competition for wealth & destruction
- Complete deen!
- Complete following of Sunna!
- Components of a perfect repentance
- Components of islah
- Comprehensive supplication
- Concealing from Shaykh
- Concentration in Prayers
- Concern about criticism: Arrogance
- Concern for Muslim benefit
- Concern for others
- Conclusion: Signs of T’aluq ma’Allah
- Condemnation of attack on Christians in Pakistan
- Conditions for esal e thawab
- Condolence: Prophet’s letter (Allah’s blessings & peace be upon him)
- Confusing fiqh & sufi practices
- Confusing state and the reality
- Consequence of Sin
- Consolation : Long distance relationship
- Consultation & Re-consultation for Treatment
- Contemporary Turkish Muslims’ plight
- Contentment
- Contents 1
- Contents II
- Controlling sight and tongue
- Controlling the eyes!
- Convenience
- Conviction
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus Pandemic: What is it for me?
- Coronavirus:Seclusion
- Correcting others
- Correction regarding: Speaking without knowing the meaning
- Correction regarding: Speaking without knowing the meaning
- Corrupt suhba
- Counting the blessings!
- Creating Ta’aluq ma’Allah/Love of Allah swt
- Criteria for instructing others
- Criteria for pious company
- Criteria for spouse selection
- Criticism
- Cure for love
- Cure for Praise of others
- Current affairs!
D (134)
- Dai’i
- Daily awrad
- Daily poor quality ma’molaat
- Daily recitations
- Daily recitations (wird): being lazy
- Daily recitations: way to progress
- Daily Routine: A must!
- Daily schedule of a Salik
- Daily seclusion
- Daily supplication x10
- Daily wird
- Daily wird
- Daily wird & Time constraints
- Daily Workout
- Danger!
- Dangers of excessive grief
- Darul Uloom is a khanqah these days!
- Darul Uloom Karachi’s new website
- Days of patience are here!
- Deadliest Poisons in sulook
- Deadly companionship
- Deadly Prevalent Sins
- Dealing with absurd stuff
- Dealing with criticism constructively
- Dealing with doubts
- Dealing with evil notions
- Dealing with lustful thoughts
- Dealing with marital conflicts
- Dealing with non-mehram
- Dealing with non-mehram
- Dealing with Show off
- Dealing with Wife
- Death
- Death on friday
- Deceptions of Nafs
- Deen
- Deen and worldly benefits
- Deen is not Difficult at all!
- Defects
- Definition of useless speech
- Delay in feedback
- Delay in Islahi letters
- Delayed correspondence
- Delaying repentance
- Deleterious appropriate suhba
- Deliberation on punished nations
- Demand of the moment
- Deoband & Tasawwuf
- Deobandi Shaykh are qalander
- Desire
- Desire to dream of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
- Desire to lead
- Desire to sin
- Desire, deception and ignorance
- Desired good company
- Detrimental connections
- Develop an attentive heart 1
- Developing Allah swt’s Love
- Developing Allah’s love!
- Developing congeniality with this path
- Developing willpower!
- Deviations in Deen
- Devotional worship
- Dhikr
- Dhikr
- Dhikr
- Dhikr between each four units of Taraweeh
- Dhikr e qalbi
- Dhikr in salah
- Dhikr or muraqaba
- Dhikr without islah
- Dhikullah: various forms
- Diagnosis of blame worthy moral trait
- Die & death
- Difference between a scholar & a Shaikh
- Difference between being rude & aloof
- Differentiate between needs & desires
- Differentiate between the sinner and the sinful
- Differentiation between hatred for the sake of Allah SWT vs hatred for nafs
- Digital photographs
- Disgracing an individual
- Disgusted by Tawheed
- Displaying Anger: Needs Treatment
- Displaying humility
- Disputations are nafsani
- Disregarding Shaykh’s advice
- Distraction
- Distraction in wird
- Divine plans
- Do as You wish!
- Do not be angry!
- Do Not Despise The Sinners
- Do not follow me if I do not follow…….
- Do not leave wird totally!
- Do the pious still exist?
- Do!
- Doctor becoming an alim
- Doubt of Show off
- Doubtful Seeker: Final
- Doubts & questions
- Doubts 1: Are Sufis ahle biddah
- Doubts 2: Benefitting from grave
- Doubts 3: Wahabi?
- Doubts 4: Sufi Music?
- Doubts 5: Who is Ahles Sunna?
- Doubts!
- Dowazdah Tasbih
- Dowazdah tasbih
- Dowazdah tasbih in Ramadan
- Dr Hafez Tanveer Ahmed Khan ra passed away
- Dream
- Dreaming of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
- Dreams
- Dreams
- Dreams
- Dua
- Dua
- Dua
- Dua
- Dua after Adhan
- Dua after salah
- Dua e ‘Arifi for protection
- Dua for Night of 15th Shaban
- Dua for steadfastness on Deen
- Dua for the deceased
- Dua request
- Dua requested
- Dua to be Recited at the Approach of Ramadhaan
- Dua: supplication
- Dua: Talking with Allah
- Dunya?
- Durood shareef
- Dying before completion of Sulook!
- Dying before death
E (76)
- Earning more to spend more
- Earthquake: A Punishment/Trial or Natural Phenomenon
- Easy Good Deeds: Book of Sulook
- Easy Good Deeds: I’tikaf
- Educating self & others
- Effacement of self ego
- Effectiveness of dhikrullah is contingent on…
- Effectiveness of Dhikrullah?
- Effects of Dhikr and righteous deeds
- Eid & the right of the family
- Eid mubarak
- Eid mubarak
- Eid Mubarak
- Eid Mubarak: The real Joy!
- Eid Mubarak: The real Joy!
- Eid Mubarak
- Eid: An unimaginable joy!
- Eid: an unimaginable occasion of joy
- Email: Please, ponder for a moment
- Embarrassment infront of Shaykh
- Encouragement for bayah
- End Result & Conclusion of Tareeq
- Ending Ramadan with Shukur & Istigfar
- English translation of Urdu books
- Entertainment for purdah observing
- Enthusiasm
- Envy
- Envy
- Errors to Avoid in Dua!
- Esal-e-thawab
- Esha in Helsinki
- Essence of tasawwuf
- Essence of the path
- Essential advice for salik
- Essential for Tasawwuf
- Essential Readings for a Salik
- Essential tajweed
- Essentials for a salik
- Essentials of a Salik’s routine
- Establishing the Goal
- Eternal love
- Etiquette of Advice:No Heartbreaking!
- Etiquette of Haramain Sharifain
- Etiquettes of being a Civilized Individual
- Etiquettes of being Civilized #1
- Etiquettes of being Imam
- Etiquettes of Reading
- Etiquettes of writing a islahi letter
- Event: Book launch, UK
- Event: Jeddah, 25th February 2007
- Event: Riyadh July 1, 2007
- Event:Completion of Sahih Bukhari
- Ever lasting spiritual struggle
- Exaggeration: غلو
- Examinations
- Example of husun e khuluq!
- Example: How the internal moral states form the basis of our bodily worship?
- Excessive Advice
- Excessive desire & preserving the serenity
- Excessive good works
- Excessive remembrance of Allah
- Excessive Remembrance/Dhikr 1
- Excessive Remembrance/Dhikr 2
- Excessive supplication
- Exclusive Love of Allah
- Excuses
- Exhausted seeker
- Expending for good causes
- Experiential knowledge
- Explanation of supplications from Munajat-e-Maqbool
- Exposing the shameful
- Express your love
- Extention of Masjid e Nabawi 1433/2012!
- Extravagant spending
- Extremely Destructive Sins for a Salik
- Extremism in veneration of Shaykh
F (58)
- Facilitation of nisbet e batini
- Facing antagonism
- Faith & Sin
- Fana fi Rasool
- Fana is extreme form of love!
- Fanayiat
- Faqr’s wrap & weft
- Faraz, Wajib, Sunnah and mustaheb
- Fast of ‘Ashura
- Fasts in al-Muharram
- Fear of death
- Fear of istedraj
- Fear self satisfaction
- Fearing the fearless!
- Feeling Gifted
- Feeling sad
- Female funeral
- Few contemporary Shuyukh
- Fikr: Self-improvement
- Filling Station for Allah SWT’s Love
- Fiqh & Tasawwuf: Inseparable
- Firmness of determination in giving up sinful
- First ten days of Zulhijjah
- First thing to do
- First Things First
- Focus on others or self?
- Focus on sincerity
- Focusing the wandering mind
- Follow Sunna
- Follow the instructions
- Following of Sunna & Chishtiya
- Following Sunna
- Following Sunna & Visiting Medinah
- Following Sunna:Fana fi Rasul
- Following the desires is not Deen!
- Following the Sunna
- Following the Sunna
- Following the Sunnah of Prophet
- Following the Sunnah of Prophet 1
- Following the Sunnah of Prophet 2
- Food: Don’t waste
- For seekers in Jeddah
- For those Intending to Travel
- For those on Umrah!
- For those visiting Medinah e munawwarah
- Forceful islah of the household members
- Forgetting the reality
- Forth coming book
- Four Prophetic sayings
- Freedom from hypocrisy
- Friday: Salutations on the Prophet
- Friends
- Friendship of Awliya
- From Baba!
- Fulfilling the rights of others and spiritual states!
- Fundraising!
G (35)
- Generosity is a sign of zuhd
- Genorosity in Ramadan
- Get organized
- Get Permission First!
- Get ready for Ramadan
- Get ready for Ramadhan
- Get ready for Ramadhan
- Get ready: Qiyamah is coming!
- Get Wife’s certificate in Tareeqat!
- Ghaflah:heedlessness
- Ghair muqallid murid
- Gift for Shaykh: The art
- Gift of love
- Give charity!
- Giving advice
- Giving charity
- Giving gifts!
- Giving up the permissible activities
- Goal & Our Capability
- Goal of remembrance:Ehsan
- Goal of the the tariq!
- Goal:Maqamaat not Ahwal
- Golden Advice
- Good
- Good company
- Good morals
- Good of this world?
- Gossip
- Gratitude
- Greater Jihad?
- Grudges کینہ
- Grumbling in Hajj
- Guard eyes, ears and tongue
- Guarding the heart
- Guidance
H (92)
- Hadhrat Hashmat Ali رحمة الله عليه
- Hadith
- Hadith
- Haji Sahib’s faiz
- Hajj
- Hajj & sacrifice: A Divine order
- Hajj = Supplications
- Hajj advice
- Hajj advice
- Hajj without تصريح
- Hajj: Common mistakes
- Hajj: Composite mujahida
- Hajj: Excessive talbiyah
- Hajj: which category?
- Hakeemul Ummat ra’s waseeyat #1
- Hakeemul Ummat ra’s waseeyat # 10
- Hakeemul Ummat ra’s waseeyat # 8
- Hakeemul Ummat ra’s waseeyat #2
- Hakeemul Ummat ra’s waseeyat #3
- Hakeemul Ummat ra’s waseeyat #4
- Hakeemul Ummat ra’s waseeyat #5
- Hakeemul Ummat’s waseeyat # 9
- Hakim al Umma’s ‘amama
- Hakim al-Umma’s khulafa
- Hakim al-Umma’s khulafa
- Handshake without salaam
- Hardening of Heart
- Hardening of heart!
- Hardships
- Harms of being involved in non volitional issues!
- Harnessing the thoughts: Focus
- Having good opinion
- Hazrat db Contact Information
- Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat Mawlama Ashraf Ali Thanvi ra
- Hazrat Shaikh db is in Haramain sharif
- Hazrat Thanawi ra’s Mazar
- He (Allah Most High) then firmly established Himself over the Throne
- Hearing yourself being praised
- Heart-burn
- Heartfelt prayers
- Helping for a righteous cause
- Helping others
- Hiding Karamat
- Hierarchy of rights
- Hold firm to Sunna in these times
- Home
- How can Sheikh Ignore us?
- How Islah is done?
- How much dhikr?
- How not to miss Fajr?
- How to balance between the religious practices?
- How to bring a change?
- How to create yearning and desire?
- How to deal with a difficulty?
- How to deal with worries?
- How to develop concentration in salah?
- How to develop determination?
- How to develop Determination?
- How to develop self control to avoid sinful?
- How to develop understanding of Deen?
- How to do esal e thawab?
- How to gauge spitirual progress?
- How to govern nafs?
- How to Obtain Allah swt’s Love?
- How to perform good deeds and stop committing sins?
- How to protect the eyes from unlawful?
- How to read the spiritual discourses?
- How to recite the daily tasbihat? Part 1
- How to recite the daily tasbihat? Part 2
- How to recognize a pious Shaikh?
- How to Remembering the spiritual medicine when its needed
- How to spend vacations?
- How to start good actions?
- How to Stop seeing the prohibited?
- How to use spare time?
- How to write a Islahi letter?
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility
- Humility of the Prophet
- Humility: the criteria
- Humility: the first lesson
- Husn-e-dhan
- Hypocrisy
- Hypocrisy
- Hypocrisy
I (122)
- I am in my Sheikh’s dua!
- I want to change for better but…………
- I’m asleep!
- Ignore
- Ignoring the Suhba of Ahlul-Allah
- Ihsan
- Ihsan
- Ihsan
- Ijaza & khilafa
- Ijaza for recital of Munajat e maqbool
- Ijazah
- Ijazat
- Ijazet
- Ijazet & khilafet aren’t permanent
- Ijazet: Who is worthy of it?
- Ijazet:Asking for it?
- Ikhlas
- Ilahi teri chokhat per…
- Imam Hussain’s message
- Imam Hussain’s Message
- Imitating
- Imitating to be pious!
- Imperative characteristics
- Impermissible request
- Importance of daily recitations
- Importance of Daily Wird
- Importance of Daily Wird
- Importance of following the Sunna
- Importance of Fulfilling the Rights of Others
- Important message
- Imposing Some Penalty Upon the Nafs
- Improve our salah
- Improving salah
- In order to achieve sincerity!
- In regards to taking another Shaikh
- In Sheikh’s company
- Incorrect way of promoting good
- Increasing worship in Ramadan
- Index for this site
- India tour bayan
- Influencing your Wife!
- Influencing your Wife!
- Informing nothing significant to Sheikh
- Informing Sheikh regularly is essential
- Informing Sheikh: Everything!
- Informing the mentor
- Ingredients of success
- Inna lillah: Shaikh Riffa’t Ahmad Khan
- Inner speech
- Innovation
- Innovation in states
- Inquisitiveness
- Inquisitiveness about Shaykh’s Schedule
- Insight!
- Instructing Good/Amr bil ma’ruf
- Instruction and own islah
- Instructions for the Seeker 1
- Instructions for the Seeker 2
- Instructions for the Seeker 3
- Instructions for the Seeker 4
- Instructions to a female regarding new dresses
- Insulting
- Intention
- Intention for islah
- Intention in religious discussion
- Intention of islah
- Intention of self islah
- Intention when reminding others
- Interest in daily good works
- Internet and haya
- Internet surfers included!
- Invaluable Prescription
- Involvement in Islamic Associations
- Involvement in sinful and feeling of hopelessness
- Involvement in Tabligh
- Involvement in useless
- Involvement in Useless & Neglecting Essentails
- Irfan
- Irregularity in wird!
- Irritating spouse
- Is Internet Haraam for me?
- Is tasawwuf intensified fiqh?
- Is this islahi ta’luq?
- Islah
- Islah
- Islah
- Islah by Tawajjuh, Wazifah & T’aweez?
- Islah for islahi relationship
- Islah of spouse
- Islah/Self-reformation
- Islah/Tazkiya of what?
- Islah: Betterment
- Islah: clarification needed
- Islah: Explained further
- Islah: How to begin?
- Islah: Intention & action
- Islah: Start now
- Islah: step 1
- Islah: Tip to develop spiritual strength
- Islah: What, Why & How?
- Islah:Self improvement
- Islahi adab
- Islahi correspondence
- Islahi correspondence
- Islahi details
- Islahi letters
- Islahi majalis
- Islahi relationship
- Islahi Resdings
- Islahi T’aluq
- Islahi/Self-improvement correspondence!
- Islam & music
- Islam is Life!
- Islam is not a religion!
- Islamic dress
- Islamic new year
- Islamic upbringing of children: wajib
- Istekhara
- Istikhara
- It is not fardh or wajib!
- It is not interesting!
- It’s Friday
J (7)
- Jeddah majlis
- Jihad
- Jihad al-Akbar
- Joining the Ashrafiya silsila
- Jokes and Picking on the other people
- Joy of Eid!
- Juma’
K (40)
- Kaleed e Masnavi
- Karachi: Heat, rain and no electricity
- Karamah
- Karamat e Imdadiya
- Kashef al qaboor
- Keenness in performing good deeds
- Keep progressing
- Keep repenting
- Keep walking!
- Keep yourself in constant close contact with Allah
- Keeping a misbah
- Keeping the heart occupied!
- Keeping track of time & company
- Khalifa is different from a Sheikh
- Khalwa
- Khalwa ma’Allah
- Khanqah at Darul Uloom Karachi
- Khanqah or shop?
- Khatir
- Khidmat e khalaq & Seclusion
- Khilafat?
- KHUBAAT:Weekly Islahi talks
- Khud rayi: a common mistake
- Khushu in Salah
- Khushu’ in salah
- Khushu: Presence of mind in salah
- Audio Collection of Hazrat db’s Bayans
- Kids:Establishing habit of praying Fajar
- Kindness
- Know your worth!
- Knowledge
- Knowledge & action
- Knowledge and Action
- Knowledge and pious company
- Knowledge derived from kashaf
- Knowledge is to Act up
- Knowledge without actions is useless
- Knowledge without Suhba
- Knowledge: it’s stages
- Knowledgeable hypocrite speakers
L (63)
- Lack of importance
- Laila-tal-Qadr dua
- Late night discussions
- Laughter
- Laylat al-qadr
- Laylat al-Qadr dua & suggestions
- Laziness
- Laziness or illness
- Learn the lesson / Darse Ebrat*
- Learn the lesson/ درس عبرت
- Learning by association
- Learning from Orientalist
- Leaving a good deed
- Leaving argumentation
- Leaving Sunna is a sin!
- Leaving Sunna ruinuous for seeker
- Leaving the Shaykh for another one!
- Leaving the Shaykh: The proper way to do so
- Leaving the Sunna
- Leaving the tariqa
- Leaving what does not concern us
- Lecture: What is tasawwuf?
- Legacy
- Leisure of heart
- Lessons from a Meeting with Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani
- Lessons from al-Kahaf
- Letter of recommendation
- Levels of beautification
- Levels of Fana
- Levels of following Sunna
- Levels of Humility
- Levels of khushoo
- Levels of khushu’ in salah
- Levels of Negligence
- Listening
- Listening to lectures & Islah: Clearing a misconception
- Listening to many bayan
- Living in joint family
- Loneliness
- Love for Allah
- Love for Allah
- Love of Allah
- Love of Allah
- Love of Allah swt
- Love of Allah swt from Heart of Awliya
- Love of fame
- Love of fame
- Love of fame / Hubble jah
- Love of Messenger صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
- Love of Prophet
- Love of Sunna
- Love of the material things (hubb e maal)
- Love of the Prophet (Allah bless him & grant him peace)
- Love of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
- Love of the Prophet: Following his example!
- Love of the worldly
- Love of the worldly wealth & status
- Love, عشق
- Lover’s share
- Loving Allah is by having mercy on His creation
- Lowering one’s gaze
- Lustful glances
- Lustful glances
M (99)
- Ma’mulaat: The daily practices
- Madrassa for girls
- Maintain Relationships, Speak Truth & Be Good
- Maintain severe level alert against nafs
- Maintain wudhu
- Maintaining respect of awliya
- Majlis Change: day & time
- Majlis restart
- Majlis time change
- Majlis update
- Majlis vs devotion
- Majlis: Restart & time change
- Majlis: restart
- Major sins (kabair)
- Makateeb e Rasheediya
- Make effort for good deeds
- Making a Sufi
- Making implicit knowledge explicit practice
- Making multiple bayiah
- Making ones ba’yat effective
- Mamoolaat during travel
- Managing time
- Marital accord
- Marital love and fear of Allah
- Marital Relationship & Taqwa
- Marital rights
- Mathnawi & Tasawwuf
- Maulana QamaruzZaman Allahabadi db’s U.K. visit
- Mawlana Hanif Jaunpuri db
- Mawlid clarification
- Meaning of Tasawwuf?
- Means of acquiring Tasawwuf
- Medinah e Munawwarah
- Meer sahib rehmatullah
- Memento mori
- Memoirs (English translation) – Updated
- Memoirs:
- Memoirs: Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Taqi Usmani (English translation)
- Memoirs: Updated
- Memorizing
- Mental Backbiting
- Mercy of Allah: Sinner’s resort
- Message conveyed
- Message of Masnavi
- Method of attaining love of Allah & His messenger
- Method to abandon sins!
- Methodology of Tasawwuf
- Mevlana’s message: Love of Allah
- Minor or Major sins?
- Misconception about Tasawwuf
- Misconception: Asceticism
- Misconception: Limited paths to Allah
- Misfortunes: Consequence of sins or A Blessing in Disguise
- Missed wird
- Missing Daily Tasbihat
- Missing Fajr
- Missing Father’s dua
- Missing the daily wird
- Missing the daily wird
- Mistakes:Past & Present
- Money: Its purpose
- Morals: assessing the achievement
- Mosque property use
- Most Effective Thing for Bringing up Righteous Children
- Most frequent impediments in the path
- Most ignorant!
- Most Superior form of Worship!
- Mother of all spiritual maladies
- Motivation
- Moulana Yunus Patel ra
- Mount Ohud
- Mufti Hanif Jonpuri رحمة الله عليه
- Mujahida e thania: The subsequent struggle
- Mujahida: annoying spouse
- Mujahida: Spiritual struggle is everlasting!
- Mujahidah plus wird
- Mujazeen! Do not take baya or hold a majlis.
- Multazem
- Munasbet
- Munasbet
- Muraqaba
- Muraqaba e duaiya
- Muraqaba e duayia
- Muraqaba e ehsan
- Muraqaba e Ihsan: Developing taqwa
- Muraqaba e maut
- Muraqaba for the afflicted
- Muraqaba: Allah loves me
- Mureedi
- Murid?
- Music
- Muslim mindset!
- Muslim unity
- Muslims in Burma are being killed
- Must read discourse of Hakeemul Ummat ra
- My Designation
- My standing
- My Stay at Darul Uloom
- Myanmar : Khalifa
N (37)
- Naamoos e Risalat
- Nafl: pray at home
- Nafs
- Narcissism
- Nashru-Teyb
- Nawab Eshrat Ali Khan Qaiserرحمۃ اللہ علیہ
- Nearness to Allah SWT
- Need for a Shaikh
- Neither Scholars nor gnostics. We want to be sincere lovers of Allah SWT
- Never argue with parents!
- Never be negligent
- Never lose hope
- New book
- New posts?
- News: Dr Mohammad Sabir ra passes away
- News:Khutbaat Updated & Dua for Mawlana Wali Razi db
- Night of 15th Sha’ban
- Night of 15th Sha’ban Worship
- Night of 15th Sha’ban Worship
- Nikah
- Nisba & Wusul
- Nisbat & Sins
- Nisbat by Dua & Wishful desires
- Nisbet
- Nisbet
- Nisbet is the objective
- No majlis 19/11
- No new state!
- No one loves me!
- Non-beneficial Knowledge
- Not for a moment be inattentive!
- Not having kashaf is fortunate
- Not proper for a Believer to disgrace himself
- Not Recognizing the Blame-worthy Morals Within
- Not to place anyone in unpleasant situation
- Not to punish when angry
- Nuqus o kamal
O (28)
- O Allah, please, save us from Your wrath!
- O spiritual aspirant: Be a mullah!
- Obedience of Messenger صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم
- Obedience to parents
- Obeying the biggest enemy!
- Objective of attending the majalis
- Objective of Masnavi
- Obligations on taking the tareeq
- Observations
- Observing effulgence
- Observing the law
- On Death of the Shaikh!
- On Death of the Sheikh!
- On friends and enemies
- On seeing non-Muslims & non-practicing Muslims
- On seeing non-Muslims & non-practicing Muslims
- Ongoing need of treatment & re-treatment in the spiritual path
- Order of actions in islah
- Ostentation
- Ostentation or not?
- Our Akabir
- Our benefactor: Nafs & Shaytan?
- Our Elders
- Our main battle front!
- Our purpose
- Our Sins
- Our State of affairs
- Outcome of tazkiyah:Excellence in speech and character
P (95)
- Paas anfaas پاس انفاس
- Pakistan election 2018
- Parents’ Approval for Tabligh
- Passing on rewards of good deeds to pious
- Passing on the reward to Akabir
- Path is itself the Goal!
- Path to Allah
- Path to success
- Paying financial dues: A priority!
- Perfect State
- Perfection
- Perfection?
- Perimeters of grief
- Permeation of dhikr
- Permissible & impermissible acts regarding graves of awliya
- Permission
- Permission for dhikr recommended by Sufis
- Permission for dhikr recommended in hadith
- Persistence in daily wird
- Phantom of ijazah
- Photographs of our akabir
- Piety of Imam Bukhari
- Pious Companionship (esp. for the Youth)
- Pious company
- Pious company
- Pious company
- Pious company: How much?
- Piri – muridi: The reality of Tasawwuf Part 1
- Places of acceptance of supplication in Haram
- Plead guilty!
- Plead guilty!
- Please, guide me!
- Please, save your mind!
- Pledge of allegiance
- Polemics
- Post Ramadan effort: preserving the momentum
- Postpone Tablighi excursion
- Power of dua
- Practical hypocrisy
- Practice makes perfect?
- Practicing Medicine فرض کفایہ
- Prayer beads
- Prayers for nisbet
- Praying qaza salah
- Precaution & remaining aloof from disputes
- Precious advice
- Preferences!
- Prelude to excessive remembrance
- Prepare for Ramadhan
- Preparing for Ramadan
- Preparing for Ramadan
- Preparing for Ramadan 1
- Preparing for Ramadan 2
- Preparing for Ramadan 3
- Preparing for Ramadan 4
- Preparing for Ramadan 5
- Preparing for Ramadan 6
- Preparing for Ramadan 7
- Preparing for Ramadan 8
- Preparing for Ramadan 9
- Preparing for Ramadhan
- Prescription for lustful glances
- Prescription for success
- Prescription for wilayat
- Presence of heart while reciting Quran
- Preserving the benefit of the company of pious
- Preserving the Serenity of Qalb
- Presumptuous attitude in this path
- Prevalent sinful activities
- Preventing Miserliness
- Primary concern: self improvement
- Principles of our Mashayekh’s Fiqhi Approach
- Principles of tareeq
- Priorities
- Priorities for a Salik
- Priorities in islah
- Prioritizing
- Priority #1:Making up missed salah
- Priority of islah over bay’a
- Procedure for selecting a shaikh
- Progress
- Progress
- Progress
- Progress: explained
- Progress: The signposts
- Prohibiting a permissible act
- Prophet said, Follow my Sunna
- Proximity of Allah
- Proximity of Allah
- Punctuality & consistency
- Purity of heart
- Purpose of bay’a: Observance of Sunna
- Purpose of ijazet
- Purpose of islahi majlis
- Purpose of Sharia, tariqat & haqiqa
Q (14)
- Q&A: Amal e Qurani and magic
- Qabdh: Spiritual contraction
- Qualities of a murid
- Quality Family Time
- Quality, not quantity
- Questioning the Islahi correspondence
- Question
- Quran recitation & Salaam at graves
- Quran recitation: Mobile vs mushaf
- Quran: daily recitation
- Quran: Dua after recitation
- Quran:marriage
- Qurbani: Increases the love of Prophet
- Qutub e ‘Alam Hadhrat Gangohi ra!
R (165)
- (Rp)The thing to take from The Pious
- Rajab 1434H
- Rajab 1434H
- Ramadan
- Ramadan
- Ramadan 1430 discourses
- Ramadan 1436 : Welcome
- Ramadan 1437
- Ramadan 1438
- Ramadan 1439
- Ramadan 1440
- Ramadan 1442
- Ramadan 1444
- Ramadan al Kareem
- Ramadan is ending
- Ramadan is for actions!
- Ramadan Prep
- Ramadan: daily wird & excessive tilawet
- Ramadhan
- Ramadhan Advice
- Ramadhan al-kareem
- Ramadhan and ta’aluq ma’Allah
- Ramadhan mubarak
- Ramadhan mubarak
- Random thoughts!
- Reading
- Reading & Excessive remembrance of Allah SWT
- Reading books
- Reading classic text without Shaykh’s permission
- Reading Dalail al Khayrat
- Reading habit
- Reading Quran correctly
- Reading Quran daily
- Reading the shajara
- Reading: Be careful
- Reading: essential for a salik
- Real karamah of Shaykh
- Real keramat
- Real Kindness for Fellow Brothers
- Real Message of Seerah
- Real patience:safety from grief
- Real remembrance of death!
- Real thirst
- Reality of being religious
- Reality of Deen: Concern for Hereafter
- Reality of love
- Reality of qurb!
- Reality of repentance
- Reality of Tareeq
- Reality of Tasawwuf
- Reality of Tasawwuf
- Reality of Tasawwuf: Sunna
- Reason for delay in effective islah
- Reason for not benefitting from khanqah!
- Reasons for changing tariqa
- Reasons for not developing love of Allah!
- Reasons for not recognizing the pious!
- Recipe for success
- Recitation for the removal of hardship!
- Recitation in hardship
- Recitation of Holy Quran
- Recitation of Holy Quran & experiencing pleasures
- Recitation of Quran in salah!
- Recitation vs supplication
- Recitations after salah
- Recite durood
- Recognize your deficencies!
- Recognizing the Importance of Time
- Red Flags
- Reflections on Hajj
- Refuge from calamities
- Refuting Orientalist
- Regarding sihr (black magic)
- Regarding Tablighi Jamat
- Regarding the initial takbeer of salah
- Relationship with Allah Post-Ramadan
- Reliance on Allah
- Religious arguments
- Religious polemics
- Remedies for spiritual ailments
- Remedy for missing the daily wird
- Remedy for Sins of eyesight
- Remedy for suspicion
- Remembering Death
- Remembrance
- Remembrance
- Remembrance
- Remembrance of Allah
- Remembrance of Allah
- Remembrance of Allah
- Remembrance of death
- Remembrance of the Past is a Veil
- Reminder
- Reminder
- Reminder
- Reminder to returning Pilgrims!
- Reminder: Allah is watching me!
- Reminder:Parents & relatives!
- Reminding myself constantly!
- Remorse
- Remorse: A milestone
- Renewal of bayiah
- Repelling arrogance with thankfulness
- Repent immediately
- Repent now. Do NOT delay!
- Repentance
- Repentance
- Repentance
- Repentance
- Repentance
- Repentance
- Repentance
- Repentance & Sins: Repent again
- Repentance at predawn
- Repentance in Ramadan is essential
- Repentance: It is now!
- Repentance: The First Condition
- Repentance: The first step!
- Repentance: The Second Condition
- Repentance: The Third Condition
- Repugnance from sins!
- Request
- Request for dua
- Request for dua
- Request for dua
- Request for dua
- Request for dua & esal e thawab
- Request for Dua & esal e thawab
- Request for dua & esal-e-thawab
- Request for dua!
- Request for esal e thawab
- Request for esal e thawab
- Request for esal-e-thawab
- Requisites in tareeq
- Respect all human beings
- Respect for the ‘other side’
- Respected readers!
- Responsible Thinking!
- Restricting dietary intake
- Results of involvement in useless activities
- Reveal the diseases to the Shaykh
- Reverence for the Scholars
- Reverence of Sheikh
- Reward of affliction
- Reward of worship
- Right of the Shaykh
- Rights & We Muslims
- Rights of Fellow human beings!
- Rights of kuffar
- Rights of Shaikh
- Rights of Shaykh
- Riya in Prayers at Mosque
- Riya?
- Robbers of sincerity
- Robbers of the path & safeguard from them
- Ruining the Heart via Tongue & Eyes
- Ruining the Heart via Tongue & Eyes
- Rule #1كل حقيقة ردتهاالشريعة فهى زندقة
- Rule for stating the truth (haq)!
- Rules for the Shaikh
- Rules regarding unveilings & ilham
- Ruminating about past
- Rusty Heart
- Rx:Ogle
S (288)
- Safeguard from disaster
- Safeguarding dunya & deen!
- Safety from Hypcrisy
- Safety from Hypocrisy
- Safety from Hypocrisy
- Sahib e nisbet?
- Salafi advice
- Salah in car
- Salah in congregation
- Salah with congregation
- Salat e janaza
- Salat ut Tasbih
- Salatul Hajjat
- Salik
- Salik
- Salik’s First Step
- Salik’s mistake
- Salik’s social relationships
- Salik’s Unlimited progress
- Sama’ a
- Sama’ is not qawwali
- Saudi Arabia asks pilgrims to postpone Hajj this year
- Saving everyone from Hell-fire
- Savings
- Say Ameen!
- Say Ameen!
- Sayyid Anwar al-Husayn Nafis Shah (rh) Returns to Allah
- Sayyidi’s khalifa in Iran
- Sayyidi’s Ramadhan Advice from Haram
- Schematic diagram of Tasawwuf
- Search for Shaykh
- Searching for a Shaikh
- Seclusion
- Seclusion
- Seclusion from social media
- Second Shaikh
- Secret of Repetition
- Secret of Repetition
- Secret of repitition
- Seeing the Prophet of Allah in a Dream
- Seeing the useless
- Seeker’s affliction
- Seekers of today!
- Seeker’s tasks
- Seeking knowledge
- Seeking religious knowledge
- Seeking repentance
- Self delusion
- Sense of self grandeur
- Separate living after marriage
- Serenity of heart
- Serve parents
- Serving mother-in-law
- Serving parents on Hajj
- Serving: The 3 conditions
- Setting Priorities
- Setting priorities
- Sexual desires: control them
- Shaikh & murid:Perfectness
- Shaikh al Hadith’s autograph
- Shaikh’s dua
- Shaikh’s memoirs: Aap beeti
- Shaikh-murid relationship
- Shaikh: Flattery doesn’t count
- Shaikh: image problem
- Shajara: a special benefit of its recitation
- Sharia, tariqa & haqiqa
- Shariah & tariqat
- Shariah always reigns
- Shariah, Tariqa & Haqiqa: a similitude
- Shaykh
- Shaykh db’s South India Tour bayyanat
- Shaykh e Kamil
- Shaykh in Jeddah (Latest)
- Shaykh on Hajj
- Shaykh’s Anger
- Shaykh’s job
- Shaykh’s karama
- Shaykh’s wird
- Sheikh! I have nothing new to tell you.
- Sheikh’s dua & Mureed’s work
- Sheikh’s love, reverence and spiritual congeniality
- Sheikh’s Style
- Sheikh-Mureed Relationship
- Sheikh-mureed Relationship
- Sheikh-Mureed Relationship: Practicality
- Sheikh’s adab & respect
- Sheikh’s censuring
- Shogal e unhad/شغل انحد
- Shopping in Medinah
- Show-off
- Showing off
- Shrewd & peaceful
- Shukr: appreciate the blessings & be thankful
- Shukur
- Shyness and humility
- Sidi wa Sanadi db
- Sidi wa Sanadi db’s Majlis
- Sidiq more important than Ikhlas
- Sign of ‘love of status’
- Sign of a rejected salik!
- Sign of Acceptability from Allah SWT
- Sign of acceptance
- Sign of accepted Hajj
- Sign of Allah’s displeasure
- Sign of Allah’s love
- Sign of Allah’s love!
- Sign of Allah’s turning away
- Sign of concern for accountability in front of Allah
- Sign of effective islah!
- Sign of having acquired ihsaan
- Sign of spiritual benefit
- Signs of Allah’s wrath!
- Signs of annihilation
- Signs of arrogance
- Signs of being ‘sahib e nisbet’
- Signs of false sufis
- Signs of humility
- Signs of love of Allah
- Signs of marifah:humility and servitude
- Signs of nisba
- Signs of opening of heart
- Signs of sincerity
- Signs of sincerity
- Signs of Sincerity
- Signs of special relationship with Allah
- Signs of Spiritual infliction & depravity
- Signs of Spiritual Puberty
- Signs of Success
- Sijdah of every moment!
- Silence
- Silence
- Silence
- Silence and solitude
- Silence is golden
- Similitude of Bid’at/Innovation
- Sin
- Sin or rebellion
- Sin or Rebellion?
- Sincerity
- Sincerity
- Sincerity & Durood
- Sincerity – less: Shaykh & mureed fall
- Sincerity in actions
- Sincerity: Abandon ostentation & shirk
- Sins of eyes may lead to disbelief
- Sins: a plea for safeguard
- Sins: Dreadful
- Sins: How to give up?
- Site security breached
- Slip of penitent
- Slips of the sincere
- Smypathy & kindness for sinful
- Social interaction: The Principles & applications
- Social-distancing: Self imposed Seclusion
- Socializing
- Sohbet e Sheikh
- Solitude/Khalwat
- Some Contemporary Shuyukh (updated Nov’07)
- Some sections of Tasawwuf are dangerous!
- Sorrow: Treatment
- Sparing time for islah
- Special Dua!
- Speech & Writing, Reflect the Inner states
- Speech of heart.
- Speech of the lover!
- Spiritual benefit (faiz)
- Spiritual benefit from pious: How?
- Spiritual Company of Shaikh
- Spiritual constriction(Qabd): signs, symptoms, causes & treatment
- Spiritual discipline
- Spiritual Diseases: The Rule of Thumb
- Spiritual graduation and awareness of deficencies
- Spiritual involvement
- Spiritual involvement
- Spiritual maladies ruin all worship!
- Spiritual Progress
- Spiritual progress
- Spiritual Progress
- Spiritual progress
- Spiritual progress
- Spiritual progress is not by listening & reading about Tasawwuf
- Spiritual Progress
- Spiritual Proximity (qurb)
- Spiritual Puberty
- Spiritual recession
- Spiritual reformation
- Spiritual tinnitus?
- Spiritual workout
- Spiritually beneficial topics?
- Stages of remembrances & lataif
- Starting Islah
- State of Terrorism
- Stations and states
- Status of one’s Shaikh
- Status of our deeds
- Status of sufi traditions
- Stay away from sinful
- Staying focused
- Staying in Sheikh’s heart!
- Staying Spiritually Healthy
- Steadfastness
- Steps to selecting a Shaikh
- Steps to success
- Stop indulging in sin!
- Stop watering it!
- Strange Behavior
- Strategy and goal of tareeq
- Stray Thoughts
- Strongest Impediment in Sulook
- Students and bayaih
- Studying Quranic tafsir
- Success in sulook: Not achieving anything!
- Sufi dhikr
- Sufi litanies
- Sufi sama’
- Sufi Speech
- Sufi’s piety
- Suhba of books, magazines, newspaper & internet
- Suhba of Shaikh & correspondence
- Suhba of the pious: Lessons
- Suhba to avoid
- Suhba: One of the benefits
- Suhbat-e-Sheikh
- Suhba
- Sulook
- Sulook
- Suluk
- Summation of our tareeq!
- Summum bonum
- Sunna & fardh
- Sunna 1
- Sunna 10
- Sunna 11
- Sunna 12
- Sunna 13
- Sunna 14
- Sunna 15
- Sunna 16
- Sunna 17
- Sunna 18
- Sunna 19
- Sunna 20
- Sunna 21
- Sunna 22
- Sunna 23
- Sunna 24
- Sunna 25
- Sunna 26
- Sunna 27
- Sunna 28
- Sunna 29
- Sunna 2: Clothing
- Sunna 3
- Sunna 30
- Sunna 31
- Sunna 32
- Sunna 33
- Sunna 34
- Sunna 35
- Sunna 36
- Sunna 4
- Sunna 5
- Sunna 6
- Sunna 7
- Sunna 8
- Sunna 9
- Sunna = Spiritual realisation
- Sunna of washing hands prior to eating
- Sunna prior to Fajr salah
- Sunna supplications
- Sunna: Criterion for Allah’s proximity
- Sunna: Don’t disregard it
- Sunna: Leaving it leads to gaflah
- Sunna: Loving the Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ و الہ وسلم
- Sunna: The criterion
- Sunnah of Friday
- Supplicate for true yearning
- Supplicating for the philanthropist
- Supplication:مخ العبادة
- Supplications
- Supplications
- Supporting son/brother-in-law
- Supremacy of Shariah
- Suspicion of arrogance
- Suspicion: The biggest lie!
- Sweetness of faith
- Switch it off yourself
T (298)
- The definition of a sufi
- Tabarrukh
- Tabligh
- Tackling eccentric opinions
- Tafweedh
- Tafwidh
- Tahajjud
- Tahajjud
- Tahajjud
- Tahajjud
- Tahajjud prayers
- Tahajjud prayers
- Tahajjud Salah
- Tajdeed e Baiyet
- Tajweed
- Tajweed
- Tajweed
- Tajweedi Quran
- Takbir e tashreeq
- Taking sides
- Taleb/True Desire
- Talfiq: Permissible & impermissible
- Talk with Allah
- Taqlid shakhsi
- Taqwa
- Taqwa & Marriage
- Taqwa and remembrance of Allah
- Taqwa increases wife’s love!
- Taqwa leads to increasing love of spouse
- Tarbiyah
- Tarbiyah
- Tarbiyah with affection
- Tarbiyah: No familial succession in deen!
- Tarbiyah:The way to shakehand
- Tarbiyet
- Tarbiyet: A wife’s complaint
- Tarbiyyah at khanqah
- Tariqah
- Tasawwuf
- Tasawwuf
- Tasawwuf
- Tasawwuf
- Tasawwuf
- Tasawwuf summarized
- Tasawwuf & art of Tasawwuf
- Tasawwuf algorithm
- Tasawwuf is Systematic & Structured
- Tasawwuf is totally subservient to Quran and Sunna
- Tasawwuf: Akabir vs us!
- Tasawwuf: Ashrafiya Approach 2
- Tasawwuf: Beware of pretenders and astray
- Tasawwuf: Fistful beard & trousers above ankles
- Tasawwuf: Its purpose
- Tasawwuf: The rennovations!
- Tasawwuf: Types
- Tasawwuf: very basic texts
- Tasawwuf: فرض عین
- Tasawwur e Haqq
- Tasawwur e Shaikh: Ashrafiya Approach 1
- Tasbeeh/Misbaha
- Tastefulness of “Ilm
- Taunts, allegations & name calling
- Tawassul
- Tawheed: an essential station
- Tazkiyah & Tabligh
- Tazkiyah is an obligation
- Tea & sulook
- Teacher & student
- Teaching by example
- Teaching by example
- Teaching Etiquettes
- Teaching of the Awliya!
- Teachings of Awliya
- Telephone consultation for islah
- Termination of islahi ta’luq
- Testing our Ikhlaq
- Thanawi sulook
- Thankfulness
- Thankfulness
- Thankfulness
- Thankfulness: Shuker
- The ‘elite’ Sufis
- The absolute following of the Shaykh
- The Accepted Whispers/Munajat-e-Maqbul
- The adab
- The adab of the path
- The aim and spirit of awrād
- The art of giving a gift
- The Ashrafiya hallmark
- The bane of media outlets!
- The best
- The best gift: Supplications
- The best of both the worlds
- The blockades in sulook – 1
- The calamity of our era!
- The Companionship to be avoided
- The company of pious
- The company of the pious
- The condition that the Beloved has placed me in is the best condition for me indeed
- The criteria for a wali!
- The Criteria when selecting a Sheikh
- The curriculum of Tasawwuf
- The daily wird
- The daily wird & Sunna!
- The daily wird & Sunna!
- The desire of being Imam
- The difference between the state of a salik and non-salik
- The differences
- The Divine Grace
- The Divine prescription for loss
- The ease & comfort in religious works
- The epidemic!
- The essential effects of ignorance
- The essential instructions for mureed
- The Essential Migration
- The extreme loss of Ummah
- The fear of becoming pious
- The final abode
- The first 10 days of Zil-Hajj
- The First Instruction
- The first step
- The first step
- The first ten days of Zulhijjah
- The four deadly morals
- The four worst sins in Shariah
- The fundamental principles
- The gift of mi’raj
- The gist of Tasawwuf
- The Goal
- The goal of path
- The gold standard
- The gold standard!
- The hierarchy
- The house of praise
- The household members & Companions of Prophet
- The immediate reward of good & penalty of sin
- The Islahi Correspondence between Mureed & Sheikh
- The levels of Relationship with the Sheikh
- The levels of Relationship with the Sheikh
- The life history of sin
- The Loss
- The Lost Art of Dying
- The love & company of awliya
- The mercy of Allah for vanished graves
- The mosque of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
- The most difficult task!
- The most important nasiha!
- The most important thing to do in Ramadhan
- The most superior karamet
- The new masa’a extention
- The Noble Qur’an
- The Noor
- The objective
- The objective
- The objective of sulook
- The objective of tasawwuf
- The obstacles to ta’aluq ma’Allah
- The path
- The path to perfection ………
- The permissible mawlid
- The pleasure of intimate conversation
- The present moment!
- The Prophetic advice
- The purpose of Tasawwuf
- The qualities of disciple after Shaikh’s demise
- The real achievement
- The real achievement: Leaving sinful!
- The real benefit of suhba!
- The Real Humility
- The Real Humility
- The Real Joy of Eid
- The real karama
- The Real Karamat!
- The Real Objective & Goal
- The real task!
- The real thankfulness
- The reality of following the Sunna!
- The Reality of Jihad
- The reason for not benefiting in tariq!
- The reason for our poor state
- The requisite love of Allah
- The Rights of fellow humans!
- The rights of Prophethood
- The Sacred Relics: Significance
- The sama’
- The sequence of events in sulook
- The Shaykh:Tawheed e matlub
- The Sheikh
- The Sheikh: Revisited
- The signs of good overcoming the evil
- The soul of worship
- The spiritual light
- The Spiritual Struggle
- The stages of nafs: Nafs e mulhimah / part 3
- The stages of tawassuf
- The stages of the nafs: Nafs al ammara part 1
- The stages of the nafs: Nafs al Lawwamah / part 2
- The States of the Heart
- The struggle
- The sulook ‘tip’
- The Sultan!
- The Takbeerat of Tashriq
- The tarbiyah!
- The thing to do now in EMERGENCY!
- The thing to take from The Sheikh
- The three essentials
- The timing of daily mamoolaat
- The tricks of Shaytaan
- The True Sign of Perfection
- The two most prevalent sins!
- The two wings of Tabligh
- The use of nur of good deeds!
- The veil
- The weakest and the most powerful individual
- The worldly that is not blame-worthy!
- Things that benefit the dead
- Things that Change dust to Gold
- Things that soften the hard-heart
- Things to avoid in close relationships
- Things to do After Ramadan
- Things to do in lockdown
- Things to do lifelong
- Things to do prior to Ramadhan
- Things to do when angry
- Things to look for in a Son-in-law
- Thinking of Allah in sky?
- This is Sulook
- This path: diving for pearls
- Those at loss in middle Night of Sha’ban
- Those at loss in middle Night of Sha’ban
- Those at loss on the night of 15th Sha’ban
- Three basic rights of every Muslim
- Three things to do on hearing something beneficial
- Time : used or wasted
- Time a blessing!
- Time management
- Time management
- Time management
- Time management
- Time management tip
- Time Management!
- Time to serve!
- Tip
- Tip for acquiring humility
- Tip for Best Marital Relationship
- Tip for success
- Tip for success: persistence
- Tip for waking up for Tahajjud
- Tip on adding something new to our daily routine
- Tip on adding something new to your routine
- Tip regarding household finances
- Tip to avoid a burnout!
- Tip to avoid burnout
- Tip: Repentance from disobedience
- Tips for islah
- Tips for personal finances
- Tips for waking up early!
- Tips for waking up early!
- Tips to Alleviate Hardships
- Tips to Alleviate Hardships
- To do!
- To increase marital love
- Topic of islahi talks?
- Touching non-mehram female
- Trace the footsteps of elders!
- Travelling tips
- Treatment for arrogance
- Treatment for back biting
- Treatment for being negligent
- Treatment for complaining
- Treatment for hurtful words
- Treatment for Pornography Addiction
- Treatment for talking too much
- Treatment for useless speech
- Treatment of a sin
- Treatment of anger and boredom
- Treatment of arrogance in belief & practice.
- Treatment of extreme grief
- Treatment of skepticism
- Treatment of unintentional thoughts
- Treatment of worrisome random thoughts
- Trials: sabr o radha
- True Desire (Taleb)
- True knowledge
- True Muslim
- True remembrance
- True yearning or wishful desire
- Truthfulness & sincerity
- Trying to Correct Others!
- Turn to Allah
- Turn to Allah
- Turning to Allah SWT: The creeps
- Two rakat prior to maghrib salah
- Two rules of success
- Two Steps to Success
- Two types of Sufis
- “The Rules of Ramadan” by Mufti Muhammad Shafi Usmani (ra) – PDF available for download
U (39)
- ‘Ujub-Self admiration
- ‘Umrah in the month of Rajab
- Ubudiyet?
- Ujub: My effort & actions!
- UK Tour 2018: Sayyidi Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani db
- UK Tour June 2013
- Ulama and Molvi need Islah
- Ummah of Prophet Muhammad
- Understanding of Deen
- Understanding the Ashrafiya path
- Understanding the concept of bid’ah
- Unfulfilled Rights of others
- Unhealthy concern
- Unintentional bad thoughts: Reason & Treatment
- Unity
- Unromantic spouse
- Unsuccessful effort
- Unveilings & other paranormal happenings
- Upbringing Muslim Children
- Upbringing Muslim Children
- Update: Memoirs translation
- Updated
- Uprooting arrogance
- Urdu Ashrafiya
- Use of Allah swt’s Love
- Use your will power!
- Useful Counsel
- Useful knowledge
- Useful knowledge
- Useful Obnoxious Talk!
- Useless knowledge & pride
- Useless questions:kibr
- Useless reflection
- Using a dining table
- Using Time appropriately
- Using Time Appropriately (Part 1)
- Using Time Appropriately (Part 2)
- Utilize time effectively
- Utilizing time appropriately
V (14)
- Vacation: How to spend it?
- Valid reason not to fast
- Value time
- Value time
- Veils to certitude
- Vigilant dervish
- Vision of the Prophet
- Vision of the Prophet
- Visiting many Shuyukh!
- Visiting other Shuyukh
- Visiting the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
- Visiting various shuyukh
- Visitors to Haramain, please, heed!
- Vigilance of a seeker
W (94)
- Wahabi-ish?
- Wahadat al wujud:Trying to understand it
- Wahdat al-Wujud, Wahdat al-Shuhud and the Safest Position
- Wali’s limits
- Walk gently, do not run!
- Warning regarding Sufism
- Wasting time
- Watching Obscenity on Internet
- Watching Television
- Watching Television
- Watchout for the demand of the moment
- Way to correct others
- Way to islah
- Wazdhifa / incantations to give up bad habits
- Wazifa!
- We are ‘abd
- We Muslims!
- Wedding advice
- Weekly gathering
- Weekly majlis
- Weekly majlis
- Weekly majlis: restarts
- Weekly majlis: Time change
- Welcome Ramadan
- What is ‘husun e khulq’?
- What is deen?
- What is Dunya?
- What is husun al-khuluq?
- What is husun e ikhlaq? How to acquire it?
- What is islah & how is it done?
- What is kibr?
- What is love?
- What is Mujahida?
- What is NOT Tasawwuf?
- What is Tasawwuf?
- What is Tasawwuf?
- What is Tasawwuf?
- What is Tasawwuf?
- What to ask Shaykh?
- What to do & don’t in Ramadhan?
- What to do in free time?
- What to do in this hopelessness?
- What to do when consultation with Shaikh is not possible?
- What to do when in Sheikh’s majlis?
- What to do?
- What to look for in a Shaikh?
- What to tell the Shaykh?
- What will the People Say!
- When in Medinah e Munawwarah
- When in trouble
- When in trouble?
- When reading the Spiritual discourse
- When to make baya’?
- When to repent & start good actions?
- When will the Qiyamah (Apocalypse) be?
- Which step have you reached today?
- Who are the righteous?
- Who is a disciple?
- Who is a sufi?
- Who is Pious?
- Who should we get our Daughter/son Married to?
- Whole Deen, Not Partial Deen
- Whom to consult
- Whom to follow?
- Whom to love and accompany?
- Why dhikr alone isn’t sufficient to give up sins?
- Why focus on Contemporary or recent-past Shuyukh?
- Why recent pious?
- Why zikir?
- Wife!
- Wife’s requests
- Wife’s monthly Stipend
- Wife’s monthly Stipend
- Wilayet: prescription
- Wird & Multitasking
- Wird & Multitasking
- Wird vs clear dealings vs good morals
- Wird: تارک الورد ملعون
- Wishful desires
- Wishing non-Muslims on their religious holidays
- Witr with congregation in Haramain
- Women’s Islah
- Women’s’ bayiah
- Words of wisdom
- Worship
- Worship
- Worship & Love
- Worship on 15th of Sha’ban
- Worship, spirituality & buzurgi
- Writing blame worthy morals to shaykh
- Writing everything to shaykh
- Wudhu:wasting water
- Wusool/”Union”?
- Wusul and rejection
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